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科技的创新表达——La Ola创新中心第1张图片

La Ola Innovation Center / PDG - Pata de Gallo


Danec创新中心“La Ola”不仅仅是工作场所,更是创新的表达,从人们的同步视觉来说,有可能做到的是将这样的概念统一起来,即呈现凝聚和统一的矛盾对立性。

Text description provided by the architects. The Danec Innovation Center, "La Ola", is more than a workplace; it is an expression of innovation. Simultaneous Vision: From our simultaneous vision, it is possible to integrate concepts that may appear contradictory with cohesion and unity.

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“La Ola”拥有如下特征:简洁与优雅、灵活与高效、工业与热情、传统与创新、技术与工艺。这种具有颇有见解的策略引导了设计的各个方面,其中既包含了材料的选择,也包含了空间的分配。

"La Ola" can be characterized in various ways: (1) simple and elegant, (2) flexible and efficient, (3) industrial and welcoming, (4) tradition and innovation, (5) technology and craftsmanship. This visionary approach guided every aspect of the design, from the choice of materials to the distribution of space.

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该项目以适应性为前提,“La Ola”的本质在于中心思想,即通过弯曲结构而覆盖的玻璃体量,这种选择不仅仅具有审美特征,还呼应当地的适应性,呼应了不可预测的天气状况。

Adaptability as a premise. The essence of "La Ola" resides in a central core: a glass volume covered by a curved structure that emulates the forms of the sea. This choice is not merely aesthetic; it supports the adaptability of the place and its protection against unpredictable weather.

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起伏的结构是建筑师对于各项信息的构思成果,其中包含沉浸式讨论、计算模型,以及以计算机为基础的模拟分析,La Ola的形态是所有数据的表达,建筑师将信息转化为了建筑的维度。

An [in]formed project. The undulating structure is the tangible result of our approach to information, which encompasses participatory workshops, computational modeling, and computer-based simulation analysis. The shape of La Ola is the result of all the data collected during the design process, turning information into an additional dimension of architecture.

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An innovative cover. The main feature of this project is the steel cover, coated with poly aluminum sheets (recycled tetraPak) and polycarbonate, with a customized pattern. These materials were selected not only for their aesthetics but also for their physical properties: they provide excellent thermal insulation and dampen the sound of rain. The unique patterns create a dynamic play of light and shadow that evokes the tranquility of the sea, even on rainy days.

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Facing engineering challenges. The construction of the curved cover posed a significant challenge. It required a design-to-production process involving a series of prototypes. An innovative solution emerged: the individual sheets were strategically placed diagonally to ensure efficient water drainage and a perfect adaptation to the unique shape of the cover. This approach underwent rigorous testing within a 1:1 scale section of the building, which ultimately demonstrated its effectiveness.

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“La Ola”的室内空间也呼应了外部的适应性,空间可以转化为三个、两个,甚至是独立的房间,呼应使用者的不同需求,室内的家具也能够经过重新调配满足当下的使用。

Interior Versatility. Internally, "La Ola" reflects the same exterior adaptability. The container can be transformed into three, two, or even a single room, responding to the changing needs of users. The meticulously designed interior comprises furniture that can be easily reconfigured to meet changing usage demands.

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这是一种全新的工作空间,这个创新中心通过促进协作力与创造性,重新定义了传统办公空间,它表达了厄瓜多尔Sangolqui的变革浪潮,在这里设计与适应性相互融合,La Ola创新中心也成为了人们的愿望象征,给生活带来了无限的创新希望。

A new paradigm of workspace. The Innovation Center redefines the conventional office by fostering collaboration and creativity. It embodies a wave of change in Sangolqui, Ecuador, where design and adaptability converge. "La Ola" personifies our simultaneous vision, bringing to life a space where innovation knows no limits.

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建筑设计:PDG - Pata de Gallo
面积:320 m²
摄影:Andrés Villota
主创建筑师:Michel Dreyer, Renato Avila
合作方:Salomé Ordoñez, María Cristina Torres
平面设计:Camila Cruz Miranda
施工:Studio 10
景观设计:Maria Elena Perez, Pedro Kingman
结构工程:Telmo Vanegas
电力工程:Roberto Moncayo
水利工程:Gonzalo Zuquillo

Architects: PDG - Pata de Gallo
Area: 320 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs:Andrés Villota
Manufacturers:  Ecuaplastics
Lead Architect: Michel Dreyer, Renato Avila
Collaborators: Salomé Ordoñez, María Cristina Torres
Graphic Design: Camila Cruz Miranda
Construction: Studio 10
Landscape Design: Maria Elena Perez, Pedro Kingman
Estructural Engineering: Telmo Vanegas
Electrical Engineering: Roberto Moncayo
Hydroelectric Engineering: Gonzalo Zuquillo
City: Sangolquí
Country: Ecuador




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