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这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第1张图片

Eclipse 园区 / UNStudio + HPP Architects
Eclipse Campus / UNStudio + HPP Architects


Eclipse 是一座新型的垂直工作园区,位于杜塞尔多夫的肯尼迪达姆(Kennedydamm),是德国普华永道审计和咨询公司的所在地。这座高度可持续的园区由 UNStudio 和德国 HPP 建筑事务所合作设计,并由 HPP 建筑事务所负责实施。园区设计的主要目标是为当今人才提供富有灵感和吸引力的工作环境,从而促进互动和激发创造力。这座 60 米高的建筑拥有约 27,000 平方米的采光充足的现代办公空间,包含了1,200 个工作场所。此外,16 层高的内部空间设有不同的交流和体验区,充满活力的中庭则构成了大楼的主体,垂直园区的总体设计理念是通透,同时面向周边社区呈现开放的姿态。

Text description provided by the architects. Designed for die developers, Eclipse is a new vertical work campus located on Kennedydamm in Dusseldorf and home to the auditing and consulting firm PwC Germany. The highly sustainable campus was designed in a collaboration between UNStudio and German architecture firm HPP Architects and was realized by HPP Architects. The main goal of the design for the campus is to foster interaction and inspire creativity by providing an inspirational and attractive work environment for today’s talent. The 60-meter high building offers approx. 27,000 m2 of light-flooded, contemporary office space with approx. 1,200 workplaces. In addition, the interior, which spans 16 stories, houses inspiring communication and experience areas, while lively atria form the communicative backbone of the building. The overall vision for this vertical campus is one of transparency and an open gesture toward the surrounding neighbourhood.

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第2张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第3张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第4张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第5张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第6张图片

塔楼按照场地形状设计,平面呈三角形,位于两层裙楼之上,地下两层提供服务出入、送货、 455 辆车的停车场以及 200 个车位的自行车库。Eclipse全景外立面与场地巧妙融合,北立面与肯尼迪达姆大街平行,与通往杜塞尔多夫市中心的主干道保持一致,而南立面则与邻近的希尔顿酒店保持一致,裙楼及其屋顶花园与邻近建筑的低层部分直接相连。入口处的对角线后退设计进一步强化了入口空间,外立面不透和透明部分的对比更加突出了这一入口。塔楼悬臂的顶端高出车道约11米,看似漂浮的塔楼体量由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑。

The tower follows the shape of the site with a triangular floor plan and stands on a two-story podium, while two basement levels provide the service entrance, delivery, parking for 455 vehicles, and a 200-space bicycle storage. 360-degree facade, With its 360-degree facade, Eclipse is thoughtfully integrated with the existing site: the northern-facing facades are placed parallel to Kennedydamm in order to align with the main route to the center of Düsseldorf, while the southern face is aligned with the neighboring Hilton Hotel. The podium building, with its accessible rooftop garden, is directly connected with the lower section of this neighboring building. Both the Eclipse Tower and the Hilton Hotel frame the rooftop garden and the main entrance to Eclipse. This entrance is further accentuated with a diagonally framed setback that is accentuated by contrasting opaque and transparent portions of the facade. To emphasize the main entrance and to distinguish the volumes of the podium and the tower, the tip of the tower cantilevers is approximately 11m above the driveway. The seemingly floating tower volume is supported by a three-dimensional V-shaped column.

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第7张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第8张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第9张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第10张图片



Entering the building is a smooth transition from outside to an inviting interior lobby, meeting facilities, and a restaurant area. Here, a centrally located skylight provides generous daylight and allows for vertical views of the southern part of the tower facade.  The principle of the main entrance is repeated on the southern facade, in order to connect the lobby with the outdoor conference terrace on the other side of the podium.
3-dimensional helix. The backbone of the vertical campus, in terms of its spatial organization and physical connection of programs, is a three-dimensional helix.

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第11张图片


A series of interior atrium spaces spiral upwards along the facade of the building. This connects various office programs and culminates in a panoramic roof garden, which can be used for social events. In contrast to the regular grid of typical facades, the helix structure and its effect of clustering programs vertically is made visible from the outside. Large-scale and plain facade portions pronounce the volumes of the atria programs to the outside. As such, a higher degree of transparency in the facades renders the position, scale, and activity level of the programs behind readable from the outside, while from inside out, the atrium facades frame scenic views of the surrounding city.

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第12张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第13张图片


Flexible organization. In the organization of the individual floor plans, the atrium spaces form important destinations for special programs, connection, and orientation. In addition to the provision of individual workspaces throughout, the atria hosts collaborative, informal working spaces and breakout areas for encounters, meetings, and coffee breaks. The individual offices have excellent daylight access and are highly flexible. They are designed to allow for adaptation into landscape offices, cell offices, or a mix thereof. Here, focussed, specialized, undisrupted, and eventually confidential work routines are supported. As a complementary strategy, the atrium spaces introduce the idea of a vertical campus of connection, collaboration, and communication. The intention here is to combine the rationality of office efficiency with a social surplus, making the work environment social, meaningful, and healthy for all employees.

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第14张图片

可持续性。除了在设计中采取被动式可持续发展措施外,Eclipse 还将配备“智能引擎”技术。该技术由管理各种功能的传感器控制,日光、人工照明和房间通风都由感应来控制。这一切得益于2000个传感器,它们实时收集数据并传输给“智能引擎”。因此,这样规模的建筑每年可减少多达200 吨的二氧化碳排放量,使得 Eclipse 成为一座特别具有可持续性的办公建筑。大楼还设有 200 多个自行车停车位和电动汽车充电站,为未来的城市交通做出了贡献。内部空间交替使用,既有集中办公的单元式办公室,也有作为会议场所的休闲区。布局灵活且可逆,因此可以满足未来的需求。Eclipse 不仅计划获得 DGNB 白金认证,还计划获得 DGNB 钻石认证——这是对设计和建筑质量的最高认可。

Sustainability. In addition to the passive sustainable measures undertaken in the design, Eclipse will be equipped with ‘smart engine’ technology. The technology is controlled by sensors that manage a variety of functions. Daylight, artificial light, and room ventilation are all controlled by individual human presence. This is made possible by 2,000 sensors that collect data in real-time and transmit it to the ©smartengine. As a result, up to 200 tonnes of CO2 savings per year can be achieved in a building of this size, which makes Eclipse a particularly sustainable office building. With over 200 parking spaces for bicycles and charging stations for e-cars, the building also contributes to the urban mobility of the future. The interior spaces alternate between concentrated work in cellular offices, while recreation zones function as meeting places. The layouts are flexible and reversible and as such can respond to future requirements. For Eclipse, not only a DGNB Platinum certification is planned, but also DGNB Diamond: the highest recognition for design and building culture quality.

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第15张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第16张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第17张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第18张图片

这座塔楼11米长的悬臂由一根立体的 V 型柱支撑,制造出漂浮的感觉第19张图片

建筑设计:HPP Architects, UNStudio
摄影:H.G. Esch
结构工程:Nagaraj Ingenieure
Un Studio团队:Ben van Berkel, Andreas Bogenschütz, Christian Veddeler, Stefano Capranico, Pietro Scarpa, Hossam Badr, Elli Athanasiadou, Yutan Sun, Yuting Qian
高级主管合伙人:Gerhard G. Feldmeyer
项目管理:Matthias Faber, Christoph Ebert
室内设计:Anika Hülser, Ilenia Martino
HPP 团队:Stephan Heimann, Christian Bergmann, Jingnan Pan, Benjamin Rösgen, Bärbel Walger, Oliver Wilms
客户:die developer Projektentwicklung GmbH
设计: UNStudio, HPP Architects
立面顾问:AMP Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
建筑技术:Intecplan GmbH
建筑防火:Corall Ingenieure GmbH

Architects: HPP Architects, UNStudio
Year: 2023
Photographs:H.G. Esch
Structural Engineer: Nagaraj Ingenieure
Un Studio Team: Ben van Berkel, Andreas Bogenschütz, Christian Veddeler, Stefano Capranico, Pietro Scarpa, Hossam Badr, Elli Athanasiadou, Yutan Sun, Yuting Qian
Senior Partner In Charge: Gerhard G. Feldmeyer
Project Management: Matthias Faber, Christoph Ebert
Interior Design: Anika Hülser, Ilenia Martino
Hpp Team: Stephan Heimann, Christian Bergmann, Jingnan Pan, Benjamin Rösgen, Bärbel Walger, Oliver Wilms
Client: die developer Projektentwicklung GmbH
Design Phase: UNStudio, HPP Architects
Realization: HPP Architects
Facade Consultant: AMP Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Building Technology: Intecplan GmbH
Fire Protection: Corall Ingenieure GmbH
City: Düsseldorf
Country: Germany




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