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破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第1张图片
▲ 改造后建筑
The renovated building


Hangzhou Daye Lane No. 5 Building was originally a termite control center in Hangzhou, adjacent to an automobile maintenance market,the environment is messy. Due to its age, the original building could not meet the needs of modern use and Safety requirement. The original relationship between the building and the city was weak, like a forgotten corner that needed to be awakened. There were three remaining buildings on the site: a two-story office building and two support houses for logistics, with a few large trees and wildly growing plants.

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第2张图片
▲ 建筑主入口鸟瞰角度
Bird's-eye view of the building's main entrance

requirement:achieve "small plots multi-functional"


The architects were commissioned to renovate the building from the inside to the outside, from function to experience, in order to create a brand new image of the city.the owner proposed to retain the original building,to meet the high demand for use,and achieve "small plots multi-functional": the renovated office building should meet the office needs of four subsidiaries of the Group,set up 2 public meeting rooms, a 300-person lecture hall, a public restaurant and a reception room for letters and visits.

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第3张图片
▲ 场地原貌
Site appearance

Strategy: Combined Office From Courtyard Re-creation


As part of the urban memory, the architects viewed this renovation project as a point activation in urban renewal, oriented towards a more specific site environment and user population instead of a large-scale demolition and construction. One side of the site was adjacent to the street, and the other three sides were the maintenance area of 4S automobile stores. The overall environment was noisy and lacked the necessary office environment.  In response to this, the architects proposed the design strategy of "combined office space from courtyard re-creation", which effectively isolated the external environment and creates a pleasant office environment inwardly.   the unitized cooperation model of each department, several shared gardens were built into the premises, and the four design steps of "dismantling, patching, partitioning, and enclosing" were further formulated.

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第4张图片
▲ 功能植入
Spatial function placement

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第5张图片
▲ 航拍
Aerial view

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第6张图片
▲ 建造中场景
Scene under construction

Dismantling: Putting New Life in the Premises


Firstly, within the boundaries of the site, the fences between the buildings were removed or retained, and the fences on the site boundaries adjacent to the maintenance area of the 4S stores were retained to form a "barrier" consisting of fences or building facades. The original walls and iron gates at the street entrance were removed and replaced with landscape walls of varying heights to form a transition space between inside and outside, creating a city-friendly garden entrance and dissolving the rigid boundaries of the site. At the same time, some of the building walls that could not meet the lighting requirements were removed to create conditions for the subsequent renovation and use of the building.

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第7张图片
▲ 建筑主入口外观
Exterior of the building's main entrance

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第8张图片
▲ 改造动作
generation of architecture

Patching: Creating Possibilities within Limitations


Inside the site, the original boundaries of the building were preserved. A floor was added above the main office building as a restaurant, and the roof of the former warehouse was used as a landscape terrace above the courtyard. The rest of the internal space layout was adjusted to be used for the offices and business reception of seven independent departments. The original split environment between the buildings was linked, making the paths between the various office departments clear and functionally independent, and the original warehouse was set up to face the water view and converted into a shared meeting room. Between the division and merging, it accomplishes the diversified office possibilities within the limitations.

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第9张图片
▲ 后院

Partitioning: Creating Landscaped Flowing Courtyards


The embedded point-like renewal method was based on the demolition and repair of the original building, further upgraded through the way of partition and enclosure. Corridors and retaining walls were flexibly arranged to connect various functions, thus dividing multiple green courtyards. The architect organically connects the original three independent buildings through the wind and rain corridor, and the outer ring of the office building is also surrounded by the corridor, so that even if the functions are rearranged, the users can still conveniently pass through the corridors, and at the same time, the corridors also constitute the three main internal courtyards, which increase the level of the place for touring and enjoying.

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第10张图片
▲ 水院
Water yard


The original purpose of the zigzag corridor was to avoid the original trees in the site and to preserve the historical mark of each courtyard. However, with the arrangement of the walls, several courtyards, large or small, open or hidden, naturally show up in the site, and the users become the explorers of the space. As the exploration goes deeper and deeper, it is easy to encounter nature without realizing it.

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第11张图片
▲ 前院

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第12张图片
▲ 嵌入式庭院改造
Embedded courtyard renovation

Enclosing: "Veil" the Building


Due to the huge environmental difference between the inside and outside of the site, the architects decided to "cut off" the visual connection between the inside and the outside, and "put on" a "light veil" for the building. After several rounds of design refinement, white perforated aluminum panels were finally chosen as the skin material to balance economy and aesthetics. With a certain perforation rate, the building is not only insulated from external prying eyes, but also achieves the need for daily lighting. On the outside of the building, the irregular windows of the original building are cleverly hidden behind the perforated aluminum panels, which makes it possible to create a modern and simple façade while preserving the original building facade as much as possible. Between the hard corners of the aluminum panels and the haze of the gauze, it creates a strong visual impact and is a powerful demonstration of the company's image.

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第13张图片

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第14张图片
▲ 白色穿孔铝板作为建筑表皮材料
White perforated aluminum sheet is used as the building skin material

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第15张图片
▲ 建筑外立面
Building facade

Concluding Remarks


The process of recreating natural courtyards in the midst of the city gives new life to the original site. The architects embed as many functions as possible within the constraints of the site through the smallest possible means, giving the site a sustainable long-term value.

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第16张图片

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第17张图片

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第18张图片
▲ 庭院内景
Courtyard interior

Technical drawing

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第19张图片
▲ 一层平面图
Ground floor plan

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第20张图片
▲ 二层平面图
2 floor plan

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第21张图片
▲ 三层平面图
3 floor plan

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第22张图片
▲ 东立面
East elevation

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第23张图片
▲ 西立面
West elevation

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第24张图片
▲ 南立面
South elevation

破壳重生,杭州大业巷5号办公改造 / 量子构城第25张图片
▲ 北立面
North elevation

project information
建筑设计:贾敬、倪丽鸿、林森、周国华、朱晴、吴天呈、 周宇
机电设计:沈丰、 陈梁星 、胡从香
建筑摄影:  此间建筑
建筑材料:  穿孔铝板、真石漆、镀膜玻璃、水泥纤维板

Project Name: Office building renovation,Daye District, Hangzhou
Project Type:Office building
Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
Designer: LZGC Quantum City Design Firm + Zhejiang Jianyuan Architectural Design and Urban Planning Institute
Lead Architect: Yinjin Huang
Architectural Design: Jin Jia, Lihong Ni, Sen Lin, Guoping Zhou, Qing Zhu , Tiancheng Wu, Yu Zhou
Structural Design: Shengliang Lin, Jingwei Xia
Electromechanical Design: Feng Shen,  Liangxing Chen,  Congxiang Hu
Interior Design: Tingting Wang, Peng Sun
Landscape Design: Jun Song
Design Time: 2020.1-2020.3
Construction Time: 2020.3-2020.11
Structural Form: Frame + steel structure
Building Area: 3,000㎡
Architectural Photography: SHEN PHOTOGRAPHY
Building Materials: Perforated aluminum sheet,stone-like coating,Coated glass,Cement fiber board





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