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迅销(中国)总部办公室位于上海浦西新地标——徐家汇中心 T1 塔楼内 7 至 11 层, 总建筑面积约 1.6 万平方米,空间容量是原总部的两倍,为其旗下品牌 UNIQLO(优衣库)、Theory(希奥睿)、GU(极优)释放国际化品牌势能创造了良好环境。

Fast Retailing Group (China) relocates  its  China headquarters on the 7th to  11th floors of the T1 tower,a brand-new landmark in Xuhui, Shanghai. The area of the new office is 16,000 square meters, twice the capacity of the former headquarters, creating a favorable atmosphere for its brands UNIQLO, Theory and GU to unleash their momentum as global brands.

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△ 项目区位图

在徐家汇核心商圈以及便捷交通优势下,迅销(中国)充分体现了贴近市场的决心,实践核心品牌UNIQLO“现场主义”的经营理念。作为在全球颇具影响力的零售品牌,迅销(中国)透过办公空间的设计,为员工提供兼具弹性高效和可持续的友好工作环 境,在员工关怀和企业社会责任领域领跑,为迅销(中国)打造崭新的国际化形象。

With the advantage of Xujiahui's CBD and convenient accessibility, Fast Retailing Group (China) has demonstrated its determination to keep a close relationship  with  the marketplace and deliver onits "Genbaism" business philosophy. As an internationally significant retailer, Fast Retailing Group (China) employs workspace design to give its employees a flexible, effective, and sustainable work environment, leads the way in employee care and corporate social responsibility, and creates a new international image   for its  China headquarters.

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△ 场地分析



设计理念源自 UNIQLO 的产品理念:LifeWear ——“让所有人的生活更加丰富多彩的服装”,COLORFULL 昱景提出:WorkWell ——“让所有人的工作更加出色成功的空间”

The product idea of UNIQLO served as inspiration for the project design. LifeWear is "clothing designed to make everyone’s life better". WorkWell is "workplace designed to make everyone’s work  better”.

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△ 设计理念


The word "Well" has the meaning of "good," the image of "a water spring," and  the  symbol of "gushing water." The headquarters developed with the idea of "WorkWell" will not only offer a good and comfortable workspace, but also, through the design of flexible multi-functional modules, like an oasis well, provide employees with the motivation of continuous innovation and satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs with the enriching space healing.

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△ 设计理念

在塔楼的 7 至 11 层中,每一层都有着清晰的职能分工:11 层是 Well-Come Floor, 是接待宾客的主要楼层,向下依次为 UNIQLO、Theory、GU 的办公楼层,被称为Well-Work Floor 。

The  7th to  11th floors of  the  tower are  clearly  divided into  different functions: the 11th
floor is the Well-Come Floor, which serves as the primary floor for receiving visitors, and beneath that are  the  Well-Work Floor offices  for  UNIQLO, Theory, and GU.

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△ 各层功能分区



所有楼层都巧妙地使用空间动线来区分开放区和私密区。在主接待层( 11F),南北两侧为较开放的空间,其中南侧为主要出入口,充足的采光给访客带来品牌充满朝气的印象。走过东西两侧的接待、会议、培训、餐厅功能模块区域,参观过程中以品牌展示作为空间联动,将使访客被迅销(中国)独有的企业文化感染。

All floors ingeniously separate open and private spaces with spatial routes. On the Well - Come floor, there are open spaces on the north and south sides, with the south side being the main entrance and exit, and abundant daylight to bring visitors the impression of a brand full of vitality. The brand display will act as a point of connection as visitors pass through the private meeting, training, and dining functional modules on  the east and  west sides, impressing them along the way with the splendid corporate culture of Fast Retailing  Group (China).

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△ 11F 功能分区分析图

▍大厅 Lobby


Natural daylight was included into the space design as much as possible, and wood grain and sustainable elements were used in the front desk, walls, and soft decoration, making the room cozy and warm when the sunshine enters, generating a sense of  harmony between surroundings and light. The concept of "well" is utilized to construct exq uisite totems of various scales and textures used in the ceiling, floor, and wall to impress the brand image solidly in the minds of visitors.

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A raised negotiating area near the French windows, which allows visitors to sit on the  couch and look out directly at the space as  well  as the stunning view of  Xujiahui, was  built with a design idea that emphasized the quality of the furniture and the privacy of meetings  to   offer  visitors  a   comfortable   and   delightful  stay   in  the   headquarters.

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▍品牌展示 Brand Display

通过行走动线展示品牌故事,为迅销(中国)创造了富有启迪意义和深植人心的空间体验。别具深意的品牌形象铺设,将提升员工对品牌的自豪感、认同感,从而迸发创意灵感;同时也为访客带来 UNIQLO“服适人生”这一理念强烈的感知。

We produced an encouraging and passionate spatial experience for Fast Retailing Group (China) through brand storytelling in the office hallway.Remarkable and meaningful brand image layouts will unite employees' pride and sense of identification, which also will  inspire creativity in work. Meanwhile, it will give visitors a deep  understanding  of UNIQLO's  art  and science of "LifeWear."

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△ 品牌展示动线

大厅开敞区域的墙面,利用 LED 屏幕轮播品牌主视觉,转角处结合展示橱窗的设计体现门店特色;狭长的走道墙面为品牌画报预留了充足的展示空间,或是利用墙面变化创造出独具视觉趣味的展示区域。

Based on this, LED screens are utilized to display the brand's key visuals on the wall facing the open space, while the corners are built with showcases to exhibit the product collection; A part of the corridor is designated for brand pictorials,  and the  remaining  part uses wall changes to  create an eye -catching advertisement.

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△ LED 屏播放品牌主视觉

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△ 转角展示橱窗  

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△ 走廊墙面展示区

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△ 走廊墙面展示区效果图

▍会议区 Meeting Area


Meeting rooms are designed with the company's culture and needs into consideration,  with green plants to relieve stress, acoustic panels, and lacquered glass on the walls to provide sound insulation and writing functions, and the importance of concealment to ensure the privacy of meeting information. Following this, the meeting room implements an electronic reservation system, increasing the variety and adaptability of the space and satisfying staff demand for a convenient and private meeting.

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▍员工餐厅 Staff Cafeteria  


The staff cafeteria is located on the north side of the Well -Come floor, with an open and bright interior space and a rooftop garden visible through the French windows, which aesthetically intertwines a pleasant and stress -relieving environment and offers a nice dining experience for both employees and visitors.During non -dining hours,the cafeteria can be  used for communication.

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▍培训室 Training Room

餐厅与培训区之间可联通成“L  型”的大研修室,使用时在转角处设置舞台,便创造了可容纳 500 人的会议或活动场所。同时也可单独作为可容纳 300 人的培训室,平日则可分隔为大、中、小三种容量的会议空间供员工使用。

The wall between the cafeteria from the meeting area can be folded away to create a large "L-shaped" training room, which can be used with a stage at the corner to create a meeting or socializing venue for up to 500 people.Or separately as  a training room with a capacity of 300 people, and on weekdays they can be partitioned into three meeting spaces with large, medium, and small capacities for staff use.

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办公楼层区分了共享区和办公区,办公区设有交流区域作为空间软隔断,为员工独立作业和团队协作分别提供了更适宜的环境;同时考量到各国员工的环球出差需求,设置了充足的弹性工位和储物空间,在细节处实现 Well-Work 的核心理念。

On the Work-Well floor, we  have separated the shared and private office spaces with a  soft partition to create a more individualized environment for employees to work independently and collaborate with teams. At the same time, we have set up enough flexible workstations and storage space, taking into account the global travel requirements of staff from various countries, realizing the core concept of “WellWork” in the details.

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△ 办公层功能分区分析图

▍共享区 Shared Area


The hub of traffic flow is the area on the  north and south sides of the  elevator  lobby, which is intended to be a shared public area with coworking spaces and small meeting tables, as well as movable partitions to allow the space to  be  freely organized to  meet  the communication needs of various  teams.

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△ 共享区效果图  

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▍办公区 Office Area


The standard office spaces on the east and west sides are decorated with wood and greenery and have enough windows and daylight to provide comfort and equilibrium to the  fast-paced work environment.

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△ 独立办公室

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△ 独立办公室

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△ 独立办公室

办公区围绕建筑核心筒嵌入了办公配套服务设施的“一体化设计”,使员工在 1 分钟内可到达交流卡座、隔音电话亭、茶水打印区、文件收纳空间和行李储物柜等功能模块。同时该区域作为临时办公供出差员工使用。

Employees can swiftlyaccess functional components like communication desks, soundproof phone booths, tea and printing areas, document storage space, and baggage lockers within one minute due to an "integrated design" idea of office service facilities.Employees will primarily use this workspace for business travel.

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▍交流区 Communication Area

作为办公区软隔断的交流区域,将方便员工灵活沟通,同时也不破坏办公区所营造的专注感。而利用交流空间开放的特性,部门可在此展示部门成果或设置员工感谢墙, 营造空间归属感,作为维系员工、部门之间情感的作用。

The communication area will serve as a soft partition to enable flexible communication among staff without interfering with the focused environment created by the office space. Additionally, by utilizing the open platform of the communication area, where brands can display departmental objectives or place appreciation walls, the  area  will foster a  sense  of belonging and fulfill its purpose of uniting the feel ings of employees and  departments.

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△ 办公交流区效果图  

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Through the interaction of spatial layout and daylight and the  choice  of sturdy, sustainable materials, we have developed an eco -friendly workspace with low carbon and energy consumption. The utilization of soundproof and noise -reducing meeting rooms, visual air purification technology and a large number of indoor greenery  decorations reflect the dedication to  its employees’ physical and mental health and show its resolve to create a sustainable model for brand development.

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迅销(中国)总部办公室项目是上海盛创建筑装饰工程有限公司总承包的设计施工一体化项目,整体设计由 COLORFULL 昱景设计操刀。项目展现了盛创卓越的管理和建设能力以及 COLORFULL 昱景设计创新性的设计理念,施工与设计的通力合作,使项目最终得以完美呈现。

项目名称:迅销( 中国) 总部办公室精装修
项目地址:上海市徐汇区虹桥路徐家汇中心 T1 塔楼
客        户:迅销( 中国) 商贸有限公司
建筑面积:约 16,000 ㎡
设计单位:COLORFULL 昱景设计
项目设计 &  完成年份:2023

Project information
Project name: Office of FAST RETAILING  (China)
Project location: T1 Tower, Xujiahui Center, Hongqiao Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai,China
Floor Space: about 16,000 ㎡
General Construction Unit: Shanghai Shengchuang Architectural Decoration Engineering  Co., Ltd
Design year & Completion Year: 2023
Chief Designer: Sunny Zhao, Ryo Ono
Architectural Design Team: Zhiwei Qin, Yinglun Zhao, Fanxing Zhang, Aping Zhang, Louis  Xie, Chen Guan,  Yutaka Kawai, Yoshifumi  Hayashi, Sylvia Sun
Photography And Video: Daqi Zhang
Brands / Products used in the project: Fiber sound-absorbing board, aluminum perforated board, wall cloth, moss, inorganic quartz stone, Keding board, carpet, PVC, wood grain aluminum plate

来源:本文由COLORFULL 昱景设计提供稿件,所有著作权归属COLORFULL 昱景设计所有。




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