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40户单元楼/ LAN Architecture第1张图片
© Julien Lanoo

来自专筑编辑朱王倩的报道。Lot 4.2是新Clichy-Batignolles混合开发区的一部分,位于佩雷尔大道边缘,是巴黎城市发展史的两个不同时期的交汇点。大厦在连接这两个建筑世界中起着关键的作用。

From the architect. Lot 4.2 is part of the new Clichy-Batignolles mixed development area and is located at the edge of boulevard Pereire, at the meeting point of two different periods in the history of Paris’ urban development. The building plays a key role in linking these two architectural worlds.

40户单元楼/ LAN Architecture第2张图片
© Julien Lanoo


The project renders homage to Paris and the 19th century architecture of the Haussmann building. It seeks to preserve the “intrinsic intelligence of this form,” which has allowed the buildings constructed during the Haussmann period to survive many changes and grow with the city, providing multiple, often very different uses of the same building.

40户单元楼/ LAN Architecture第3张图片
© Julien Lanoo


The Haussmann building was designed originally as a place of residence for the bourgeoisie, but it revealed itself to be an extraordinarily open architecture capable of incorporating other uses besides habitation: offices, stores, workshops, schools, etc.

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Plan Perspective


There are common characteristics in all these architectures that lie at the base of this flexibility: a clear structure, a ground floor that is accessible from the street and which can extend to include the mezzanine, a wealth and variety of door and window openings to allow for the construction of all kinds of plans, variable heights in the floors, adequate thickness, and a high level of compactness.

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© Julien Lanoo


We consider these values as the great heritage of the Parisian building, and we have sought to translate them into an architecture that forms part of the city’s current logic, but which also offers solutions to current and future challenges.

40户单元楼/ LAN Architecture第6张图片
© Julien Lanoo

Lot 4.2 外立面设计采用的结构模式类似于办公楼(1.35米)。设计以两个空的模块取代一个满的模块,以对应开窗方式,和循环核心一起,保证了建筑物的结构。楼板之间的高度为3.2米,介于标准住宅高度(2.8米)与标准办公楼高度(3.5米)之间。底商包含了二层的一部分;这种稍显不同的处理表明其城市特征。

The design of the façade for Lot 4.2 uses a structural pattern similar to the office buildings (1.35 meters). It alternates one full module with two empty ones, which correspond to the window openings. Together with the core of the circulation, this ensures the building’s structure. The height between floors is 3.2 meters, halfway between the standard height for residential housing (2.8 meters) and that for office buildings (3.5 meters). The commercial ground floor includes part of the 1st floor; its slightly different treatment indicates its urban character.

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© Julien Lanoo


The ornamentation borrows various elements from the Haussmann style, especially the horizontal stretchers that mark the piano nobile, as well as the proportion of fullness and emptiness.

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左图:© Julien Lanoo,右图:Courtesy of LAN Architecture

该体量是一个三角体的完美凸角,充分利用所有用地的空间可能性。通过其灵活性,该项目引进排空的功能架构的概念,建筑产生了随城市发展而演变的潜力,并回应在使用中随时准备好改变。Rue deSaussure建筑通过提出住宅和办公楼之间的可逆性,试图去预测需求和变化。

The volume is a perfect extrusion of the triangular parcel which fully exploits all the plot’s spatial possibilities. Through its flexibility, the project introduces the notion that by emptying an architecture of its program, a building generates potential that will accompany the evolutions in urban development and allow it to respond more readily to changes in use. The rue de Saussure building seeks to anticipate needs and changes by proposing a full reversibility between a residential and an office building.

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© Julien Lanoo

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Section Perspective


At the same time, this sense of openness gives each residence a very particular quality. The apartments have a lot of windows and are very well lit and spacious. They are all set up around a loggia, an extension of the interior living space towards the exterior. This type of patio also has a thermal function, introducing a new orientation in the building that helps ventilate the housing during the summer months.

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© Julien Lanoo


Above and beyond the classic, standard ratio, the mostly glass façades significantly enhance the quality of the building’s uses, which benefit from an abundance of natural light and views.

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© Julien Lanoo


The size and regularity of the door and window openings, which are identical on the three façades, create a general image of the building without specifically denoting its use. A series of architectural distinctions on the façades compensates for the different levels of thermal comfort required on the northern and southern sides. The variations play out in the size of the openings – French doors which open fully to the south versus half-height windows to the north – in the position of the windows in relation to the façade, which use its thickness to create an interior projected shadow, in the position of the stores, inside and outside, as well as in the materiality of the railing, which is made of glass or stainless steel mesh.

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© Julien Lanoo


The materials favor a certain sobriety and are limited in number: polished concrete tinted black for the prefabricated panels for the façade, black lacquered aluminum for the concealed opening frames, glass for the windows, both for the half-height windows and the railings, stainless steel mesh, etc.

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© Julien Lanoo

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© Julien Lanoo


My conviction that space amounts to luxury hasn’t changed. It links up with one of my old desires, an inversion of sorts: build dwellings that resemble office plateau, because the best flats are the ones that offer the most free space; and reciprocally, build offices that resemble apartments, so that they offer warmth and a possible scale of identification. In Paris, the transformation of flats into offices and of offices into flats is an opportunity to come to grips with this sort of fertile offsets and ‘resistance’. Whenever you have something that is serving another purpose than the one it was designed for, there’s a chance of getting away from norms and repetitiveness. Which is one of the most promising paths of modernity is mutation.”

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© Julien Lanoo

40户单元楼/ LAN Architecture第17张图片
Courtesy of LAN Architecture

40户单元楼/ LAN Architecture第18张图片
© Julien Lanoo

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© Julien Lanoo

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© Julien Lanoo

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Ground Plan 1:500

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Plan 2/4 1:200

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East Elevation 1:200

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West Elevation 1:200

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Cross Section 1:500

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Longitudinal Section 1:500

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Detail North Elevation

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Detail South Elevation

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Diagram Perspective

40户单元楼/ LAN Architecture第30张图片
© Julien Lanoo

建筑设计:LAN Architecture
地址:法国巴黎  Neuilly-sur-Seine
摄影:Julien Lanoo, Courtesy of LAN Architecture

Architects: LAN Architecture
Location: 4 Rue du Commandant Pilot, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Area: 2900.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Julien Lanoo, Courtesy of LAN Architecture





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