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Portakabin builds temporary school for pupils of academy next to Grenfell Tower


临时中学学校正在修建,以容纳Kensington Aldridge学院的学生。临时建筑设立在Grenfell大厦旁边,大厦自从上个月一场巨大火灾之后关闭。

英国Portakabin公司使用模块化建筑系统,在距离一英里远的地方建造学校,旁边是Wormwood Scrubs - Hammersmith和Fulham伦敦自治市的一个开放空间。


Kensington Aldridge学院(KAA)于三年前首次开放,但自上个月发生灾难性火灾以来已经关闭,预计将保持到明年四月,而法医仍在现场考察。

其独特的绿色面板复合建筑由伦敦工作室E Architects设计,该公司负责监督格伦费尔塔(Grenfell Tower)价值890万英镑的翻新工程。这些建筑物仍然需要检查通风系统并清除碎屑。

A temporary secondary school is being built to accommodate students of Kensington Aldridge Academy, a school next to Grenfell Tower, which has been shut ever since the devastating fire last month.
UK company Portakabin is using its modular construction system to build the school just over a mile away, next to Wormwood Scrubs – an open space in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.
Including a dance studio, art rooms and science labs, the structure will temporarily replace the Aldridge Foundation-sponsored school, which specialises in performing and creative arts.
Kensington Aldridge Academy (KAA) first opened three years ago, but has been closed since the catastrophic fire last month and is expected to remain shut until April next year while forensic examinations continue at the scene.
Its distinctive green-panel-clad buildings were designed by London Studio E Architects – the same firm that oversaw the £8.7 million refurbishment of Grenfell Tower. These buildings still need to have ventilation systems checked and be cleared of debris.

Kensington Aldridge学院校长David Benson发布了一些基本的图像,显示了临时学校的外观/Kensington Aldridge Academy principal David Benson has released some basic images showing what the temporary school will look like


KAA的校长David Benson上周写信给所有的家长,详细介绍了在接下来的八周里学生暑假期间正在修建的“相当快速的项目”。


During the final few weeks of term, KAA students have been taking lessons at the nearby Burlington Danes Academy and at Latymer Upper school.
David Benson, KAA's principal, wrote to all parents last week to give details of the "fairly fast moving project", which is being built over the next eight weeks while students are on summer break.
"The temporary school is going to be a pretty amazing facility," said Benson in the letter. "The word 'temporary' doesn't really do it justice. It has exactly the same number of classrooms as KAA does. It has all the specialist rooms we need to deliver our full curriculum."

就像在伦敦的Harrow自治市,这将是Portakabin建成的一系列学校建筑中最新的一样/It will be the latest in a series of school buildings that Portakabin has built, like this one in the London Borough of Harrow





在2017年6月14日凌晨格伦费尔塔(Grenfell Tower)发生火灾。死亡人数仍未得到验证,但据说至少有80人。


Grenfell Tower和Kensington Aldridge学院的照片由Getty提供。

The school reports that the new design will include five two-storey blocks of Portakabins, while early renders suggest that the design will echo the distinctive green hues of the existing academy building.
The temporary blocks will house "a complete school" with a dance studio, a drama studio, two art rooms, two music rooms, two design technology workshops, science labs, a food tech room and two libraries.
960 students are enrolled to begin the new academic year at the temporary school.
York-based Portakabin have assigned a team of 70 people to work on the project and will deploy a further 150 for on-site delivery. The cost of the new school will be published by the Department for Education after the project's completion.
The fire broke out at Grenfell Tower in the early hours of 14 June 2017. The total number of people who died has still not been verified, but is said to be at least 80.
Since then, safety checks have been carried out on tower blocks across the UK, and many have had their cladding stripped off – as experts claim flammable panels contributed to the spread of fire at Grenfell.
Photograph of Grenfell Tower and Kensington Aldridge Academy is courtesy of Getty.





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