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John Outram的斯芬克斯山住宅成为英国最年轻的在册建筑
John Outram's Sphinx Hill house becomes youngest listed building in UK


由英国建筑工作室John Outram Associates在牛津郡设计的一座埃及风格的后现代住宅已被列为二级保护建筑。

斯芬克斯山住宅(Sphinx Hill house)于 1999 年完工,如今已成为英国最年轻的在册建筑,也是John Outram事务所(JOA)的五座上榜建筑之一。

An Egyptian-style, postmodern home designed by British architecture studio John Outram Associates in Oxfordshire has been Grade II-listed.
Completed by the studio in 1999, Sphinx Hill house has now become the UK's youngest listed building and forms one of five of John Outram Associates' (JOA) buildings that have been listed.

▲ 斯芬克斯山住宅是英国最年轻的在册建筑
The Sphinx Hill house is the UK's youngest listed building

斯芬克斯山住宅是一座两层建筑,于 1994 年由一对对古埃及文化有共同兴趣的夫妇委托建造,JOA 事务所从这些古埃及文化中汲取了许多建筑灵感。


The two-storey home was commissioned in 1994 by a couple with a shared interest in ancient Egyptian culture – from which JOA took many architectural cues.
Described by Historic England as "a tour-de-force of domestic post-modernism", the home's eclectic facade features a symmetrical form, comprised of three colourful volumes topped with barrel-vaulted roofs.

▲ 这座后现代住宅从古埃及文化中获取灵感
The postmodern home takes cues from ancient Egyptian culture



该住宅上榜的时间刚好是工作室创始人John Outram90 岁生日的前几天。Outram说:“看到斯芬克斯山(Sphinx Hill)上榜我非常高兴,这是 JOA事务所完成的最后的几个项目。特别巧的是,它是在上世纪的最后几周中完成的。”

An attic opening on the central volume was designed to resemble a giant eye of Horus, while black column capitals topped with terracotta circles reference the hieroglyph for the rising sun.
On the ground floor, the home is arranged around a cross-vaulted dining room, complete with Egyptian limestone flooring. Mosaics, bold-coloured columns and bronze details feature throughout the home.
The listing was announced just days before studio founder John Outram celebrated his 90th birthday.
"I am so pleased by news of the listing of Sphinx Hill – this was one of JOA's final projects, finished in the last weeks [of our last millennium]," Outram said.

▲ 住宅室内采用了埃及石灰岩地板作为主材
Egyptian limestone flooring features on the interior

该房产于2022年12月以230万英镑的价格出售。此次上榜申请是由美国the Twentieth Century Society发起的,该协会希望限制对该物业进行任何“无理由地改建或拆除”。

Twentieth Century Society主任Catherine Croft表示:“斯芬克斯山住宅是一座极其复杂又充满创意的建筑。我很高兴看到它早早入选国家在册建筑登记册,这也使其极具特色。”

The application for the listing was made by the Twentieth Century Society, with the hopes of restricting any "unsympathetic alteration or demolition" to the property, following its sale for £2.3 million in December 2022.
"Sphinx Hill really is the most extraordinarily complex and ideas-packed house," Twentieth Century Society director Catherine Croft said.
"It's wonderful to see it become the youngest entry on the national register of listed buildings – and surely one of the most distinctive."

▲ 该物业于 2022 年 12 月出售
The property was sold in December 2022

Outram 1973 年创立了他的 JOA 事务所。该工作室最著名的项目是伦敦的Temple of Storms pumping station,其外观同样色彩丰富、图案精美。

图片由the Twentieth Century Society提供。

Outram founded his practice JOA in 1973. Among the studio's most well-known projects is the Temple of Storms pumping station in London, which features a similarly colourful and patterned facade.
The images are courtesy of the Twentieth Century Society.







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