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在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第1张图片

意大利北部多洛米蒂山中的“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆
Jiří Příhoda creates 'Diogene's Barrel' writers pavilion among the Dolomites of northern Italy


位于迷人的意大利北部多洛米蒂山谷的Val Gardena是第六届Gherdeina  Biennale(双年展)的所在地,展览的主题是“书写群山”。建筑师Jiri Prihoda应邀参与了诗歌馆的设计。将雕塑与建筑相结合的展馆被设计为诗歌和表现性阅读的场所。Val Gardena以技能娴熟的木匠而闻名,自16世纪以来,为整个欧洲天主教提供了宗教木雕具象雕塑。山谷沿着在地平线上引人注目的主峰Sasso Lunge山蜿蜒而行。

The enchanting northern Italian Dolomite valley of Val Gardena is the site of the 6th Annual Gherdeina Biennale, a celebration language, themed ‘writing the mountains.’ Architect Jiri Prihoda was invited to participate with the design of a pavilion of poetry. Together with its sculptural and architectural qualities, the pavilion serves as a site for poetry and performative readings. Val Gardena is known for its famous skilled carpenters who, since the 16th century supplied the whole of Catholic Europe with religious wooden carved figurative sculptures. The valley winds along the Sasso Lunge mountain, which draws attention with its dominating ridge-line at whichever moment one sees it on the horizon.

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第2张图片
All images © Jiří Příhoda

Jiri Prihoda将展馆命名为“'Diogene's Barrel”,是为了向希腊斯多葛学派(stoic)哲人致敬。建筑取材于当地,并由当地木匠所建造。晚上,唯一的光源是发光的珊瑚石,它构成了桶形屋顶的一部分。这种人造石最初是由Prihoda在2013年萤火虫住宅中使用的。筒体的纵向轴线与Sasso Lunge 山脉相一致,游客可以透过物体和空间从框架中看到雄伟的景观。

Jiri Prihoda’s pavilion, titled “Diogene’s Barrel,” is an homage to the Greek stoic philosopher diogenes. It is constructed using locally sourced timber and was constructed by its local carpenters with expressed structural qualities. At night, the only light source is the glowing corralit stone which makes up a section of the barrel roof. This artificial stone was first used by Prihoda in the 2013 Firefly Dwelling. The longitudinal axis of the barrel is directly aligned with the Sasso Lunge mountain, offering visitors a framed view of its majestic image while moving through the space of the object.

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第3张图片

建筑位于Col de Flam山顶上的一处考古发掘现场。在这里,当地艺术家Gregor Prugger 讲述了在他还是一个小男孩时,在这个特殊的地方挖掘旧陶瓷碎片的故事。诗人Alessandro Francesco在双年展开始的几天里进行了一次阅读。'Diogene's Barrel被蜿蜒的山路所包围,上方是13世纪建造的St. Jacob(圣雅各布)教堂。在双年展结束后,展馆将继续作为永久的艺术品,开放给Al Gardena居民和游客使用。

The pavilion is located at an archeological dig site at the peak of Col de Flam. Here, local artist Gregor Prugger narrated the story of himself as a young boy digging in this particular spot for shards of ceramics from that period. Poet Alessandro Francesco held a reading during the opening days of the biennale. Diogene’s Barrel is encircled by a mountain trail which winds upwards toward St. Jacob’s Church built in the 13th century. After the closing of the biennale the pavilion will remain as a permanent artwork, open to public use by both Val Gardena residents and visitors.

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第4张图片

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第5张图片

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第6张图片

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第7张图片

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第8张图片

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第9张图片

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第10张图片

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第11张图片

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第12张图片

在山林野趣中畅谈诗歌:“'Diogene's Barrel”诗歌馆第13张图片




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