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海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第1张图片
© Peter Bennetts


From the architect. From Architect: This technologically advanced, sustainably-focused new Civic and Administration Centre is located in the rural setting of Nhill, Victoria. The building was inspired by the town’s identity as a hub of wheat production with steel storage silos and agricultural sheds dotting the landscape.

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第2张图片
© Peter Bennetts

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第3张图片
© Peter Bennetts

项目是在原建于 20 世纪 60 年代的一栋建筑的基础上,通过新当代建筑形式重新翻修的。新中心的形式和木质、钢材和玻璃等材料与当地田园环境产生微妙的呼应;采用本地采购的钢、锌材料并且利用当地制作筒仓的折叠金属工艺,完成整个项目的外观。

The precinct re-uses the existing 1960’s building and encapsulates it within its new contemporary built form.  The new centre’s form and restrained material palette of timber, steel and glass gives subtle references to the local agricultural context; utilising the craftsmanship of the folded metal inherent in the silos in the form of locally sourced steel and zinc finishes along the building’s exterior.

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第4张图片
Ground Floor Plan/底层平面图

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第5张图片
© Peter Bennetts

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第6张图片
© Peter Bennetts

设计意图:该项目是海因马什郡新的政府办公室和市民中心,能容纳 70 名到100 名工作人员。建筑提供了高舒适度和完成度的环境,让员工们能在比首都更具专业性的氛围里工作。海因马什市民中心还包括有社区使用设施、多功厅、会议厅以及服务、会谈和面试的房间。

Design Intent: The project is the development of Hindmarsh Shire Council’s new corporate offices and Civic Centre, accommodating 70 staff with expansion capability for up to 100.  The building provides a level of environmental comfort and finish which enables employees to work in a climate of professionalism more than equal to that found in a capital city. Hindmarsh Civic Centre also incorporates community-use facilities, multi-functional spaces, council chambers, Vic Roads services and meeting and interview rooms.

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第7张图片
© Peter Bennetts

ESD 方案:该建筑的设计核心是以 ESD 为原则,k20 建筑事务所采用大量的创新成果不仅减少了内部能耗及能源负荷,同时也减少了碳排放量,为工作人员和市民们提供更好的内部环境。

ESD Initiatives: With ESD principles at the core of the building’s design intent, k20 Architecture utilised a number of innovations to deliver an outcome that would not only minimise embodied energy and energy loadings within the building, but also reduce carbon output for the life of the project and provide an enhanced internal environment for its inhabitants.

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第8张图片
First Floor Plan/一层平面图

该系统成功的最关键是一个定制的胶合结构和一个创新的通风设备, k20建筑事务所结合传统下地板送风系统(UFAD)与定制的地下热室和地管换热系统。

Central to the system success is a custom-built glulam structure and a ventilation innovation by k20 Architecture that combines a traditional Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) system with a bespoke underground thermal chamber and earth pipe heat exchange system.

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第9张图片
© Peter Bennetts

开始是室外的新鲜空气被吸入一系列地下热 PVC 管。这些空气之后通过管道接受自然热处理, 加热或冷却地表空气,然后进入UFAD系统,做进一步的处理。当空气进入UFAD系统后,会进入各种绝缘设备,接着通过可调地板栅格分布到各个楼层中。

The process begins outside where fresh air is drawn into a series of underground thermal PVC pipes. This air then travels through the pipes and receives natural thermal treatment, heating or cooling the air from the earth before entering the building’s UFAD for further treatment. Once the air reaches the UFAD it then travels through various insulated displacement plenums and is then distributed, at floor level, through occupant-adjustable floor grilles.

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第10张图片
© Peter Bennetts

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第11张图片
Diagram 2/图解 2

用于海因马什郡政府办公室的空气置换系统只是 K20 建筑事务所采用的众多可持续措施的其中之一,可通过绿色评级系统衡量。项目同时还整体采用了 LED 照明系统 ;72个太阳能电池板 ;回收利用了超过 80 % 的原有建筑材料 ;采用可持续的压层木质梁作为主要结构;运用了分区的机械系统 ;被动式太阳能设计;错流通风原理和分区的运动检测照明。

The air displacement system used for the Hindmarsh Council’s corporate offices is just one of the many sustainability measures adopted by K20 Architecture, using the Green Star rating system to inform the design. The building also incorporates LED lighting systems throughout; 72 solar panels; recycling of over 80 per cent of the existing building’s materials; a primary structure of sustainably sourced laminated timber beams; zoned mechanical system; passive solar design, cross-flow ventilation principles and zoned motion-detection lighting.

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第12张图片
© Peter Bennetts

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第13张图片
© Peter Bennetts

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第14张图片
© Peter Bennetts

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第15张图片
© Peter Bennetts

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第16张图片

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第17张图片
Diagram 1/图解 1

海因马什郡新市民活动中心/ K20 architetcure第18张图片
Diagram 3/图解 3

建筑事务所:K20 architetcure
项目地点:澳大利亚 维多利亚省  Nhill  
项目面积:1295.0 平方米
摄影:Peter Bennetts
项目经理:Mark Spraggon
项目负责人:Theodore Kerlidis

Architects: K20 architetcure
Location: Nhill VIC 3418, Australia
Area: 1295.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Peter Bennetts
Job Manager: Mark Spraggon
Project Director: Theodore Kerlidis





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