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高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第1张图片


根据建筑师的描述。在这个项目中,我们主要研究两个关键问题: 如何将一个被重点保护的基础设施元素纳入城市系统?在规范越来越多 (能源、 卫生、 消防等) 和舒适追求越来越高的时代,低预算项目如何实施?

From the architect. In this project we examine two essential questions: How can an infrastructure element that is a protected monument be programmed and made part of the urban system? In an era with an increasing amount of regulations (energy, hygiene, fire protection etc.) and greater demands for comfort, how can low-budget projects be carried out?

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第2张图片
© Ralph Hut


The viaduct is more than just a bridge. Like a mountain chain erected by human hand it appears in the town with a scale derived from the landscape and topography.

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第3张图片
© Roger Frei

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第4张图片
Cross Section 3横截面3


The infrastructure element, originally used as a railway line, is to form a linear park that will be part of a culture, work and leisure mile. This reprogramming of the viaduct initiates two decisive urban impulses: a spatial barrier becomes a linking structure, and the outdoor spaces bordering it are upgraded.

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第5张图片
© Ralph Hut


The viaduct becomes a large-scale connecting machine and a linear building. We view this ambivalence as a fundamental quality and use it as the architectural leitmotiv to symbiotically connect the new uses with the viaduct structure.

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第6张图片
© Roger Frei

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第7张图片
© Roger Frei


The characteristic Cyclopean masonry here forms the central atmospheric element. The new structures are deliberately restrained so as to emphasise the existing arches. In fitting-out the interiors the future users can choose from a kit of elements or design the spaces themselves.

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第8张图片
© Antje Quiram

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第9张图片
© Roger Frei

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第10张图片
Site Plan/总规图

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第11张图片
General Floor Plan/总平面图

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第12张图片
Ground Floor Plan/底层平面图

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第13张图片
Ground Floor Plan/底层平面图

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第14张图片
Cross Section 1/横截面1

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第15张图片
Cross Section 2/横截面2

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第16张图片
Cross Section 4/横截面4

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第17张图片
Cross Section/横截面

高架桥拱翻新工程/ EM2N第18张图片
© Roger Frei

项目地点:瑞士 苏黎世
项目面积:9008.0 平方米
摄影:Roger Frei , Ralph Hut , Antje Quiram
合作者:Mathias Müller, Daniel Niggli
项目负责人:Marc Holle (Associate), Claudia Peter
项目团队:Harry Bee, Barbara Frei, Jonas Fritschi, José Gómez Mora, Fabienne Heinrich, Peter Jenni, Fredric Johansson, Jörn Küsters, Claudia Meier, Lene Nettelbeck, Philipp Reichelt, Tanja Schmid, Frank Schneider, Cornelia Schwaller, Marcellus Schwarz, Basil Spiess, Christof Zollinger (Associate), Michael Zürcher

Architects: EM2N
Location: 8005 Zurich, Switzerland
Area: 9008.0 sqm
Year: 2010
Photographs: Roger Frei , Ralph Hut , Antje Quiram
Partners: Mathias Müller, Daniel Niggli
Project Leaders: Marc Holle (Associate), Claudia Peter
Project Team: Harry Bee, Barbara Frei, Jonas Fritschi, José Gómez Mora, Fabienne Heinrich, Peter Jenni, Fredric Johansson, Jörn Küsters, Claudia Meier, Lene Nettelbeck, Philipp Reichelt, Tanja Schmid, Frank Schneider, Cornelia Schwaller, Marcellus Schwarz, Basil Spiess, Christof Zollinger (Associate), Michael Zürcher
Cost: CHF 35.3 Mio.





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