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孟买贫民窟海运集装箱摩天大楼/ GA Design Consultants第1张图片



Ganti + Asociates (GA) Design has won an international ideas competition with a radical shipping container skyscraper that was envisioned to provide temporary housing in Mumbai's overpopulated Dharavi Slum. Taking in consideration that steel shipping containers can be stacked up to 10 stories high without any additional support, GA's winning scheme calls for a 100-meter-tall highrise comprised of a series of self supported container clusters divided by steel girders placed every 8 stories.

孟买贫民窟海运集装箱摩天大楼/ GA Design Consultants第2张图片
Courtesy of GA Design


From the architect: India’s commercial capital Mumbai, Dharavi spreads over 500 acres. Besides being a dwelling place, it is also a work center and a center for recycling and small scale industries, where people live and work together, making it a truly green community. Houses consists of ground or ground plus one units attached end on end to form a complex and highly dense linear mass. The streets, often only 4’wide, run like the arteries through the settlement, providing light and ventilation to each of its units made from recycled tin or plywood planks nailed together.

孟买贫民窟海运集装箱摩天大楼/ GA Design Consultants第3张图片
Enlarged Section/放大截面图。Image Courtesy of GA Design


Keeping in line with its modular and recyclable character, a vertical high-rise made from recycled shipping containers seems to fit the need. Mumbai is a big port with easy availability of shipping containers. Containers can be stacked 10 storeys high without additional supports. The steel skin itself takes the load like a “Monocoque” structure thus cutting cost for additional columns or beams. The design of a 100 M tall high rise structure (approx. 32 storeys) calls for erecting portal frames connected with steel girders placed every 8 storeys. Each 8 storey self-supporting stack rests on these girders and the module repeats vertically.

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Even Floor Plan/偶数层平面图。Image Courtesy of GA Design

孟买贫民窟海运集装箱摩天大楼/ GA Design Consultants第5张图片
Corridor/走廊。Image Courtesy of GA Design

每间公寓都是由3个标准尺寸( 40’英尺长× 8’英尺,6’英寸高x 8’英尺宽)的集装箱组成。设计是通过交错达到符合审美和人体工程学的目的。较低楼层之上的悬臂上的楼板形成一个带顶的走廊。住户单元围绕容纳垂直环路即电梯和楼梯的核心筒对称排布。入口被用作垂直水电供应的管井。入口西侧有太阳能板,东侧有微型风力涡轮机,以提供混合型电力。走廊以在达拉维的Kumbharwada (波特的社区)本地用回收陶jalis制作的屏风排列而成。

Each apartment is made up of 3 standard size (40’ Long X 8’6” High X 8’ Wide) containers. Plan is staggered to create an aesthetic and for ergonomic purpose. The floor above cantilevers over the floor below to create a covered corridor. The units are arranged symmetrically around a central core that houses the vertical circulations namely the stairs and elevators. Portals serve as ducts for vertical plumbing and electrical needs. The sides of the portal carries solar panels on the west side and micro wind turbines on the east side for hybrid cogeneration of electricity. The corridors are lines with screens made out of recycled terracotta jalis which are made locally in Dharavi at Kumbharwada (Potter’s community).

孟买贫民窟海运集装箱摩天大楼/ GA Design Consultants第6张图片
Final Board/最终效果。Image Courtesy of GA Design


With sustainability in mind, each container can be reclaimed from Mumbai's nearby ports. Recycled, locally produced Terracotta bricks would be used to form the screens lining the building's open corridors. Simple bolted connections can allow for quick and easy assembly. Units are staggered horizontally to maximize the surfaces getting natural daylight. And, solar panels are integrated into the building's south and west elevations, as well as micro wind turbines, to generate energy.

孟买贫民窟海运集装箱摩天大楼/ GA Design Consultants第7张图片
Courtesy of GA Design


“这是一个正确地解决可持续发展、循环、能源使用、通风和通过巧妙配置集装箱将光线引入其它模块的采光等问题的方案。一个在形式、结构、分布和功能方面令人信服的直接的解决方案,“ – 来自评审团。

"This project presented an overall understanding of the site context, the community, culture and need for improved living standards. The panel liked the clean configuration of a development that could be repeated and adapted to create a district preventing the re-creation of another slum.
"It is a proposal that rightly addressed the issues of sustainability, circulation, energy use, ventilation and lighting by the cleaver adjustment of the containers to allow light through to the other modules. A straight forward convincing solution in terms of form, configuration, distribution and function." - From the jury.

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Section/剖面图。Image Courtesy of GA Design

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Odd Floor Plan/奇数层平面图。Image Courtesy of GA Design

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Stacking Concept/组装概念图。Image Courtesy of GA Design

孟买贫民窟海运集装箱摩天大楼/ GA Design Consultants第11张图片
Sustainability Diagram/可持续示意图。Image Courtesy of GA Design

建筑设计:GA Design Consultants
负责人:Shekar Ganti, Gauri Shitole
3D可视化:Nikhil Champanerkar
实习生:Rashmi Rajpal
摄影:GA Design

Architects: GA Design Consultants,
Location: Dharavi
Architects in Charge: Shekar Ganti, Gauri Shitole
3d Visualizer: Nikhil Champanerkar
Intern: Rashmi Rajpal
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Courtesy of GA Design





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