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黄色狂热/ Fleetwood Fernandez第1张图片


来自事务所的描述:饭店老板兼夫妻团队Michael和Kelly Kim 受到美国和亚洲美食文化混搭的启发,想要一个与他们想法一致的空间,可以为人们提供美味、健康的佳肴。对于大多数前期预算要用于恢复失存的清真肉类市场的厨房,该设计必须要经济且容易建造。Michael 和 Kelly雇佣了另外一个夫妻团队,Fleetwood Fernandez事务所的Hunter Fleetwood和Paz Fernandez 来设计明亮开敞的空间。

From the architect. Restaurateur Husband-and-wife team Michael and Kelly Kim wanted a space aligned with their mission to offer delicious, healthful cuisine inspired by a mash up of American and Asian palates and cultures. With most of the shoe-string budget devoted to reviving the kitchen of a defunct halal meat market, the design had to be economical and easy to build. Michael and Kelly hired another husband-and wife team, Hunter Fleetwood and Paz Fernandez of Fleetwood Fernandez Architects to design the bright open space.

黄色狂热/ Fleetwood Fernandez第2张图片
© Undine Pröhl

黄色狂热/ Fleetwood Fernandez第3张图片
Floor Plan/平面图

设计结合了工业材料和更有表现力的成品,像手工木质家具和瓷砖。 Fleetwood Fernandez也设计了许多蜜胺碗的有机装置,它们位于长椅休息区的上方,并代表餐厅的焦点。

The design combines industrial materials with more expressive finishes like handmade wood furniture and ceramic tile. Fleetwood Fernandez also designed the organic installation of hundreds of melamine bowls which sits above the banquette seating area and represents the restaurant’s focal point.

黄色狂热/ Fleetwood Fernandez第4张图片
© Undine Pröhl

黄色狂热/ Fleetwood Fernandez第5张图片
© Undine Pröhl

空间的城市反主流文化特点通过细节贯穿反映着:金属线圈的座椅、颜色明亮的赤裸灯泡吊坠和暴露的管道系统。餐厅也以其他洛杉矶本地设计师的作品为特色,包括特别委托Kozyndan画的场地和Bend Goods设计的椅子。

The urban counterculture character of the space is reflected in details throughout: metal wire seating, bare bulb pendants in bright colors, and exposed ductwork. The restaurant also features the work of other local Los Angeles designers including a site specific commissioned drawing by Kozyndan, and chairs by Bend Goods.

黄色狂热/ Fleetwood Fernandez第6张图片
© Undine Pröhl

黄色狂热/ Fleetwood Fernandez第7张图片
© Undine Pröhl

黄色狂热/ Fleetwood Fernandez第8张图片
© Undine Pröhl

黄色狂热/ Fleetwood Fernandez第9张图片
© Undine Pröhl

建筑设计:Fleetwood Fernandez
摄影:Undine Pröhl 

Architects: Fleetwood Fernandez
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Area: 1400.0 sqm
Project Year: 2014
Photographs: Undine Pröhl 





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