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呼吸的住宅/ Atelier Riri第1张图片


来自事务所的描述。印度尼西亚属于热带气候。热带地区几乎全年下雨。由于极端的天气,住宅设计就应该能适应这种气候。该住宅位于印尼首都雅加达附近郊区叫做塞尔蓬 Griya Loka的地方。这里乡镇居民区人口非常密集。该住宅设计的重点在于利用自然资源来获得照明和通风。

From the architect. Indonesia has a tropical climate. Tropical areas have rains almost the whole year through. For the reason of extreme weather, the home design should be able to accommodate the climate. The House Located in Griya Loka, Serpong in a suburb area near Jakarta (the capital city of Indonesia). These townships residential area is dense enough. The home design-oriented is focusing on natural resources for lighting and ventilation.

呼吸的住宅/ Atelier Riri第2张图片
© Teddy Yunantha

这座“呼吸的住宅”建筑就建造在这里,这片区域在20世纪80年代形成。场地与周围环境融合成绿色区域。为了和业主的意见保持一致,我们采用功能方法,完善了潜在的非对称形状。业主是有两个孩子的充满活力的年轻家庭。他们渴望拥有更舒适的住房,而且不破坏环境的同时还要表现出住宅的特色。 “形式跟随功能”成为坚持期望特点的共同主线。

‘Breathing House’ is located in an area, which has been formed since the 80s. The site is blended with the surrounding environment as a green area. We optimize the potential asymmetrical shaped into the owner's identity with a functional approach. The owner is a dynamic young family with two children. Both are eager to have a more comfortable dwelling, environmentally friendly and at the same time also represent personal identity. "Form follow function" became a common thread in keeping the desired characteristics.

呼吸的住宅/ Atelier Riri第3张图片
© Teddy Yunantha

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© Teddy Yunantha

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Site follows the asymmetric land, forming a new grid and creating unexpected spatial experience. Elements of surprise are inserted into the flow of circulation between spaces. The ground floor as the public areas is designed to 'breath' naturally through the large ventilation that is provided from the holes pattern in some areas of the building. All space is centered at large void holes, which has skylights on it. Under the skylight there is indoor swimming pool, which also aims to lower the room temperature naturally.

呼吸的住宅/ Atelier Riri第6张图片
© Teddy Yunantha


The private bedroom area, workspace and living space are on the second floor. On the third floor, we designed a roof garden that serves as an additional open area resident to do outdoor activities and family events.

呼吸的住宅/ Atelier Riri第7张图片
© Teddy Yunantha

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© Teddy Yunantha


We used natural and green materials such as bricks, Gain Reinforced Cement (GRC), and recycle metal are explored in order to have a contemporary new design. This house also works independently with recycle rainwater to watering garden and car washing. The house is expected to represent the identity of an eco-friendly Indonesian modern family home.

呼吸的住宅/ Atelier Riri第9张图片
© Teddy Yunantha

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© Teddy Yunantha

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© Teddy Yunantha

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© Teddy Yunantha

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© Teddy Yunantha

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© Teddy Yunantha

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© Teddy Yunantha

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© Teddy Yunantha

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Roof Floor Plan/顶层平面图

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Upper Floor Plan/楼层平面图

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Ground Floor Plan/底层平面图

建筑设计: Atelier Riri
总建筑师: Riri Yakub, Harindra Mahutama, Jeremiah Handoko
项目面积: 320.0平方米
项目时间: 2014年
摄影: Teddy Yunantha, Adhityo Faturrochman
承建商: Askala Indonesia

Architects: Atelier Riri
Location: Serpong, Serpong, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan 15310, Indonesia
Architect In Charge: Riri Yakub, Harindra Mahutama, Jeremiah Handoko
Area: 320.0 sqm
Project Year: 2014
Photographs: Teddy Yunantha, Adhityo Faturrochman
Contractor: Askala Indonesia





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