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英国安斯蒂Plum住宅+工作室/ Coppin Dockray第1张图片

Ansty Plum House + Studio


来自建筑事务所的描述:“Ansty Plum ”是威尔郡乡村的一处在建筑学上有着重要意义的住宅和工作室,它经历了令人印象深刻的改造,并对工作室进行了大胆的扩展。

From the architect. Ansty Plum is an architecturally significant house and studio in rural Wiltshire that has undergone an impressive retrofit and a bold studio extension.

英国安斯蒂Plum住宅+工作室/ Coppin Dockray第2张图片
© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

它就像山间的一颗宝石,建筑由两个动人的且富有想象的建筑组成。此前该建筑在20世纪60,70年代委任给Ove Arup’s office之前的合伙人Roger Rigby。一间为David Levitt设计的一室住宅,另一间为Peter and Alison Smithson设计的车库。

It is a gem, consisting of two eloquent and imaginative buildings, commissioned in the 1960’s and ‘70’s by Roger Rigby, a former partner in Ove Arup’s office. The first is a one-bedroom house, designed by David Levitt and the second, a studio and garage designed by Peter and Alison Smithson.

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

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This intensive repair, upgrading and re-organising of these buildings has brought about an 80% reduction in its energy use and resulted in a fine family home and equally outstanding studio workspace.

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith


The buildings are radically sited on a steep wooded hillside and overlook a collection of 12thC buildings. The brick and timber house has a simple open plan with a singular plane rectangular roof following the gradient of the land. The stone and concrete studio, hedged into the slope, peeps onto an ancient woodland track.

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Over the last decades, a number of changes had been made to the house while the Smithson studio had been left derelict having suffered structural failure, water ingress and decay.

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

Coppin Dockray改造了住宅。过去50年的多次改造痕迹都被去除了,随之建筑原有的严谨的建筑结构暴露出来。他们拆除了后来增加的浴室和室内墙,将主要空间打开,创造了一个全新的卧室和书房。中央空调和地辐热系统第一被应用在住宅中。而后这间独特的住宅再一次展现出其清晰的设计意图以及全年的舒适环境。

Coppin Dockray transformed the house. Many sequential changes made over 50 years were removed to express the rigorous architectonic qualities that the original house eloquently displayed. They opened up the main space by removing a late addition bathroom and internal walls and created a new bedroom and study. Central and underfloor heating systems were added for the first time. The result is that this distinctive house once again displays its clarity of intent and can now be occupied comfortably throughout the year.

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

Coppin Dockray建筑事务所使工作室重新投入使用。破败的屋顶由全新的绝缘锌屋顶以及顶部混凝土铸件替代。建筑结构进行了基础加固,增加水箱和绝缘处理,因此服务和热力系统也第一次应用在建筑中。通过细心精致的道格莱斯冷杉饰面和细木工,整个工作室都散发出粉色的温暖色彩。

Coppin Dockray brought the studio building back into use. The failed roof was replaced with a new insulated zinc roof and cast concrete copings. The structure was underpinned, tanked and insulated, and services and heating added for the first time. The studio now glows a warm pink colour from the meticulously detailed Douglas Fir lining and joinery.

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith


The studio was extended and hedged into the hill. It has created a secluded and moody concrete and stone washroom that looks into a 2m high wall of prolific native ferns. This room glows a vibrant green, particularly at night as the lighting has been placed outside the building punching light into the mossy fern bank.

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

从Smithsons工作室原来的工作图中我们可以找到Coppin Dockray建筑事务所设计许多锌材、石头和木工细节的理由。因为只有这样做才能在不影响它功能的前提下保留住建筑的精神并创建一个独特的出人意料的扩建空间。建筑师利用传统方法设计了一套简单易懂的细节设计图纸,并且邀请当地的小工匠进行施工,保证了从传统石头堆砌到精细的铁制品和室内细木工的细节的高质量。

Access to some of the Smithsons’ original working drawings allowed Coppin Dockray to interpret many of the zinc, stone and timber details, and in so doing have created a unique and unexpected extension that preserves the spirit of the building without compromising its functionality. Using a traditional contract with a comprehensive set of details together with small local craftspeople ensured the quality of the detailing from traditional stonemasonry to fine metalwork and internal joinery.

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith


The house and studio are located around an historic ruin - an incomplete cottage built by a Mr Tucker in what was his plum orchard. Inside Mr Tuckers ‘cottage’ is a pond that has been re-built as a natural swimming and wildlife pond. Throughout the rest of the site, original hard landscaping was restored and extensive native planting has begun, mostly ferns, foxgloves, and carpets of bluebells and wild garlic to reintroduce and extend the ancient woodland behind the house.

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

Ansty Plum是一间低造价高品质的住宅。Coppin Dockray建筑事务所的工作沿用了这个传统体现在他们保留这两个小但又意义的建筑上。他们在材料和建筑细节上一贯采用大胆又谦逊的态度,着都保证了建筑留住其永恒的品质。建筑师证明了对这间每平米造价1400欧的住宅至少节省80%的能耗,住宅现在可以保证全年的居住舒适度。在顺应古老乡村文脉,它也是一栋出人意料的可喜的现代建筑。

Ansty Plum was built on a low budget with high ambition. Coppin Dockray’s work continues this tradition in their preserving these two small yet significant buildings.Their consistently bold and unpretentious approach to materials and detailing has ensured the buildings retain their timeless qualities.The architect has demonstrated that for little over £1,400/m2, this house has reduced its energy use by a remarkable 80%, is now habitable throughout the year, and is an unexpected and delightful piece of modern architecture within the context of an ancient village.

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

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© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

英国安斯蒂Plum住宅+工作室/ Coppin Dockray第18张图片
© Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith

建筑事务所:Coppin Dockray
摄影:Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith
室内设计:Coppin Dockray
结构工程:Tall Engineers
承包商:JC Symonds
细木工:Westside Design
软木地板:Siesta Cork Company
卫生洁具:Bathroom Brands

Architects:Coppin Dockray
Location:Ansty, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP3, UK
Project Year:2015
Photographs:Brotherton Lock & Rachael Smith
Interiors :Coppin Dockray
Structural Engineer :Tall Engineers
Lighting Design:Lightplan
Contractor:JC Symonds
Joinery :Westside Design
Cork floors:Siesta Cork Company
Sanitary ware:Bathroom Brands
Construction Cost :£240,000





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