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乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第1张图片

studio FH realizes ross langdon-designed health education centre in uganda


“罗斯兰登健康教育中心”是一个小型的社区会堂,位于乌干达西南部, Rakai的Mannya 村庄里。该中心由Ross Langdon设计,他是一个年轻的澳大利亚建筑师,连同他的妻子和未出生的孩子,都是2013年在肯尼亚的Nairobi西门购物中心袭击案的受害者。在他短暂的职业生涯中,所做的设计遍布澳大利亚、英国和非洲东部,所有都是对位置、气候、材料和用户的专门定制,通过“变色龙架构”驱动他的热情。

The ‘Ross Langdon health education centre’ is a small community hall located in the village of Mannya in Rakai, south-western Uganda. the centre was designed by ross langdon, a young Australian architect who, together with his wife and unborn child, was among the victims of the 2013 westgate shopping mall attack in Nairobi, kenya. in his short career spanning across Australia, the UK and east Africa, Ross left behind a multitude of designs, all specifically tailored to location, climate, materials and users, and driven by a passion for ‘chameleon architecture’.

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第2张图片
小型社区会堂位于乌干达Mannya的村庄/the small community hall is located in the Ugandan village of Mannya

在Ross死后,该客户基于棉花出产于澳大利亚的基础上,接触了乌干达的事务所FH,想按照Langdon的设想完成设计。Felix Holland是FH 工作室的主创建筑师,也是Ross的私交,聚集了一批专业设计师和建设者们解读设计者的原始意图。“同时我们可以讲述他的缺点,Ross设想的健康教育中心是一个小亭子,完全地向内,由乌干达南部可得的最基本的建筑材料制成:用桉木以及粘土砖填充墙和粘土砖地板作为主要的结构,”FH工作室的Felix Holland 说。

Following Ross’ death, the client, the cotton on foundation from Australia, approached Uganda-based studio FH architects to complete the design in-keeping with Langdon’s vision. Felix Holland, principal architect at studio FH and personal friend of Ross, assembled a group of dedicated designers and builders who set about deciphering the original design intentions. ‘as good as we can tell in his absence, Ross envisioned the health education centre as a small pavilion, entirely inward-looking and made of the most basic of building materials available in southern Uganda: eucalyptus poles as the main structure with clay brick infills and clay tile floors,’ says Felix Holland of studio FH.

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第3张图片
建筑由当地的材料建造/the building is made from locally sourced materials

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第4张图片
该方案的黏土砖地板/the scheme features clay tile floors


The building provides space for about 150 people, who sit on simple clay tile steps, and a speaker, who stands on a small elevated platform. adjacent to the main hall is a room for private meetings and a store. at the front of the structure, a walkway covered by a pergola provides shade for both informal gatherings and relaxation.

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没有窗户的砖结构/the brick structure has no windows

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在设计中砖空隙透进光线/perforations in the brickwork bring light inside the design

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第7张图片
高层天窗照亮讲台区/a high-level roof vent illuminates the stage area


‘There are no windows, and instead the building envelop filters light in various ways; perforations in the brickwork, a gap between walls and roof, a high-level roof vent with skylight and ‘liters of light’ illuminating the stage area,’continues Holland. ‘the roof cover is made of zinc-al roof sheets supported by eucalyptus trusses, and the ceiling is made of purpose-designed handmade ‘mukeka’ reed mats.’

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第8张图片
天花由专门设计的手工制作的‘mukeka’芦苇垫子组成/the ceiling is made of purpose-designed handmade ‘mukeka’ reed mats

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第9张图片
建筑为150人提供了空间/the building provides space for about 150 people

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被花架覆盖的步道提供了阴凉/a walkway covered by a pergola provides shade

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与主厅相连的是私人会议室/adjacent to the main hall is a room for private meetings

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顶盖由锌铝屋顶板制成/the canopy is made from zinc-al roof sheets

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image by will boase

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image by will boase

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image by will boase

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image by will boase

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image by will boase

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image by will boase

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image by will boase

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第20张图片
site plan/场地平面图

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floor plan/平面图

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detailed sections/剖面细节

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第26张图片
detailed sections/剖面细节

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第27张图片
roof and ceiling details/屋顶和天花板细节

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façade details/表面细节

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第29张图片
façade details/表面细节

乌干达健康教育中心/Ross Langdon and studio FH第30张图片
image by will boase


建筑设计师:ross langdon
实施建筑师:studio FH architects
结构工程师:MBW consulting
工料测量师:dudley kasibante and partners
承包商:CMD investments
开发商:cotton on foundation
摄影:will boase

project info:
design architect: ross langdon
implementing architect: studio FH architects
structural engineer: MBW consulting
quantity surveyor: dudley kasibante and partners
contractor: CMD investments
developer: cotton on foundation
photography: will boase
location: mannya, uganda
area: 260 sqm
project year: 2016





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建筑 (13875 articles)

教育建筑 (909 articles)

教育中心 (22 articles)

非洲 (25 articles)

乌干达 (5 articles)

Ross Langdon (2 articles)

粘土砖 (14 articles)

2016 (641 articles)