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proctor and matthews/mecanoo to regenerate southeast london with vast masterplan


荷兰建筑事务所 mecanoo 透露了他们与房屋建筑和管理协会的皮博迪对于更新伦敦东南部thamesmead片区提出的计划。新建的部分市民住宅将成为这个大型总体规划的第一阶段,围绕着中心公共广场,建立了525个家庭社区,配套零售和公共休闲服务设施。片区经过改造后,共有1500套住房,这些住房将形成一个新的社区,其中包含经济适用房,能够提供新的就业机会以及10000平方米的商业,零售和休闲空间——这个片区距离伦敦市中心远近适宜。

Dutch firm mecanoo have revealed their proposal for the regeneration of thamesmead in south east london with housing association peabody. the new civic quarter would be the first phased of a vast masterplan that will contain 525 homes alongside community, retail and leisure facilities around a public square. in total, 1500 housing units will form a community that would include affordable homes, new jobs, and around 10,000 square metres of commercial, retail and leisure space – all of which will be at close travel distance to london.

该计划将提供一个极具凝聚性的公共社区,包含经济适用房和新的就业机会/the plan will deliver a coherent community with affordable homes and new jobs


The site thamesmead is based on a former marshland dating back to the 1970s. the plan provides an enlivened sequence of streets and squares to create an improved sense of place and introducing mixed-use programs will ultimately result in a diverse public realm. mecanoo’s proposal focuses on four elements; the grouping of apartment buildings and terraced houses around raised shared courtyards to create smaller communities; neighborhood squares; pedestrianization; merging the wider landscape to form new connections.

新建的部分市民住宅将成为这个大型总体规划的第一阶段,总共建立了525个家庭社区,配套零售和公共休闲服务设施/a new civic quarter – the first development phase of the masterplan – will contain 525 homes, community, retail and leisure facilities

Francine Houben,mecanoo建筑事务所的创意总监评论说:“用我们30年来创造令人感到愉快的城市街区的经验,thamesmead片区的改造方案,旨在恢复一种强烈的社区团体意识,并表达出什么才是thamesmead地区首先需要改变的:创造良好的公共空间,新的连接路网,和伍德修道院即将建成的火车站相连接的道路,Southmere湖泊周围的景观以及现存的社区。新的建筑和广场规定了关于thamesmead片区恰当的尺度和特性。”

Francine Houben, creative director at mecanoo architecten, comments: 
’using our 30 years’ experience in creating pleasant urban neighborhoods, the plan for thamesmead that aims to reinstate a strong sense of community and introduces what thamesmead needs first of all: good public space that is accessible for all. a new spine is created; a route connecting abbey wood’s future crossrail station, southmere lake, the surrounding landscape, and the existing neighborhoods. the new buildings and squares that define the new route will give thamesmead the right human scale and identity.’

住宅小区的类型多样,从一居室户型单元到四个卧室的联排别墅/the development contains a broad range of dwelling sizes from one bedroom units to four bedroom townhouses


The new thamesmead civic quarter would occupy a large site on the edge of southmere lake. the new civic square will serve as the focal point for local residents and visitors, and restore community facilities to the area. a double height colonnade encloses the square on ground level, activating the plinth with shop frontages and building entrances. while each of the ensembles have their own distinctive character and style, they are tied together through a uniform articulation in building height and rhythm. the predominant material is brick, adding a warmer feel to the existing concrete buildings that are carefully integrated into the new scheme.

该建筑将环绕一个新的市民广场/the building would wrap around a new civic square


The development contains a broad range of dwelling sizes from one bedroom units to four bedroom townhouses. the majority of apartments with private balconies are grouped around raised shared gardens and recessed ground level courtyards that form the green heart of each building ensemble.

大部分公寓都具有双面性,私人阳台的设计旨在最大限度的满足住户对于光线和视野的需求/the majority of apartments have dual aspect, with private balconies designed to maximize views and light

此规划将分为四个阶段进行建造,并在2017年年初开始第一个阶段(市民住宅片区)的建造/the development will be built in four phases, with phase 1 (the civic quarter) due to commence in early 2017





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  • 2017.01.19 18:32
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