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枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第1张图片

Mork-ulnes Architects bring lush foliage into artist studio and home in California


在加利福尼亚的索诺马县,挪威公司Mork-ulnes Architects / SFOSL改造和扩建了一个破旧的谷仓,把它连接到一个“类似变形虫的亭子”上,变成住宅兼艺术家工作室。

Attached to an ‘Ameoba-like pavilion’, Norwegian firm Mork-ulnes Architects / SFOSL have transformed and extended a dilapidated barn in Sonoma county, California, into a residence-cum-artist studio.

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第2张图片
image © bruce damonte

独特的建筑经测量有2500平方英尺,以一个倒置的蝴蝶形屋顶为特色,包含一个宽敞的艺术家工作室和办公室。Mork-ulnes Architects开发了一个无缝连接室内外环境的空间。延伸和打断混凝土地面,部分的地面填充肥料,以种植竹子、芦荟和各种奇异的植物。

Measuring at 2,500 square feet, the distinctive property features an inverted butterfly roof which accommodates a spacious artist’s studio and an office. Mork-ulnes Architects developed a space that seamlessly establishes an indoor and outdoor setting. In the extension and interrupting the concrete floor, parts of the floor has been filled with compost and planted with bamboo, aloes and various exotic plants.

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第3张图片
倒置的坡屋顶为艺术品制作和储存创造了全面的双层高度空间/The inverted pitch roof creates sweeping double height spaces for art production and storage. image © bruce damonte


The art studio is located within the vernacular barn.The traditional gabled roof has been inverted to create a double height space for creativity and storage, with views out towards the surrounding landscape. Wood is the main construction material; the 100-year old reclaimed bar siding has been re-used as the contrasting cladding seen on the home’s external envelope.

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第4张图片
屋顶是裸露的木材,剪刀梁屋顶上建有一个大天窗,为空间带来光线/The roof is an exposed wood, scissor-beam roof construction with a large skylight that brings light into the space. image © bruce damonte

“Lars想要一个全年都可以使用的户外厨房和餐厅,”建筑师Casper Mork-ulnes说。“我们的想法是让景观在建筑中流淌。他想象它是一个丛林,有异国情调的植物,如木瓜、香蕉、芒果,有室内盆栽和室外盆栽。”


‘Lars wanted an outdoor kitchen and dining room that he could use year-round,’says architect Casper Mork-ulnes.‘The idea was to let the landscape bleed in and out of the building. He imagined it as a jungle, with exotic plants, such as papaya, banana, and mango, inside and out.’
On the outside, the contemporary extension ‘the ameoba’ visually reaches out into the landscape and inside, the open-plan kitchen and dining sits within the S-curved cement walls, which keeps the thermal mass balanced during the summer and winter. The interior embraces nature and the outdoors, capturing the landscape to create a lush landscape of taro, fig, and bamboo that softly separates the kitchen from the dining area.

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第5张图片
720平方英尺的厨房和餐厅空间的地面是混凝土,从工作室延伸出来/A 720 square feet concrete kitchen and dining space grows out from the studio. image © bruce damonte


For this project the architects used adaptive re-use strategies for most of the building materials, and minimized unnecessary glazing where possible.Thermally broken window frames, formaldehyde-free insulation, sustainable FSC certified milled wood were recycled and used, which resulted in the reduction of waste.

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第6张图片
该结构有八英寸厚的S曲线水泥墙,这有助于控制热量/The structure has eight-inch-thick s-curved cement walls which helps in controlling thermal mass. image © bruce damonte

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第7张图片
在这个项目里,建筑师使用了适应性再利用的方案,作为大部分的建筑材料/For this project the architects used adaptive re-use strategies for most of the building materials. image © grant harder

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第8张图片
这栋变形虫工作室向景观延伸和开放/The ameoba pavilion extends and opens out into the landscape. image © bruce damonte

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第9张图片
100年历史的回收木板被用作外立面覆盖层材料/100-year old reclaimed barn siding was used as the exterior cladding material. image © grant harder
枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第10张图片
image © bruce damonte

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第11张图片
夜晚的住宅/The residence at night. image © bruce damonte

枝繁叶茂的艺术家工作室和住宅/Mork-ulnes Architects第12张图片
该住宅在加利福尼亚北部的索诺马县/The home is based in Sonoma county, northern California. image © bruce damonte





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