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迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第1张图片

barbarito bancel merges haute couture + architecture in dior's miami boutique façade


巴黎Barbarito Bancel事务所被委任去给迈阿密的迪奥精品店进行立面设计,它的室内由Peter Marino设计。该项目的主要目标是为建筑创造一种能反映迪奥形象和身份的表皮,发现高级女士时装与建筑相遇并融合的价值。

Paris-based Barbarito Bancel Architects was commissioned to add a façade to a dior boutique located in Miami, whose interiors were designed by Peter Marino. The principal stake of the project was to create a skin for the building that would reflect Dior’s image and identity, finding values where haute couture and architecture could meet and blend.

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第2张图片
清晨的东侧视图/Morning east side view


From this combination, a duality emerges, linking the haute couture with fashion and with the ephemeral that is constantly in need to renew itself. Architecture, on the other hand, transcends fashion and its image needs to outlive times as it goes by, continuing to represent the Dior spirit in a lasting manner. More than a question of style, architecture is a question of light, proportion, and elegance. So, under the light, the sculptured white volume reveals its cut.

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第3张图片
北立面/North elevation


Through large curve movements of white concrete, clear figures of the ‘plisée’ take shape, between which the spaces of the boutique slide in. The nobility of the smooth and delicate surfaces is given by a contemporary material made of ultra high-density concrete and by marble power.The project also takes into consideration its commercial nature as the building aims to move away from an institution or museum form thanks to its generous shop windows that open to the immediate public space. The drawing is influenced by the suggestive references of miami, images of the sun and beaches, along with an idea of dynamism, youth, and contemporary design.

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第4张图片
自然灯光的流动/Natural light flowing through

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第5张图片
朝向露台花园/Towards the terrace garden

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第6张图片
露台花园/Terrace garden

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第7张图片
来自广场的西立面/West façade from the plaza

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第8张图片
西立面/West façade

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第9张图片
该角度的日落/Sunset view from paseo

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第10张图片
迈阿密天空的新星/A new star in the Miami sky
迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第11张图片

迈阿密的迪奥精品店门面/ Barbarito Bancel Architects第12张图片





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