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"RRURBAN" Explores the Potential of Individualism in Collective Urban Housing


在这篇由马德里MAPAA事务所负责人Marcos Parga提供的文章中,阐述了对发达的中心城市的可能性的探索。这个研究项目的场地位于马德里两间房子的外墙之间。通过这个研究,MAPAA希望探寻虽然居住在城市,但仍能怀抱自然,享受乡村的生活方式。

In this article Marcos Parga, director of the Madrid-based office MAPAA, presents an exploratory essay on the possibilities of living in developed urban centers, taking as a case study a site between two existing party walls in Madrid. The objective of MAPAA's exercise is to seek ways to enjoy the benefits of rural life, such as close contact with nature, in the city.

Cortesía de MAPAA



What type of home do we deserve?
Many urbanites asking this question would think that it is not too much to ask new residential architecture to give us the chance to live in the city while enjoying some of the advantages of the idealized rural environment—but without renouncing the density and effervescence of the big cities that we like so much. However, our everyday reality invariably shows us the opposite, which is why we decided to open up the design process for indeterminacy and participation.

Cortesía de MAPAA

RRURBAN(真正的乡村和城市) 项目可能成为对群众理想化愿景的回应。随着社会发展,人们的这种愿望越来越普遍。近几十年来,不同领域都在努力尝试解决将单户住房的好处注入集体住房的DNA中的问题。项目同时激活了与参与式设计相关的很多问题。

The RRURBAN (Really RURAL and URBAN) project emerges as a possible response to this aspiration that is increasingly widespread—and, in recent decades, has been widely addressed by different fields—in order to inject the benefits of single-family housing into the speculative DNA of collective housing, furthermore activating issues related to participatory design.

Cortesía de MAPAA

解决城市住房问题的方法是一个可重复的发展系统。研究表明,邻里社区只不过是不同而独特的个体的堆砌,这些独特性往往会在城市住宅统一后而消失。 我们很快得出结论,为了实现个体与集体的混合,我们的策略应该结合两个动作:“翻松”和“定制”。 “翻松”是提供机会创造空间,“定制”则是希望提高每个房屋的最终价格,从而在经济上弥补建筑面积减少带来的损失。

The result of this romantic (and recurrent) approach to the urban housing problem is a reproducible system of development, based on the evidence that a neighborhood community is nothing other than an accumulation of disparate and unique realities that often disappear behind the unifying veil of residential architecture. We soon came to the conclusion that to achieve that hybrid, our strategy should combine two actions: 'fluff up' and 'customize.' Fluff up to generate spaces of opportunity, and customize to be able to increase the final price of each house and thus to compensate economically for the decrease in built area.

Cortesía de MAPAA

从这一点来看,一切都比较容易:我们只需用这种统一的趋势来代替多样性的结果,并重新定义我们共同生活的方式。 此外,这条路径使我们能够探索John Habraken关于“开放式建筑”的理论或Frei Otto多年前研究的“Okohaus”理论。

From this point, everything was easier: we need only substitute this unifying tendency with operations that exploit diversity, betting on a return to a certain militant individualism that redefines our way of living together. In addition, this path allows us to explore the limits of participation as already made by John Habraken with his theories about the "open-building" or Frei Otto with his "Okohaus" many years ago.

Cortesía de MAPAA

在这种情况下,我们赋予每个住宅单元一些灵活性,以便住户可以根据自己的喜好进行配置。 每个单元的设计都将架构降低到其本质和最原始的形式:一套有限的基本几何规则用于创建一个框架,在这个框架内,生命展现出其丰富多变的本质中。

In this case, we have given each housing unit some flexibility so that they can be easily configured by the final users, according to their preferences. The design of each unit reduces architecture to its very essence and most original form: a limited set of basic geometric rules is used to create a framework within which life unfolds in all its complexity.

Cortesía de MAPAA


Thus, in a less ambitious and more operative way, a realistic “catalog of wishes” will determine the elementary characteristics of each "urban plot," becoming completely defined when occupying its final position within the general structure.

Cortesía de MAPAA

纯粹的实践意义上,垂直组合的不同体量将极大地提升项目的灵活性。这样的系统可以应用到任何一个场地上。 建筑的密度成为可变量,一切由堆叠的基本模块组成,组合方式造就了生活环境和方式。 在这些模块中间的空间可被视为家庭内在生活的品质延伸。

In a purely practical sense, the vertically-combined, disparate volumes will enable the desired 'fluffing,' multiplying the system's adaptability to any site. The result is a built environment of variable density composed of stacked basic volumes arranged to be inhabited. Among them, intermediate spaces are generated and treated as valuable extensions of the homes' inner life.
Cortesía de MAPAA

Cortesía de MAPAA

Cortesía de MAPAA

马德里RRURBAN #01.

第一个RRURBAN行动将在马德里市中心进行,占地面积为385平方米,可容纳7个城市地。所有地块均设有私人户外空间(庭院或露台)和地下停车位。 公共区域(25%)将为社区提供游乐场、温室、烧烤空间、储藏室和自行车停车场等公用设施。

The first RRURBAN operation will take place in the center of Madrid, occupying a small plot of 385 square meters, enough to house 7 urban plots, all of them with private outdoor space (patio or terrace) and basement parking space. The common areas (25%) provide the community with a playground, a productive greenhouse, space for barbecues, storage room and bicycle parking.

Cortesía de MAPAA





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