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Open Call: The Best Student Design-Build Projects






  • 项目必须为真实的建设项目(无需拆除的建议)
  • 项目必须涉及学生的学科,并已用于教育目的。
  • 项目必须是国家已经在最近的毕业期内完成。
  • 成果应只通过谷歌驱动器提交。
  • 请将谷歌驱动文件夹的权限设置为“任何有链接的人均可以编辑”。
  • 图像应该是JPEG或PNG格式,以及谷歌doc或微软Word格式的文本。
  • 请不要上传压缩文件。我们希望能够在线审查你的工作,无需下载。
  • 不符合这些规则的稿件将不被出版。


  • 项目的个人形象比展示板更好。
  • 我们期待能有大量的投稿,所以请尽可能简洁地填写你的书面解释。
  • 除非另有说明,我们将把图像的版权归于提交者。如果您的图片应归于其他范畴,请在文件夹中加入必要的版权细节信息表 。

It's graduation time. As universities around the globe—or at least most in the Northern hemisphere, where over 80% of the world's universities are located—come to the end of the academic year, many university architecture studios have recently closed out the construction of pavilions, installations, and other small educational projects. For the third straight year, ArchDaily is calling on recently-graduated readers to submit their projects for our round-up of the best pavilions, installations and experimental structures created by students from all over the world.
Once again, we're teaming up with all of ArchDaily en Español, ArchDaily Brasil, and ArchDaily China, in the hope that we can present the best work from graduating students worldwide to a worldwide audience. Read on to find out how you can take part.
Please use the form below to submit a Google Drive Folder containing images and a brief description of your project. Submissions close on Friday, June 30th at 12:00 pm ET.

  • Projects must be real-life construction projects (no unbuilt proposals).
  • Projects must have involved the work of students, and have been undertaken for educational purposes.
  • Projects must have been completed in the most recent graduation period for your country.
  • Submissions should be through Google Drive only.
  • Please set the permissions of the Google Drive Folder to "Anyone with the link can edit"
  • Images should be in jpeg or png format, and text in a Google Doc or Microsoft Word.
  • Please do not upload zipped files. We would like to be able to review your work online, without downloading.
  • Submissions that do not conform to these rules will not be considered for publication.

  • Individual images of your project are preferable to presentation boards.
  • We expect a high volume of submissions, so please make your written explanation as concise as possible.
  • Unless stated otherwise, we will attribute images as "courtesy of" the submitter. If your images should be attributed otherwise, please include a contact sheet in the folder with the necessary copyright details.





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