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Anmahian Winton建筑事务所的gemma天文台获得2017AIA小项目奖
Anmahian Winton architects' astronomical gemma observatory wins 2017 AIA small project award


Anmahian Winton建筑事务所完成了位于新罕布什尔州偏远山顶上的私人天文台。该基地的特点是其厚重的花岗岩层,并位于三英里半径的“黑暗”景观中心,这里光线污染少,对于天文观测的阻碍很小。虽然天文观测台的布局一般都很紧凑,但gemma天文台的设计并没有使用传统的圆顶,从而最大限度地利用可用空间,并与整体地理环境呼应。

Anmahian Winton architects completes its private astronomical gemma observatory located on a remote mountain summit in new hampshire. The site is characterized by granite outcroppings and is situated at the center of a three-mile radius ‘dark’ landscape with very little light pollution to obstruct astronomical viewing. Though astronomical observatories are generally compact in size, gemma’s design rejects a traditional dome in favor of a synthesized architectural form that maximizes usable space and responds to the stark geographic context.

image © anmahian winton architects and client

Anmahian Winton建筑事务所的天文台在设计上反映了周围的山区景观,在山顶基岩和建筑基础之间形成过渡,融合自然和人造地貌。其尺度、色彩与灰色花岗岩相融合,同时其传热能力通过降低温差来增强天空的可观察性。与外部相反,室内运用杉木胶合板,温暖的空间与恶劣的自然环境形成对比,这是研究、内省,甚至休息的好去处。

Anmahian winton architects‘zinc-clad observatory reflects its surrounding mountainous landscape, transitioning between the summit’s bedrock and the building foundation, fusing together a natural and man-made landform. Its dimension, color, and patina evoke a material relationship to the gray granite outcroppings, while its heat transfer capability facilitates sky observation by reducing temperature differential distortion. Contrary to the exterior, the interior is lined with fir plywood, creating a haven of refuge and warmth from the harsh surroundings — a place for research, introspection, and even rest.

image © anmahian winton architects and client


A helical stair of plywood and steel pauses at a fissure in the cladding that opens onto an exterior observation deck. Then, the stair arrives at the observatory’s primary astronomical viewing platform inside a faceted turret. This platform is characterized by high ceilings and an oversized, sliding hatch that opens the telescope to the sky. A rift in the cladding creates an aperture at the corner of the turret, which frames polaris when the turret is locked into the southern cardinal position.

image © anmahian winton architects and client

Anmahian Winton事务所的gemma天文台最近获得了2017年AIA的小项目奖。今年的主题是“反思”,该项目与这个主题息息相关,并包含相关的概念和要素。该项目提高了公众的价值意识,同时其自身也是一个优秀的设计作品。

Anmahian winton’s gemma observatory has recently won the AIA 2017 small project awards. This year’s theme, ‘reflection’, recognizes projects that engage the idea and incorporate concepts and elements relating to this subject. This program strives to raise public awareness of the value and design excellence that architects bring to projects, no matter the limits of size and scope.

image © anmahian winton architects and client

image © anmahian winton architects and client

image © anmahian winton architects and client

建筑设计:Anmahian Winton建筑事务所
总承包商:Patriots Builders – Scott Estabrooks
结构工程师: Rse,Associates,Inc - Sofya Auren p.e.
技术运动工程师:Gillespie Corp.
钢铁: Quinn Brothers Iron Works
结构隔热板: Foard Panels Inc.
装饰钢: Concentric Fabrication llc – Rob lorenson – Tresfort Metal Works – Pierre Tresfort
太阳能电池板设计:Sunbug Solar

project info:
architect:  Anmahian Winton Architectsgeneral contractor: Patriots Builders – Scott Estabrooks
structural engineers: Rse,Associates,Inc - Sofya Auren p.e.
technical motion engineers:  Gillespie Corp.
rotating rail mechanism: thk
metal installers:  Crocker Architectural Sheet Metal Co., Inc.
steel:  Quinn Brothers Iron Works
structural insulated panels:  Foard Panels Inc.
decorative steel:  Concentric Fabrication llc – Rob lorenson – Tresfort Metal Works – Pierre Tresfortsolar panel design: Sunbug Solar





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