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Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex / Flad Architects


来自建筑事务所的描述:在近十年来,Kenwood多学科研究大楼是威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校的第一座全新的学术建筑,其中包含有专为STEM学科提供的学术研究室,还有为先进应用科学分析化学(Advanced and Applied Analytical Chemistry)而设置的Shimadzu实验室,以及Zilber公共卫生学院的研究场所。建筑独特的场地设计和功能布局让它在校园中大放异彩。

Text description provided by the architects. Representing the UW-Milwaukee campus’ first new academic building in more than a decade, the Kenwood IRC houses academic and research space for STEM disciplines, provides space for the chemistry department including the Shimadzu Laboratory for Advanced and Applied Analytical Chemistry, serves as the new home for the physics department and includes labs for the Zilber School of Public Health. But its presence is being felt throughout the campus because of how it is sited and the way it is being used by so many different students.


威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校在学术研究与交流方面全国领先。学生们可以通过步行从停车场直接来到学术中心,学生组织团体和公寓建筑将会沿着多学科研究大楼的场地而排布,学生们通过一条人行天桥直接穿过North Maryland大道。为了更好地利用周边环境,Flad Architects事务所的建筑师们将一层空间结合室内外进行设计,同时用作行人通道,学生们可以在温暖的季节通过外部凉亭穿过场地,这条道路也将学生联合组织和东面场地连接起来。建筑门厅东西向布局,形成水平向的玻璃通道,在寒冷季节,学生们可以选择从室内通行,同时这也是学生们的日常路径。自从建筑投入使用以来,其门厅已经成为学生们继宿舍、教室之外的首选场所。

UW-Milwaukee is an urban campus that was in need of state-of-the-art space for schoolwork and interaction. Students walking from parking to the heart of the academic center, student union and student housing would traverse an alley along the future IRC site and be funneled across the pedestrian overpass that is one of the few ways to quickly and safely cross North Maryland Avenue. Situating the building and designing it to take best advantage of prevailing conditions, Flad created a ground floor that serves as a pedestrian pathway, indoors and out. A loggia provides a covered walking path during warmer months, and helps efficiently route foot traffic from the student union to the east, through the site and beyond to the rest of the quad. The lobby, which accentuates the linear nature of the corridor’s east-west connection using horizontal channel glass, is the main thoroughfare throughout the colder months, as well as a magnet for students all school year long. Since its opening, the lobby has become a “third place” in students’ daily lives beyond home and the classroom.





The prominence of the lobby space within the building’s floor plan makes the IRC, technically speaking, an unusual hybrid. Floor slabs, lighting, ventilation and other building systems conform to the separate requirements of labs for the life sciences and physical sciences. For example, a below-grade core facility for condensed matter physics research was designed for sensitive instrumentation to protect equipment operation from the vibrations of passing city traffic. A communicating stair that links the third, fourth and fifth floors is an important connective element; its purpose, besides conveying people, is to offer opportunities for casual conversations and learning outside of formal settings.




The exterior expression of yellow terracotta, exposed concrete and metal panels is rendered as an assemblage of components, a metaphor for the research and innovation happening within. Dynamic and transparent, the building offers ample viewsof interior movement in the two-story lobby corridor and communicating stair, in addition to offices and instructional spaces on the upper floors.



An iconic building that offers researchers and students in the upper floors a spectacular view of downtown Milwaukee, the IRC maintains the connection between different areas of campus and creates a fresh palette of color and light as a template for future construction. The IRC has created a new brand for all of scientific research at UW-Milwaukee, and the campus as a whole.






建筑设计:Flad Architects
地点:Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin, United States
主创建筑师:Flad Architects
摄影:Steve Hall/Hedrich Blessing, Jeff Lendrum
制造商:ALPOLIC, Bendheim, Wausau Window and Wall Systems, Mott Manufacturing
机械/电气/安全设计:Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
垂直系统/施工管理:American Design Inc.
土木工程/场地设计:Bloom Companies, LLC
委托代理:Grumman/Butkus Associates
信息技术:Intelligent Network Solutions, Inc.
景观建筑设计:Ken Saiki Design Inc.
音频/视频设计:Professional Audio Designs
管道与防火设计:Thunderbird Engineering, Inc.
振动、声学设计:Vibro-Acoustics Consultants

Architects: Flad Architects
Location: Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin, United States
Architect in Charge: Flad Architects
Area: 143500.0 ft2
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Steve Hall/Hedrich Blessing, Jeff Lendrum
Manufacturers: ALPOLIC, Bendheim, Wausau Window and Wall Systems, Mott Manufacturing
Mechanical, Electrical, Security: Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
General Vertical Circulation, Construction Administration: American Design Inc.
Civil/Site: Bloom Companies, LLC
Commissioning Agent (Hired by State): Grumman/Butkus Associates
Information Technology: Intelligent Network Solutions, Inc.
Landscape Architecture: Ken Saiki Design Inc.
Audio/Visual: Professional Audio Designs
Plumbing and Fire Protection: Thunderbird Engineering, Inc.
Vibration, Acoustics: Vibro-Acoustics Consultants





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