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Image: Heatherwick Studio

Tall Timber in Toronto


Waterfront Toronto与 Alphabet公司的Sidewalk Labs发布了一张方案图。在此方案中,他们创造了一座混合功能的社区。这个方案的特点在于建筑都由木块构成。

方案的演示文稿可以在Sidewalk Toronto的网页上找到PDF版本。建筑师将12英亩(约4.56公顷)的码头改造成一座智能社区,总占地面积将会达到190英亩(约76.89公顷),其中包括谷歌的加拿大总部。一年前Oliver Pohlisch将认为该方案是“陷入谷歌魔掌的多伦多”。这个方案将由谷歌的母公司Alphabet策划,以前纽约市副市长Dan Doctoroff为首的Sidewalk Labs也是Alphabet的子公司。他们开发了智能建筑,可以在街区道路测试无人驾驶车辆,且有安装传感器和摄像头来收集有关环境条件、噪音水平和交通密度等信息。

Waterfront Toronto and Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs have released a project update for their creation of a mixed-use neighborhood on Toronto's Eastern Waterfront, complete with renderings that depict buildings made from mass timber.
The presentation (available as a PDF on Sidewalk Toronto's website) gives some graspable form to the controversial project that would transform 12 acres of Quayside into a smart neighborhood, with a second phase (including Google Canadian HQ) bringing the grand total to 190 acres. As described a year ago in Oliver Pohlisch's "Toronto Falls into Google’s Clutches," the project is being masterminded by Google's parent company Alphabet, and its subsidiary, Sidewalk Labs, headed by former New York City deputy mayor Dan Doctoroff, and would include "intelligent" buildings, testing of self-driving vehicles on its roads, and the installation of sensors and cameras to collect information on environmental conditions, noise levels and traffic density.

Image: Sidewalk Labs


The February 14 presentation plays down some of these "smart city" features in favor of promoting innovative construction and building programs, a higher mix of affordable housing than the norm, the creation of thousands of jobs and an "Urban Innovation Institute," the creation of public spaces, and the incorporation of numerous sustainable features. Digital Innovations are still there, to be sure, including 100% wifi/5G coverage for the whole development, the management of pedestrian areas by app, and a "Civic Data Trust" for managing the anonymous and publicly accessible data across Quayside's digital infrastructure.

Image: Snøhetta

“尺度”是在项目方案里经常提及的词。其实,在建造了最初在12英亩的码头原型之后,Sidewalk Labs就一直在讨论是否需要将整个项目扩大为190英亩。例如,货运隧道只设置在比Quayside规模更大的地方。自动驾驶汽车、气候积极建筑,以及建造大型木材塔的“高大木材厂”也是如此。

Scale is an oft-repeated word in the presentation. In essence, Sidewalk Labs is arguing that it would need to build out the entire 190 acres after making the initial investment in "prototypes" on the 12-acre Quayside site. Freight tunnels, for instance, would only work at a scale larger than Quayside. Ditto automated vehicles, "climate positive" buildings, and the "Tall Timber Factory" it would erect to build the mass-timber towers.

Image: Heatherwick Studio


In terms of numbers, the first phase (approximately 15% of the complete project) would total 3 million square feet, be made up of 3,000 residential units, and provide 3,900 jobs "on site." Forty percent of the housing would be below market rate, with 20% affordable and up to 20% middle income; the latter category is basically non-existent in Toronto per the presentation. The full, two-phase project would total 35 million square feet, with 33,000 residential units, and 45,000 jobs "on site."

Image: Heatherwick Studio

参与该项目的建筑师来自Michael Green Architecture、Heatherwick Studio、Snøhetta。《Architect's Newspaper》称,“Michael Green Architecture公司开发了大量的木材组件,而Snøhetta和heatherwick工作室设计了校园、创新区、公共区域等空间的建筑概念。”

The architects involved on the project are Michael Green Architecture, Heatherwick Studio, and Snøhetta. Their names are nowhere to be found on the latest project update, but according to Architect's Newspaper, "Michael Green Architecture has developed a mass timber kit-of-parts, and Snøhetta and Heatherwick Studio have designed building concepts for the campus, innovation zone, common areas, and other spaces."

Image: Snøhetta




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