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Sidewalk Labs unveils Building Raincoat prototype for smart city in Toronto


Alphabet公司Sidewalk Labs为多伦多只能城市设计了一系列作品原型,其中就包括在恶劣的天气中能够保护人行道的“雨衣”。

该作品由雨棚、六边形围合物构成,还结合了照明与投影设备,这些项目均由Alphabet公司的附属公司Sidewalk Labs为城市的滨海项目而设计。



A "raincoat" designed to protect pavements during harsh weather is among a series of design prototypes that Alphabet company Sidewalk Labs has revealed for its new city in Toronto.
An awning, hexagonal pavers, and interactive works that use lighting and projection mapping are among the ideas developed for Sidewalk Toronto – the city that Alphabet subsidiary Sidewalk Labs is developing with partner Waterfront Toronto.
Revealed at an event earlier this month, the new prototypes are intended to respond to the harsh weather endured in the city's winter months.
"It's cold," said Sidewalk Labs in a project description. "The weather plays a big role in determining how much time we spend outdoors."

3月Sidewalk Toronto事务所公布了“建筑雨衣”项目原型/Sidewalk Toronto unveiled the Building Raincoat prototype earlier this month

其中一个项目便是Toronto architects Partisans负责设计、英国环境工程公司RWDI和意大利公司Maffeis Engineering负责结构设计的“建筑雨衣”。

作为环境和可持续发展战略的一部分,Sidewalk Toronto项目大多采用木结构——这些可调节和保护结构旨在保护建筑与人行道。


Among the designs is the Building Raincoat that Toronto architects Partisans has designed with British environmental engineering company RWDI and Italian firm Maffeis Engineering for structural design.
With much of the Sidewalk Toronto development intended to be wooden construction as part of its environmental and sustainable strategy – these adjustable and protective structure are intended to protection to the buildings, as well as pavements.
"The raincoat was just one of a series of design innovations we'd been exploring to make sidewalks and other public spaces more comfortable, with the goal of drawing people outdoors year-round," said Sidewalk Labs.

这座白色帐篷形态的建筑目的是在多伦多寒冷的冬天保护建筑与人行道/The white tent-like structure is intended to offer protection to buildings and pavements during Toronto's harsh winters

建筑雨衣由乙烯-四氟乙烯(ETFE)建造而成,在安大略省首次使用这种新兴建筑材料。另外,这种材料还应用在伊利诺伊州Kaplan机构大楼,设计师为John Ronan。

雨衣的设计来源于从Sidewalk Labs多伦多办公室向外延伸的一系列山峰,其名为“307”。


展览中还有由多伦多Ink公司艺术家Jason Logan所创作的艺术品。这些作品由英国多媒体艺术家Ilze Briede [Kavi]进行调整,并投射其中。

The Building Raincoat is made from ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) and is the first project in Ontario to use this emerging building material. Another recent design to use ETFE is ITT's Kaplan Institute building in Illinois by John Ronan.
The awning is based on a series of peaks that extend outward from Sidewalk Labs' Toronto office, called 307.
Sidewalk cast a series of light designs across the coverings to celebrate the presentation, which took place on 2 March 2019 at the Winter Warmer event.
Projections included artworks made at an earlier drawing session with Jason Logan of the Toronto Ink Company. Pieces were altered by British mixed-media artist Ilze Briede [Kavi] and projected onto it.

雨衣位于建筑的前侧,形成外部保护/Each is attached to the front of the building to create a cover for outdoor activities

Sidewalk Toronto负责人Melanie Wilmink也精心挑选了其他的作品参展,其中包括Nicole Clouston的“Lake Ontario Mud”、Michael Palumbo的“Recursive Writing”,以及Haru Hyunkyung Ji & Graham Wakefield的“Conservation of Shadows”。

在活动期间,Sidewalk Lab还应用了六边形道路系统,该系统由混凝土摊铺机开发,曾经在307停车地块进行了测试。这种设计遵循模块化纤维板铺路体系,整个体系由Sidewalk Lab与意大利建筑师于去年创造且公布。


Sidewalk Toronto's curator-in-residence Melanie Wilmink also hand-picked other artworks for the showcase, including Nicole Clouston's Lake Ontario Mud, Michael Palumbo's Recursive Writing and Haru Hyunkyung Ji & Graham Wakefield's Conservation of Shadows.
Also launched during the event was Sidewalk Lab's hexagonal paving system, which were developed from concrete pavers that were tested in the parking lot of 307. The design follows the modular, fibreboard paving system that Sidewalk Lab created with Italian architect Carlo Ratti, and revealed last year.
Comprising dozens of hexagon-shaped tiles, the new system was designed in-house to absorb stormwater or melted snow, similar to how bioswales guide water to underground management systems.

建筑雨衣由乙烯四氟乙烯(ETFE)建造而成,在安大略省首次使用这种新兴建筑材料/Made from ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), the awning is the first project in Ontario to use this emerging building material






暖冬活动在Sidewalk Labs多伦多办公室307举办。该办公室场地曾经是养鱼场,当地工作室Lebel & Bouliane对其进行了更新改造。

"Pavement heating clears snow and ice, eliminating the need for plowing and salting, improving safety, facilitating all-season use, and minimising ecological damage," Sidewalk Labs said.
The company developed the paving system to tackle environmental issues like flooding and icing. In addition to permeability, the tiles are also modular so can easily be replaced.
"Individual precast concrete slabs are easy to pick up and replace – eliminating disruptions from street work and helping the streetscape adapt as new technologies emerge or new community needs arise," the organisation said.
Additional features include LED lights that can "signal changes in street use, making it easier to control traffic flows or direct people to take over street space for public uses, such as pop-up markets or temporary road closures", said Sidewalk Labs.
Also at the event was Numina – a Brooklyn-based startup that uses computer sensors to gather date on the the street movements of pedestrians, cyclists, buses and trucks. The data is intended to be used to help plan for healthier and safer cities.
Winter Warmer was held at 307 – Sidewalk Labs' Toronto office. Based in a former fishery, the office was overhauled by local studio Lebel & Bouliane.

展览期间还展示了能够融雪、吸收雪水的铺路石/Other prototypes revealed during the event included paving stones, which are intended to absorb stormwater or melted snow

这些原型是Sidewalk Toronto发起的提议,该提议希望能够在城市中创造出创意性滨水地区,作为城市创新中心。


在Dezeen记者去年的采访中,Sidewalk Labs的城市规划师Rohit Aggarwala说,这将成为利用最新技术的城市模型。

Sidewalk Labs与Waterfront Toronto当前正在开发9.5公顷的码头地区,该地区位于城市东部。Thomas Heatherwick工作室和Snøhetta建筑事务所近期也接受了项目邀请,公布了智能木材城市的方案。

The prototypes form part of a large initiative by Sidewalk Toronto to create a waterfront district in the city that is a hub for urban innovation.
First unveiled in 2017, the project aims to overhaul more than 325 hectares (803 acres) into a digital "future city" that will address many urban issues – like affordable housing, traffic congestion and safety, and environmental problems – with smart designs.
In an interview with Dezeen last year, Sidewalk Labs urban planner Rohit Aggarwala said the result could provide a model for cities to use the latest technologies.
Sidewalk Labs and Waterfront Toronto are currently working on developing a portion of this site – a 12-acre (9.5-hectare) Quayside neighbourhood at Parliament Slip, east of the city's Downtown area. Thomas Heatherwick's studio and architecture firm Snøhetta were recently tapped for the project, revealing proposals for the smart, mass-timber city.




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