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温州作为“科创中国”试点城市,正在以飞速融入全球科技创新网络,而温州国际未来科技岛正是其中关键一环。它集科创、金融、康养、教育四大板块于一体,未来将成为辐射长三角的科创新高地和区域金融中心。Aedas执行董事温耀春、全球设计董事温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen)带领团队,在岛屿中心地段,打造了极具示范意义的温州国际未来科技岛启动区块建筑设计项目。
Wenzhou is planned to be one of the global high-tech cities by establishing Wenzhou Innovaland. The start-up zone integrates technology, financial, wellness and education, creating a mixed-use innovative hub in Wenzhou. Aedas Executive Director Yaochun Wen and Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen have jointly led the team to create a pioneering space in the zone.
▲ 启动区鸟瞰图
Aerial view of the start-up zone
Embraced by adequate mountains and rivers, an ecological belt is designed around the zone with a spectacular landscape view. Located in the heart of Qidudao, it is set to be a people-oriented livable zone that connects the residences with mixes-use functionalities.
▲ 设计呼应温州“城水相依”的地貌
Responding to the topology to connect the urban environment and rivers
Aedas Executive Director Yaochun Wen further explained the design, “We hope to create a humane workplace for scientists and enterprises, which is connected to the diverse leisure space with local cultural context.”
▲ 设计以“岛链”为理念
Design concept of “Island Chain”
Inspired by the connection between city and rivers, the design adopts an “Island Chain” concept.
▲ 项目生成分析图
Massing generation
▲ 业态分析图
Rivers have shaped the vibrant waterfronts and weaved the islands, providing a synergy effect among R&D spaces, offices and public services to Wenzhou Innovaland.
▲ 打造温州科创新地标
Creating a new landmark in Wenzhou
A dynamic workplace environment offers flexible offices for different enterprises. The high-rise office tower stands at the end of the major road. The vertical connection inside the tower integrates office area with the exterior.
▲ 融于自然的花园办公组团
Garden office blocks that merge with the nature
▲ 充满活力的商业水街
Vibrant waterfront retail street
Garden office blocks are arranged in a jagged form along the river. The porosity connects the blocks with the outdoor terrace, courtyard and waterfront walkways. A riverside promenade and retail street are perfectly created whereas the architecture merges with the nature.
▲ 弹性的空间满足不同院士的办公需求
Flexible spaces for different office use
Three inter-connected office buildings offer flexible workplaces for workers. Retreating architectural form maximises the glass façade and outdoor terraces, injecting sufficient natural light and landscape view to the interiors. Courtyards provide a waterfront piazza within the buildings, which enhances the communication and connectivity in the zone.
▲ 美学艺术中心作为入口的标志性建筑
Placing Art Centre as an iconic entrance
▲ 在建的美学艺术中心
Placing Art Centre under construction
▲ 产业展示中心鸟瞰
Aerial view of the exhibition centre
An iconic art centre is placed at the entrance where it provides an aesthetic and open space for cultural and business use. The exhibition centre in the middle accommodates large-scale conferences, exhibitions and events. Inspired by the seashells, the exhibition centre has a vivid architectural form and an ascending pathway that links zonings with different heights.
▲ 产业展示中心流线分析图
Circulation diagram of the exhibition centre
▲ 水影舞台提供了丰富的户外活动空间
A spacious communal space at the performance stage
A riverside performance stage further extends to the nature, gathering the circulation as an urban living room to provide a spacious leisure and entertainment area. The stage well-connects the buildings and the developments in the vicinity through pedestrian bridges.
▲ 科技感与艺术感并存的产业展示中心
Artistic and futuristic exhibition centre
“作为未来科技岛的重要发展引擎,我们希望启动区将成为具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,形成以科创服务、文化交流、水绿交融为特色的城市后花园。” 温子先博士说道。
Aedas Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen summed up, “By integrating technology, culture and nature on the Wenzhou Innovaland, we hope to design a diversified urban garden for the start-up zone which will be advanced into a global high-tech hub in the future.”
* 此为竞赛设计方案,后期深化实施或有调整。
* This competition design plan is subject to change in later implementation stage.
竣工年份: 2024 年
主要设计人:温耀春,执行董事;温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen),全球设计董事
Location: Wenzhou, China
Design Architect: Aedas
Client: Wenzhou Zeda Industrial Development Operation Management Co., Ltd
Gross Floor Area: 119,608 sq m
Completion Year: 2024
Design Directors: Yao Chun Wen, Executive Director and Dr. Andy Wen, Global Design Principal
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