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自然有机的餐厨空间 | Formica工作室第1张图片

Studio Formica / Studio Arquitetônico


Studio + Fórmica是CASACOR Minas的一部分,受现代主义线条的启发,以其有机的建筑形态脱颖而出,为纪念22nd Week而构思。建筑师Assis Humberto和Marcus Vinícius是Studio Arquitetônico的创始人,他们承担了设计Studio + Fórmica项目的职责,该项目是CASACOR Minas的功能厨房。作为该展览的一个传统,这个空间负责举办一系列美食的展示课程、推广会议和米纳斯吉拉斯州的文化,让人们可以围坐在餐桌旁体验,并邀请客座厨师出席并参与一系列活动,如早午餐、午餐、晚餐和品酒会。

Inspired by the modernist lines, Studio + Fórmica, an environment at CASACOR Minas, stands out for its architecture with organic shapes, conceived in honor of the 22nd Week.The architects Assis Humberto and Marcus Vinícius, founders of Studio Arquitetônico, took on the commitment to create the Studio + Fórmica project, the functional kitchen of CASACOR Minas. A tradition in the show, the space has been hosting a series of gastronomic meetings and show-classes, promoting meetings and the Minas Gerais culture of bringing people together around the table for gastronomic experiences. The program includes the presence and participation of guest chefs for a series of actions such as brunches, lunches, dinners and wine tastings.

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该建筑是建筑师Assis Humberto和Marcus Vinícius为2022 CASACOR Minas设计的项目。建筑师提出的感官建筑的灵感来源是Semana de 22百年纪念,Semana de 22是整个巴西社会的历史地标,影响了人们对文化、建筑、设计和时尚的思考。

The project by architects Assis Humberto and Marcus Vinícius, for CASACOR Minas 2022, had architecture as its main focus. The inspiration for the sensorial architecture proposed by the architects had as its starting point the centenary of the Semana de 22, considered a historic landmark for the entire Brazilian society, with reflections on culture, architecture, design and fashion.

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自然有机的餐厨空间 | Formica工作室第6张图片

受现代主义的启发,Assis Humberto和Marcus Vinícius设计了一种探索有机形式的建筑。“在我们的建筑中,我们向现代主义运动致敬。我们的设计加入了现代主义文化的元素,如细长的曲线、自由的跨度、玻璃盒子,它们划分了休息室,同时又不失与自然的联系。家具和艺术作品加强了这些联系”,这是来自Studio Arquitetônico的Marcus强调。

Inspired by Modernism, Assis Humberto and Marcus Vinícius developed an architecture that explores organic forms. “In our architecture, we pay homage to this movement. Our contemporary design was added to elements of modernist culture, such as the slender curves, free spans, the glass box, which delimits the lounge, without losing the connection with nature. The furniture and works of art reinforce this connection with what is ours”, highlights Marcus Vinícius, from Studio Arquitetônico.

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The result is surprising due to its lightness, beauty of curves and integration with the surroundings. Access to the environment is via a suspended walkway that crosses a garden. The visitor is led to a glass-enclosed lounge surrounded by gardens, which serves as an anteroom to the 'kitchen'. The duo's challenge was to take the spotlight off the kitchen, creating a harmonious dialogue between all the spaces in the environment, creating different but complementary climates.

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自然有机的餐厨空间 | Formica工作室第11张图片

Studio + Formica被设计成一个“感官的厨房”。设计师与Prima Linea合作开发的家具灵感来自于他的童年。比如Jirau桌子,包含古老的jirais和舒适的椅子Taboca,“Tupi”的意思是巴西竹子。“通过连接我们的回忆,纪念与祖父母在一起的时刻,我们设计了这张名为Jirau的桌子,Jirau是最朴素的乡土设计。这个术语来自Tupi语言,指的是一种由木板和木棒组成的半米高的结构,用来遮蔽和保护作物不与地面接触,也防止阳光的暴晒。屋顶由四个不同厚度的圆柱底座支撑,对应支撑 Jirau的桌腿。”Assis Humberto介绍。两人的想法是打破传统餐桌的刻板形状,为现代空间增添一种轻盈的氛围。

Studio + Formica was designed to be a ‘kitchen of sensations’. The authorial furniture, developed in partnership with Prima Linea, was inspired by the architects' childhood. This is the case of the Jirau table, which refers to the old jirais and the comfortable chairs Taboca, a Tupi word that means Brazilian bamboo. “By connecting with our essence, remembering moments with our grandparents, we developed the table we named Jirau. Jirau is the most democratic piece of vernacular design. The term, from the Tupi language, designates a structure composed of boards on sticks and sticks, at half height, which serves to shelter and protect crops from contact with the ground and also to dry containers in the sun. The table with an organic top refers to the lakes of the paths, supported by four cylindrical bases of different thicknesses, alluding to the sticks used to support a jirau”, points out Assis Humberto. The duo's idea was to break with the rigid shapes of traditional dining tables, adding an air of lightness to contemporary spaces.

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自然有机的餐厨空间 | Formica工作室第16张图片

建筑设计:Studio Arquitetônico
面积:215 m2
摄影:Estudio NY18, Daniel Mansur
制造商:Simon, AMéMCASA, Conceito Digital, Construflama, Deca, ESTUDIO DANIEL COUTINHO, Elettromec, Fórmica, Galeria Celma Albuquerque, Grupo Armind, Jader Almeida, Marie Camille;, Portinari, Primalinea, RP MARMORES, SANTA CECILIA MARCENARIA, São Romão, Tecai, Templuz, Tintas Coral
主创建筑师:Assis Humberto Ribeiro, Marcus Vinicius dos Santos
概念:Marcus Vinicius dos Santos
建造:Construtora Construa
工程:FACIT Engenharia
金工:Eletrosolda Serralheria
景观设计:Ana Campos Paisagismo, Kat Paisagismo

Architects: Studio Arquitetônico
Area: 215 m2
Year: 2022
Photographs: Estudio NY18, Daniel Mansur
Manufacturers: Simon, AMéMCASA, Conceito Digital, Construflama, Deca, ESTUDIO DANIEL COUTINHO, Elettromec, Fórmica, Galeria Celma Albuquerque, Grupo Armind, Jader Almeida, Marie Camille;, Portinari, Primalinea, RP MARMORES, SANTA CECILIA MARCENARIA, São Romão, Tecai, Templuz, Tintas Coral
Lead Architects: Assis Humberto Ribeiro, Marcus Vinicius dos Santos
Conception: Marcus Vinicius dos Santos
Construction: Construtora Construa
Engineering: FACIT Engenharia
Metal Work: Eletrosolda Serralheria
Windows: Eletrovidros
Landscape Design: Ana Campos Paisagismo, Kat Paisagismo
City: Mangabeiras
Country: Brazil




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