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概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第1张图片
△ 鸟瞰图Overall Aerial View © LLA


本项目选址气候宜人的南方城市,用地约5.3万平方米,地块位于主干道交叉路口,临近两条地铁线路换乘站,车行、公共交通均极为便利。周边多为中高档多层住宅,并有写字楼、酒店、金融、医疗、学校等机构,生活配套设施完善。场地限高24米,绿化率不小于40%。项目定位于集商务、酒店、人文、休闲、运动、教育于一体的城市公园会客厅,期望打造无边界城市新社交空间,为人们带去全新的生活工作创想。Laguarda.Low Architects(LLA建筑设计)的设计方案建筑面积达13.5万,基于传承+筑新理念,打造亲民、友好、和谐、体验、开放的市民活动空间以及绿色生态低密度的智慧办公空间。

Urban Green Plaza Conceptual Scheme / Laguarda.Low Architects
Located in a thriving city in southern China, Urban Green Plaza resides on a site of over 5 hectares conveniently located at the intersection of two main roads, near two subway lines. The surrounding neighborhood is primarily mid-to-high-end multi-story residences along with office buildings, hotels, financial institutions, medical facilities, schools, and governmental institutions. As the green ratio of the site is set at 40%, our client envisioned the project as a public city park, a place for people to meet, with the seamless integration of business, hospitality, culture, leisure, sports, and educational venues. Laguarda.Low’s interpretation of that vision is to create a borderless urban social space with attracts people interested in a new vibrant lifestyle and working environment.  Our design includes 135,000 sqm GBA set within a 24-meter envelope that allows for community engagement, harmonious experiences, and active living within an eco-friendly park.  

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第2张图片
△ 整体空中特写 Overall Aerial-Close up © LLA



Urban Green Plaza is in part inspired by the ancient Greek agora as well as ancient Chinese urban planning theory.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第3张图片
△ 从相邻建筑看中轴线 Central Axis Perspective from Adjacent Building © LLA


The ancient Green agora was an open space that served as a meeting ground for the daily activities of citizens, surrounded by public buildings and temples. The agora connoted both the assembly of the people as well as a physical setting. Great philosophers like Socrates and Plato often debated in the agora with market-goers, attracting crowds of Athenian youth.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第4张图片
△ 集市广场 Market Plaza © LLA


Ancient Chinese urban planning theory can be described as the inner/ outer city and street marketing. Edged by four walls, the city was rectangular. The outer city was located beyond these city walls and served as a rural living area. The inner city located within the city walls contained an urban living area. The gates in each wall opened one side to the other and eventually formed the market street.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第5张图片
△ 中轴透视图 Central Axis Perspective © LLA


Our concept focuses also on leisure that integrates the concepts of sports and health to establish an ideal "micro-community" for people to relax, entertain, and socialize.

设计策略 Design Strategy


The design simultaneously integrates with and retreats the city. Firstly, the central axis of the government building on the adjacent plot is extended through our site, so that the project has a symbiotic relationship with its civic neighbor. This main axis passes through an array of landscapes and courtyards culminating in the office tower at the southern end of the site.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第6张图片
△ 中轴线图 Central Axis Diagram © LLA

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第7张图片
△ 中轴透视图 Central Axis Perspective © LLA


Because the project respects the 50 meter setback from the main road, the circulation to enter the project is very long, potentially weakening retail accessibility. Laguarda.Low introduces landscaped stairs along the perimeter to pull visitors in and down to the commercial zone one level below street level.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第8张图片
△ 设计挑战与解决方案 Challenges and Solution © LLA

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第9张图片
△ 设计挑战与解决方案 Challenges and Solution © LLA


The starting point of the stairs lies between the building setback and the road to provide the feeling of comfortably stepping gradually down to the commercial zone. The design channels visitors to B1 in way that makes B1 appear as the main level while increasing the visibility of the retail offer from all sides and above.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第10张图片
△ 临街商业 Street Retail © LLA


The main entrance is located on the north corner of the site. With its large, landscaped stairs, the entrance links the ground level, Basement level, and subway connection, gathering all pedestrian flows into the entrance plaza. Combining with an iconic entrance pavilion, this sequence forms a significant and dynamic entrance experience.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第11张图片
△ 主入口 Main Entrance © LLA

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第12张图片
△ 庆典广场 Celebration Plaza © LLA


In terms of architectural appearance, the design breaks down each program element to minimize the mass of buildings within the site and along street frontages. The design creates plazas of different sizes in the central area of ​​the site and distinguishes primary and secondary circulation paths. Several uniquely shaped buildings are inserted into the regular grid layout. Those iconic buildings respectively show demarcate entrance plazas and featured spaces, providing characteristic landmarks to the geometric layout.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第13张图片
△ 景观楼梯入口 Landscapped Stair Entrance © LLA


Most underground retail spaces are divided into appropriate sizes to increase commercial value and efficiency. In areas where the depth is too large, special programs such as cinemas, supermarkets, gymnasiums, learning centers, and equipment rooms are arranged to maximize the use of those spaces. The pedestrian circulation routes are clearly layered and interlocked. In the longest circulation path, that from the subway to the office buildings, retail streets and shops of different sizes are arranged along the way to alleviate monotony. Large glass façades and various green spaces reduce the appearance of the building volumes, giving the project a lighter appearance that is more open and welcoming.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第14张图片
△ 儿童乐园 Kids Playground © LLA

办公与酒店塔楼 Office and Hotel Towers


The office complex has five levels above ground, of which the second to fourth floors are typical. The cores are located in the center of each tower, and the office space adopts a flexible and open layout. There are interconnected corridors and public spaces between different towers on some levels. On the two sides facing the project, Laguarda.Low has designed overhanging platforms at different levels. These platforms with green plants and casual seating can be used flexibly by office staff within a communicative, eco-friendly office environment; The side facing retail spaces is a rich display surface, providing a harmonious and interactive spatial relationship between office and commercial.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第15张图片
△ 庆典大道 Parade Promenade © LLA


The business boutique hotel has six levels above ground, of which the second to sixth floors are typical levels. The core is arranged on the side to maximize the efficiency of guest rooms. There is a shared green platform on the second level, which can be used as a public amenity for the hotel that connects directly to the retail. The hotel lobby is designed as a public through space with the vehicular drop-off area set near the road side.  On the commercial side resides the main pedestrian entrance to the site as a whole.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第16张图片
△ 景观楼梯入口 Landscapped Stair Entrance © LLA

多层次绿化 Layered Greens


Green space designed by Laguarda.Low accounts for 40% of the site area. , By providing a variety of green spaces on different levels, the project is a natural oxygen bar that improves the air quality of the surrounding community.  

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第17张图片
△ 艺术文化庭院 © LLA

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第18张图片
△ 概念图 Conceptual Package © LLA


In order to create this three-dimensional green program,  Laguarda.Low designed 10 experiential zones, including a high-line park loop on the roof, an art and cultural plaza, a sports park, low-density offices, a hotel, street retails, celebration plazas, dining courtyards, a children's playground, and an outdoor theater. The series of spatial experiences within this green network enhance and enliven a site designed for work, leisure, shopping, and sporting activities – all aspects of a new vibrant lifestyle in the city.

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第19张图片
△ 餐饮庭院 Dining Courtyard © LLA

概念 | 城市绿色广场概念方案第20张图片
△ 概念剖面图 © LLA

设计公司:Laguarda.Low Architects
LLA设计团队:Pablo Laguarda/FAIA, Jin Liang/AIA, Jiteng Yang/AIA, Matthew Sokol, Yuchen Zhao

Project Information
Project Name: Urban Green Plaza
Scope: Architecture Design
Status: Designed 2018
Site Area: ~53,000 sqm
GBA: ~135,000 sqm
Design firm: Laguarda.Low Architects
LLA Team Members:
Pablo Laguarda/FAIA, Jin Liang/AIA, Jiteng Yang/AIA, Matthew Sokol, Yuchen Zhao

来源:本文由Laguarda.Low Architects提供稿件,所有著作权归属Laguarda.Low Architects所有。




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