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first look at CHYBIK + KRISTOF's winning design for a cascading red tower in tirana


CHYBIK + KRISTOF (CHK)事务所在阿尔巴尼亚首都Tirana设计了一栋多功能塔楼,并获得设计一等奖,该项目位于Tirana新大道内规划的文化区中心地段。塔楼高83m,层叠的外表皮选用红色混凝土,1-3层功能为办公和商业,4层及以上功能为居住,这座高层建筑也影响着城市天际线。在过去的十年间,阿尔巴尼亚首都Tirana一直在为改善居民生活质量而努力,并着重建设基础设施和城市外部空间,使其成为一个充满活力的现代化城市。其它如CHK等国际事务所也都在朝着这一目标努力,这代表着Tirana城市化水平有了很大的提升,并具有指引作用。

Architecture and urban design studio CHYBIK + KRISTOF (CHK) unveils the winning design for a new multifunctional tower in the capital of Albania, Tirana, with its recognizable cascading silhouette wrapped in red concrete. Located at the heart of the forthcoming Culture Hub within the New Boulevard, the multifunctional complex is envisioned as an 83-meter-high tower, consisting majorly of residential spaces while the first three floors are dedicated to offices and retail, all the while becoming a significant addition to Tirana’s ever-growing skyline. Over the past decade, the Albanian capital has been booming into a modern and dynamic city, following its mission to invest in infrastructure and high-quality spaces, improving the eminence of life for its residents alongside becoming an attractive point in the Balkans. Underlining the city’s active leadership efforts to elevate Tirana’s urbanism, many international offices are contributing to this important development, including CHK.

▲ 红塔效果图
exterior view of the red tower | all images courtesy CHYBIK + KRISTOF

CHYBIK + KRISTOF事务所设计的Tirana大厦与该市的其它建筑风格相似,很自然地融入到城市景观内。塔楼位于规划的未来文化区中心,与城市景观的联系依靠新大道街道,该文化区内规划的文化建筑主要有歌剧院、美术馆、文化中心、滨河公园等,和红色塔楼共同构成一个充满活力的城市公共活动区域。塔楼的形体设计是矩形的叠加,置于城市一角,成为街道的新地标和定位点。由于该塔楼的设计结合了城市的新旧元素,并用新的建筑尺度重新定义了城市,为河边公园的林荫大道带来视觉上的平衡,所以其存在意义超越了其设计意义。

CHYBIK + KRISTOF’s ambitious design integrates with Tirana’s fabric, forging a connection with the dynamic landscape via the New Boulevard. The tower, positioned strategically at the heart of the future Cultural Hub, serves as the urban connector, weaving together the district’s upcoming key cultural buildings such as the opera house, art gallery, cultural center with the Boulevard, and the River Park, into a vibrant and cohesive public area. The cascading scheme of the tower, a rectangular structure situated on a prominent corner of the area, marks it as a pivotal orientation point for the entire neighborhood. The significance of the tower extends beyond its design, as it combines old and new elements, defining a new urbanity at a crucial scale, bringing balance to the end of the Boulevard near the River Park and thus adding an essential element to the overall urban landscape.

▲ CHYBIK + KRISTOF事务所设计的红色塔楼成为Tirana的城市连接器
CHYBIK + KRISTOF’S proposed structure serves as an urban connector in Tirana

该项目中公寓面积占总建筑面积的80%,建筑层叠的形体是因为设计公寓时为满足其室外空间需求而形成的。层叠的建筑形式可以为公寓提供绿色室外平台,变相的延伸城市绿化,绿色平台可以储蓄雨水以满足植被灌溉需求,也可缓解城市热岛效应。Tirana城市为亚热带地中海气候,为了达到最佳环境目标,CHYBIK + KRISTOF事务所在公寓中设计了很多措施以满足当地居住舒适度,如绿色平台上的植被可以遮阴,窗户使用铝制窗框,窗户面积减小,满足室内日光需求即可,可以更好的隔绝室外炎热,防止室内过热。层层叠叠的绿色平台配合着远处的Skanderbeg山脉形成独特的城市景观效果。

The architectural form is mainly driven by the quality of the residential areas, the apartments that comprise up to 80% of the building. The cascading facade forms green roof terraces for several apartments on each floor, extending the greenery of the surrounding urban context by retaining rainwater to mitigate the heat island effect and irrigate vegetation. Supporting the optimal environmental goals, CHK introduces a climate-specific living approach to the residential block by creating passive shaded loggias full of greenery, as a viable response to the local subtropical Mediterranean climate. The passive, shaded loggias are built in every apartment with aluminum window frames, bringing optimal thermal coverage to the entirety of the apartment, protecting the interior from overheating, providing only the main source of daylight, and framing the unique views of the Skanderbeg Mountain Range in the distance.

▲ 建筑层叠的形体由公寓室外平台的设计布局而形成
the architectural form is mainly driven by the quality of the residential areas

Tirana城市规划与发展总监Frida Pashako对该方案的评价是:该设计的新颖点在于其塔楼与城市街道的自然连接,并与城市肌理相协调,与城市之间有着动态的联系,引人注目。功能的设计亮点在于塔楼内不同的功能分区与其周边的公共空间能够联系的紧密且自然。塔楼1-3层的办公和商业分区以及4层及以上的公寓分区非常合理,动静分区明显。总而言之,建筑外形美观,内部功能实用。

‘The proposal stands out by its thoughtful consideration of the street articulation/corner of the project, integrating with the urban fabric while establishing an inviting and dynamic connection. It shows an appreciation for the site’s context and the rapid development unfolding around it. One of the key highlights is its ability to establish a cohesive relationship between diverse functions within the tower and with the public spaces around it. The clever distribution of spaces fosters a synergy that intertwines various functionalities, creating an environment that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing,’ reflects Frida Pashako, General Director of Urban Planning and Development at the Municipality of Tirana.

▲ 多功能Tirana大厦外观图—Alexey Klyuykov绘制
drawing of the multifunctional Tirana tower exterior by Alexey Klyuykov

位置:Tirana, Albania
首席建筑师:Ondrej Chybik, Michal Kristof
设计团队:Jiri Vala, Jiri Richter, Radek Satora, Ondrej Svancara, Ondrej Mundl, Ilya Lebedev, Lukas Kvasnica, Martyna Bobinska, Magdalena Czopka, Antonin Hampl, Martin Holy, Martin Iglesias
结构工程师:SDS Group shpk, Bollinger + Grohmann
景观设计师:Marko & The Placemakers
建筑可持续设计专家:Clearly Efficient
结构工程师:S SDS Group shpk,,Bollinger + Grohmann
合作团队:Marko&Placemakers, Clearly Efficient, Studioarch4, SDS Group shpk

project info:
location: Tirana, Albania
architecture firm: CHYBIK + KRISTOF | @chybikkristof
lead architects: Ondrej Chybik, Michal Kristof
design team: Jiri Vala, Jiri Richter, Radek Satora, Ondrej Svancara, Ondrej Mundl, Ilya Lebedev, Lukas Kvasnica, Martyna Bobinska, Magdalena Czopka, Antonin Hampl, Martin Holy, Martin Iglesias
structural engineers: SDS Group shpk, Bollinger + Grohmann
landscape architect: Marko & The Placemakers
local consultant: Studioarch4
sustainable design specialist: Clearly Efficient
structural engineer: SDS Group shpk, Bollinger + Grohmann
collaboration: Marko&Placemakers, Clearly Efficient, Studioarch4, SDS Group shpk
year: 2023
total area: 17 500 sqm
status: competition (1st place)
tower height: 83,7 m




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