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Skinny hotel in Vietnam offers guests a feeling of "protection and intimacy"


位于越南那庄的这家窄长形的混凝土酒店由当地工作室 324Praxis 设计,标志性的木制阳台从酒店一角伸出。这家名为 Sep'on Heartfulness Centre 的酒店位于热门旅游区,旨在为客人营造一种“保护和亲密”的感觉。


Timber balconies project from the corner of this skinny concrete hotel in Nah Trang, Vietnam, designed by local studio 324Praxis.
Located in a popular tourist area, the hotel called the Sep'on Heartfulness Centre is designed by 324Praxis to create a feeling of "protection and intimacy" for guests.
It has an exposed concrete structure, visually softened by plant-filled interiors and wooden details.

▲ 由324Praxis工作室设计的窄长形酒店
Vietnamese studio 324Praxis has created a skinny hotel in Nah Trang

324Praxis 颠覆了典型的客房排列模式(并排放置的类型),将酒店客房设计成独立的“立方体”。这些房间环绕着一系列开放式的公共空间,并由木质和钢质走道连接。

324Praxis 创始人 Dat Dinh说:“这个项目可以说是在传统酒店联排客房的类型中寻找更为现代化演绎的又一次尝试。用楼梯将立方体和公共区域进行连接组合,整个流线就像一条‘丝带’,所有的空间都被串联了起来。当客人进入酒店,整个空间会有一种充满连续性的冒险体验感,让人忍不住探索、寻觅。”

Subverting the typical row house typology, 324Praxis designed the rooms of the hotel to be independent "cubes". These are positioned around a series of open and planted public spaces and connected by walkways in wood and steel.
"This project could be considered as another attempt to find a contemporary living manner in row house typology," 324Praxis founder Dat Dinh told Dezeen.
"Through the composition of 'cubes' and the public areas together with staircases, the circulation is a 'silk ribbon' created to connect all spaces, providing a non-stop adventure to discover different places throughout the building," he continued.

▲ 酒店采用裸露的混凝土结构
The hotel has a concrete structure





The bulk of Sep'on Heartfulness Centre is elevated on concrete and steel columns. The open ground floor features a plant-filled cafe and bar that sit directly off the street.
Once inside, two staircases and a lift connect the building's five storeys, where three different room types are organised across the front, centre and rear of the narrow plan.
The largest rooms overlook the street and feature timber balconies. These project from the southwestern corner of the hotel on the lower three storeys and sit internally on the upper two levels, sheltered by glazing.
Deeper into the plan, other bedrooms look out onto the open, planted spaces of the hotel, including a yoga and meditation space.

▲ 设有阳台的房间
Some rooms have balconies



"Compositions of geometry increase the privacy for private spaces and at the same time increase the open atmosphere, connecting indoor and outdoor, providing natural air ventilation and shade," Dinh told Dezeen.
"We understood it was essential to introduce a more dynamic conception of space, for different temporalities to inhabit the building without hindering each other," he added.

▲ 首层充满植物的咖啡馆
There is a plant-filled cafe on the ground floor

324Praxis工作室在建造 Sep'on Heartfulness 酒店时使用的所有材料,无论是混凝土、钢材还是木材,都是裸露在外,只做了极少的处理。这样做的目的是希望让客人看到建筑的最本真的构造。

All of the materials that 324Praxis used for the Sep'on Heartfulness Centre, whether concrete, steel or wood, have been left exposed with minimal treatment. This is hoped to make visible to guests how the building is constructed.

























摄影:Duy Nhat, Le Ba Loc.

The photography is by Duy Nhat, Le Ba Loc.




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混凝土 (2911 articles)

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