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Nomade Taller 建筑事务所与Ecuadorian社区共同构思了神圣教堂的方案
nomade taller de arquitectura and ecuadorian community conceive contemporary temple


Nomade Taller建筑师事务所设计了一个教堂,名为Space to Talk with God.(与上帝对话的神圣空间),Rumipamba社区全程参与该教堂的设计,因此,教堂满足了社区的精神需求。该项目设计宗旨是将社区与神明联系起来,并将传统的建筑技术流传下去,也是对当地文化技艺的保留方式。

项目位于Rumiñahui 的乡村教区,因没有专门的教堂,该社区人们的信仰随着时间的流逝而逐渐减弱。该项目的建设就是为了能够改变这一现状,建设一个神圣空间,将人们的信仰重现建立。在该项目的设计过程中,设计师与当地社区居民开了5次会议,均是讨论当地人们的各种观点和精神需求,设计师都将他们的想法融入到了设计中。这种参与式的设计才会满足该社区居民真正的精神需求,还能够完美地将社区文化背景融入到设计中。

Nomade Taller de Arquitectura responds to the spiritual needs of the Rumipamba community in Quito, Ecuador, creating ‘Space to Talk with God.’ Conceived through a participatory design process, the project aims to reconnect the community with the sacred while revitalizing ancestral building techniques. This initiative honors local craftsmanship, in an act of cultural revaluation.
Located in the rural parish of Rumiñahui, the community had never had a dedicated church space, and their faith was visibly waning over time. The project’s goal was to create a space that could transform this reality through architecture, reaffirming its role as an agent of change. The design process involved a series of five collaborative meetings with the community, where local perspectives and spiritual needs were discussed and integrated into the design. The resulting architecture is a direct manifestation of the community’s worldview, emphasizing a deep connection to their social and cultural context.

all images courtesy of Nomade Taller de Arquitectura



The designers opted for earthen walls, paying homage to the region’s vernacular construction methods while also utilizing local resources to keep costs low. This choice reflects the economic realities of the community and their need for a cost-effective solution. The primary architectural premise is to create a space where individuals can connect with the divine, and speak with God. The interior of the temple is minimal, optimized for the use of the locals, and includes a dual-function altar, oriented both inward and outward, allowing the church to accommodate larger gatherings by extending into the surrounding environment.
The interior space is designed as a sensory experience, beginning with a narrow, dark entryway that opens into a main hall bathed in natural light, symbolizing divine presence. The altar is composed of three steps, representing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and features a wooden lattice that softens the incoming light. The exterior altar, integrated into the design, uses two intersecting wooden beams, one vertical and one horizontal, to form a cross, visible only from a specific vantage point, adding a sacred dimension to the outdoor space as well.

▲ Nomade Taller建筑事务所为Quito的Rumipamba社区设计了一个神圣静修空间
Nomade Taller de Arquitectura designs a spiritual retreat for the Rumipamba community in Quito


‘Space to Talk with God’ demonstrates how architecture can serve as a bridge between people and the sacred, utilizing local materials and techniques to create a space that resonates with the cultural and spiritual identity of the community.

▲ “与上帝对话”的教堂将该社区居民与上帝联系起来
‘Space to Talk with God’ reconnects the community with the sacred through architecture

▲ 该教堂的设计尊重当地工艺,采用的是传统的建筑技术方法
the design honors local craftsmanship and revitalizes ancestral building techniques

▲ 大厅空间采光充足,犹如天神存在该空间内
natural light floods the main hall, symbolizing divine presence in the space

▲ 该社区居民对教堂设计全程参与,能够确保该教堂满足社区居民的精神需求
a participatory design process ensured that the project reflects the community’s spiritual needs

▲ 外部祭坛设有十字架,只有在特定的位置才能看到全貌,这种设计手法为室外空间增添了些许神圣感
the exterior altar forms a cross, visible only from a precise vantage point, adding sacredness to the outdoor space

▲ 该教堂的设计将居民与他们的文化精神连接在了一起
the project exemplifies how architecture can connect people with their spiritual and cultural identity

▲ 该教堂的设计能够映射出该社区的世界观以及其社会文化背景
the resulting architecture reflects the community’s worldview, emphasizing social and cultural context






建筑设计:Nomade Taller建筑师事务所

project info:
name: Space to Talk with God
architect: Nomade Taller de Arquitectura |
location: Quito, Ecuador




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