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研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第1张图片

建筑事务所: Pitagoras 建筑事务所
建筑师: Fernando Seara De Sa, Raul Roque Figueiredo, Alexandre Coelho Lima, Manuel Vilhena Roque
合作者: Marlene Sousa, Mariana Paiva, Carla Guimaraes, Francisco Oliveira, Helio Pinto
摄影: Jose Campos
Architects: Pitagoras Arquitectos
Location: Guimaraes, Portugal
Architects: Fernando Seara De Sa, Raul Roque Figueiredo, Alexandre Coelho Lima, Manuel Vilhena Roque
Collaborators: Marlene Sousa, Mariana Paiva, Carla Guimaraes, Francisco Oliveira, Helio Pinto
Year: 2009
Photographs: Jose Campos

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第2张图片

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第3张图片
这些建筑综合体位于“Zona de Couros”(皮革区),Guimaraes(吉马良斯)市现在建造Minho大学研究生高级培训中心的地方,它们用一系列的小路连接休息区,这些小路沿着现有的河流构成了这个地区的道路结构。
The buildings complex where the Munipality of Guimaraes now built the Center for Advanced Postgraduate Formation for the University of Minho, is located in the “Zona de Couros” (Leathers Zone), and relates to the rest area by a set of small alleys and paths that, following the existing small river, constitute the road structure in the area.

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第4张图片

“Zona de Couros”(吉马良斯)的形象特点是被遗弃或被变换后的建筑物,但它们依旧存在记忆,有时是假想和主观的,这些记忆的片段来源于我们那个时代。从这些片段我们可以保留在这个地区找到的一些皮革处理箱 ,这些木制的建筑和构件,自然的小河都是在这个地区设置这个活动(处理皮革)的原因。这很重要,因为从项目的开始起,建筑所在的这个皮革区——遭受了一些来自相邻的历史中心Guimarães(吉马良斯)的城市隔离,但沉淀了丰富的、自主的解决方案和工业楼宇建设,一同形成了不可否认的建筑价值并立即提供了一些反思和发展的主题。
The image of “Zona de Couros” is characterized by abandoned or transformed buildings but also memories, sometimes imaginary and subjective, that people developed from the fragments which have reached our days. From those fragments we can retain the treatment leathers tanks we can find a bit all over this area, the buildings and structures in wood and naturally the small river that was the reason for the installation of this activity (treatment of leathers) in this area. It mattered since the begining of the project process the building location in “Zona de Couros”, an area that suffered some urban segregation from the adjacent walled core of the historic center of Guimaraes, but sedimented a rich and autonomous solutions and constructions of industrial buildings that together have an undeniable architectural interest, and immediately provided some themes for reflection and development.

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第5张图片

被占用的原厂“Freitas & Fernandes”是那些建筑综合体之一。我们不引用单个建筑物,而是一组围绕一个大院子的一组有序列的建筑,它们都见证了我们所见到的的“Zona de Couros”(皮革区)的形成的一系列事件。这些建筑的部分已经安装了CAFPG而得到修复,用于CADPG-UM的系列建筑,位于西部的大型内庭院,它们都连续被改造以适应纺织业的生产需要。现在被CADPG建筑占领的区域都以成功转型,无论是在建筑结构方面(通过引入钢筋混凝土结构和砖墙的结构)还是空间方面(通过引入新的水平面和通路),使得可以忽略对其原始状态的忧虑。
One of those complexs are the buildings that were occupied by the former factory “Freitas & Fernandes”. We’re not referencing a single building but a set of constructions arranged around a large courtyard, which largely witness the successive events which shaped “Zona de Couros” we know it today. Part of those buildings are now rehabilitated with the installation of CAFPG. The set of buildings used for CAFPG – UM, are located west of the large inner courtyard, and was those that have been successively adapted to the needs of the textile production and presented a very unequal condition conservation. In the area now occupied by the CAFPG buildings had become very transformed, either constructively altered (by the introduction of structures in reinforced concrete and brick walls) or spatially (by introducing new levels and access), which made virtually impossible the apprehension of its original state.

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第6张图片

The program chosen witch the project materialized can be summarized, candidly, as a school building for the University of Minho focused in the formation of master’s and doctoral degrees and distinguishes itself from other units of the same institution because research and their dedicated spaces occupy prime place, but also because it is located off-campus and in the city center.

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第7张图片

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第8张图片
The building have two floors and reserves recess roofs for use as technical areas. The ground floor hosts the living areas above a double height, pedagogical areas (classrooms) and administrative area. On the first floor are located the offices, laboratories and activity rooms but also the library that conected with social areas seeks a location more reserved and appropriate to its function. The circulation areas have an irregular geometry to give space to the so-called “living lab’s” and these will, first of all will be representing areas of the current academic projects.

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第9张图片

The buildings and the program place a project dilemma, first, the reality of a building very disfigured and unattractive, and after, the existing expectations in his recovery and rehabilitation. To the question of what would be the proper attitude to the expectations of recovery built, we answered with a proposal for a project with greater flexibility options. We avoid a rigid approach on intervention and implementation, and used a pragmatic and detailed response to each of the equations and problems the project faced. Unknowing the reality of the original building everything would have to go through their reinvention using schematic images cleared of its concrete contents.

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第10张图片

Generally, we proposed the demolition of all the areas where we guessed the substitution of original constructive solutions for brick walls and full demolition of existing structures in reinforced concrete, and paradoxically also propose as a fundamental principle the maintenance of the volumetry as an essential repository of the existing building memory.

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第11张图片

这就是这个项目的矛盾所在,重建的建筑保持不变的容量和体积,通过使用它的外部定义的元素来重塑“Zona de Couros”(皮革区的)的性格:木材和花岗岩装饰,甚至使用轻型结构的系统作为建筑重要组成部分的外表皮。
This is the paradox of the project, the reinvention of the building keeping unchanged its volumetry, using for his external definition elements that characterizes the “Zona de Couros”, wood and granite finishes, or even use systems of light construction when proposing cooper as the finish covers of a significant part of the building. Simultaneously it is proposed the complete reconstruction of the interiors using contemporary materials and languages in order to accommodate and respond to the demands of comfort imposed by regulations.

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第12张图片

The landscaping project was limited to the small courtyard formed by the buildings subject of intervention and proposed beyond the dominant granite flagstone in paths and access points, the timely introduction of small green areas and a brick paver in order to assure the intimacy of these spaces with a minimal design that would strengthen the presence of the industrial brick chimney.

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第13张图片

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第14张图片
研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第15张图片
First Floor Plan /首层平面
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Ground Floor Plan/底层平面
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Roof Floor Plan/屋顶平面
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Site Plan/基地平面
研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第19张图片

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第20张图片

研究生高级培训中心/ Pitagoras 建筑事务所/Postgraduate Advanced Training Centr...第21张图片


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  • 无名小徒
  • 2013.04.14 21:49
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  • 仓央嘉措的abbs
  • 2013.04.14 20:43
    Pitagoras 建筑事务所
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  • dragon_飛
  • 2013.04.11 12:11
    材质感很强 有Feel
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  • Zone
  • 2013.04.10 17:32
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