建筑师: R2b1
地点:阿根廷,布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)
建筑师负责人: Silvana Carla Parentella, Joaquín Sánchez Gómez
摄影: Javier Agustin Rojas
合作者:Alejandro Di Fresco, Paola Scardigli
结构:Carlos Calissano
Architects: R2b1
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Architect In Charge: Silvana Carla Parentella, Joaquín Sánchez Gómez
Year: 2013
Photographs: Javier Agustin Rojas
Collaborators: Alejandro Di Fresco, Paola Scardigli
Structure: Carlos Calissano
来自建筑师的描述。这个由六个单体项目组成的小白房子,紧邻街角,视野开阔,以其一种独特的方式向Buenos Aires的城市空间开放着,打破了用墙来分割建筑空间的逻辑,将空间的一侧完全敞开。
From the architect. Next to the corner, where a small white old house exists, giving an open view, this 6 unit’s project was an opportunity to set a different way to open urban space in Buenos Aires, breaking the logic of buildings between walls, liberating one side of the plot.
That′s the way this building open a side to the city, with an only concrete and open stair appearing like a figure on that space.
The side Facade, also with windows, is protected with withes sunshade screens from the North sun. In the front view, windows take a diagonal that makes the balcony triangular. The same geometry appears on the Ground Floor doors opening the street.
Both, columns and ceilings, are finished in concrete with different textures. Garden roofs makes the expansions of the penthouse units and black steel cover roofs are used to change the materialness of the last floor, topping the project.
First Floor Plan 一层平面图
Ground Floor Plan 底层平面图
Third Floor Plan 三层平面图
Fouth Floor Plan 四层平面图
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