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翻译:寻明 (纬度建筑事务所)



A: 每一座城市都是一处地点、文化和国度的化身。西班牙是一个历史悠久的国家:从穆斯林入侵和帝国时代至当今民主制度时期,从建筑设计的角度来讲,历史的变迁在建筑发展史册中留下了不可估量的一笔。虽然这样的现实摆在我们这一代的西班牙建筑师的面前,但我们还以现代的视角尊重着这一变迁。

Q1.The renovation and expansion projects of you two show great amount of historical vitality, your architectural experience on emphasizing local culture is very inspiring. Most of the local architects in China are still in need of similar experience. Recently, we’ve heard different opinions from heritage protection experts, government, developers and other activists. Here I would like to know what Spanish architects can do about it, and how does the design team work together?
A. Cities represent the History of each place, culture, and country. Here, in Spain, we have a very long History as a country: from the Muslim settlements and Imperial era to the military regime and, more recently, a democracy system. In architectural terms, all those historical events have left a significant architectural heritage. The Spanish architects of our generation face this reality with respect but yet from a modern perspective.
As a team, we are bound to recollections, images, impressions, in permanent renewal. Each project reflects in some way the pre-existing physical reality but also our own personal memory. To design and build in areas of high historical and architectural value requires being aware of its transformation in space and time. Our projects try to establish a conversation between the contemporary language of our time and the memory of the past: in that sense, Spanish architecture has a long experience in keeping balance between memory and invention.




Q2:看到贵公司在与历史建筑设计的一些非常现代风格的建筑,例如:MORITZBURG城堡,这是否会受到批评,被人认为是损伤古建筑,不保护文物,从而引发一些争议?因为在中国可能大家伙更接受和谐的(如你们所做的MADINAT 博物馆那种)而非对比的,记得当时北京国家大剧院就是这样引发了轩然大波。您是否遇到过这样的挑剔指责,怎样克服阻力呢?

A:19世纪时,欧洲建筑界曾掀起一股历史建筑改造/修复的浪潮:约翰•拉斯金(John Ruskin)倡导现存建筑的“保留”,然而,Viollet-le-Duc则侧重“复原”,在当时,这一建筑辞藻还尚未存在。其实,让我们看一下欧洲那些古老的教堂:大部分教堂的建造历经数个世纪,但是我们仍能看到不同时期建造的建筑布局能够实现和谐共存。我们认为我们的风格更加贴近Viollet-le-Duc流派。

Q2. We can see that the historical architecture designed by your company is very modern style. Let’s take MORITZBURG castle as an example: many people believe that this architecture approach will bring harm to the heritage architecture, instead of protect it. Is there any controversies occurred during the design process? In China, harmonious styles are much friendlier to the architecture featured with strong contrast. If you ever be criticized like that, and how to deal with it?
A. In the ninetieth century, it used to be two remarkable schools in Europe of how to deal with rehabilitation/restoration of historical buildings: one lead by John Ruskin with more emphasis in the “retention” of the status quo of the existing situation of the building, and on the other hand, Viollet-le-Duc with put more emphasis in a "restoration" that creates something that never actually existed in the past.
In that sense, the profession has turned to understand that it is more honest to intervene in historical buildings with a languages that correspond to the time that intervention is taking place. Actually, we can see all those cathedrals in Europe. They were developed during centuries and you can see the different languages in their different parts of the buildings co-existing together. In our case, we can say that we feel closer to the Viollet-le-Duc school interpretation.
In Moritzburg Museum we used aluminum on the roofs because it expressed lightness and merges with the grey skies of the North of Germany. Our task is to interpret trough our knowledge and experience an existing reality, introducing a contemporary architecture in dialogue with the pre-existing conditions.
Although the project created some local controversial at the beginning, we think it has been greatly welcomed.




Q3:西班牙圣特尔莫博物馆(SAN TELMO MUSEUM)那片迷人的植物墙了结合西班牙在古建筑建那种对比非常迷人,可以讲讲当时怎么想到要采用这样的设计吗?

A: 和我们其他设计作品类似,我们当时并没有刻意地去采用某种特殊的理念来设计圣•特尔莫博物馆。我们不认为只有一种方法,建筑总是源于多个看似无关的事件,而后它们相互联系在一起,并最终凝结成一座建筑。圣•特尔莫博物馆就是这样,项目的特点就是用帮助植物生长的穿孔金属表达自然/技术的二元性。在博物馆外立面设计中,我们与艺术家费兰(Ferrán)和奥特罗(Otero)合作完成。我们对视觉艺术与建筑设计的结合有着浓厚的兴趣,我们部分设计作品曾引入“装饰”这一概念,即选用特定的图案、材质实现概念的表达。以圣•特尔莫博物馆为例,大家可以清晰的看到穿孔过后的金属皮支撑了山体植物的生长。可以说,我们对作为装饰的装饰物不感兴趣,而是要材料的表达价值。

Q3. The combination of SAN TELMO MUSEUM and old architecture in Spanish is fantastic.  Could you tell us what inspire you to choose such a design?
A. As it happens in many other buildings, we did not have any particular methodology to develop San Telmo. It was more a consequence of multiple apparently unconnected circumstances that ended up resembling one another and finally crystallized in the building. In San Telmo museum we were inspired by the duality nature/artifice of the site and the new construction. In the design of its façade we worked together with the artists Ferrán and Otero. We are especially interested in the field of joint experimentation between the Visual Arts and Architecture. In several of our projects we have considered to work with the idea of “ornament”, using patterns or textured skins, as a consequence of a conceptual approach. In San Telmo, you can see that perforated metal skin that supports the growth of plants. In that sense, we are not interested in ornament as decoration but as the expressive value of the material.





       在卢戈的历史博物馆,我们用了耐候钢,因为氧化会让人想起临近的工业建筑,我们从不任意的选择材料,总有一个项目的概念和创意有关的含义, 在我们的建筑设计实践中,装饰物的使用不仅要符合某一地点的特定环境,而且要有相应的技术去实现。前提是技术可行、容易掌握的。卢戈互动博物馆烟囱般的钢柱子外形的设计灵感来源于当地悠久的工业文化。

Q4. I am very interested to know the design concept and designing stories about Joanne museum, personally I really like this project. Regarding interactive museum, I am sure you were facing many difficulties in creating the column-shaped façade, how did you cope with that situation?
A. Joanne museum is really a rare project in its hidden condition. Instead of a new landmark we wanted to act in the strict limits of the horizontal plane of the city, offering a new public space.
It is an intervention in urban and architectural terms.
In that sense, we think a single building or even a small intervention can be the origin of a deep transformation, in the same way that a good book can change your way of thinking.
In the History Museum in Lugo, Interactive museum, we used the corten steel because oxide evokes the neighboring industrial buildings. We never choose materials randomly: there is always a meaning in relation to the concept and the idea of the project. In our architecture, material is always a consequence of an idea which should matches with the specific circumstances of each place and available construction techniques. In that sense, it was possible, with not too much difficulty, to create corten-steel chimneys because the large industrial tradition in Lugo.




Q5:CCC Cordoba的蜂窝状的造型还有Zaragoza Congress Center的瓷砖拼贴与钢网很美丽,是采用了参数化数字化的设计生成吗?你们对于未来参数化建筑可生成各种复杂的不必要的形态,越来越多的乱世建筑怎么看?是否是现代主义走向极端的一种表现,如同古典主义走到了繁复的巴洛克和洛可可。  


Q5. The façade of C4 museum and Zaragoza Congress Center is very beautifully designed. Are those patterns created based on the digital format?  What is your opinion on ………, what do you think the generic architectures? Is it a manifestation that modernist is becoming extreme, just like the Classicism used to be developed into Baroque and Rococo’s complex style?
A. We think that our time is still linked to the time of Modern Architecture that started in the 1920s. In addition, we are immersed in a contemporary context that is always changing. We find ourselves inevitable influenced by the information and communication media, environmental problems, scientific and technological advances. In that sense, computer technologies are constantly suggesting and interfering in our projects and ideas. Technology helps us to have a large range of possibilities and also possibilities that were not able to be develop before computer era.
On the other hand, we do not agree with the idea that the development of the ornament can be assimilate to Rococo era. Modern Architecture opened many doors but also closed many others, as happened with ornament, for example. In the case of the Contemporary Art Center in Cordoba, and Zaragoza as well, we designed a dynamic façade for artistic projections with the German group Realities: United. This is a usual intervention in an urban space that extends the scope and boundaries between the public art and architecture. Again, ornament as value of the material and the outcome of the driving idea behind each (not generic) specific project.






Q6. Under the driving force of capital operation and modern socialism (include people's life style, city and values, etc.), the phenomenon of homogenizing and assimilation start to emerge, “architecture”-- is undergoing a great impact and shock. We know that your company has been awarded with Venice Biennale this year, does this award presents the lost power of architects and professional environment changing?
A. Most of our career has been developed trough public tenders for public buildings. Recently, we have observed a significant phenomenon where the public administration does not have the resources to get involved in the enterprise of developing this sort of cultural complex, any more. In that sense, the private sector has taking over the role that the public administration used to play.
Although the scenario has changed inevitably, we still think the architect is the sole agent of the constructive process. Architects are able to understand all over the multiple partial versions that engineers, urban planners, builders, economist, politicians or clients have. The recognition of the Venice Biennale to our work, and the work of our colleagues, represents the vision that architects have of the society: although the scenario where architects work in has changed dramatically during the last decade (with a significant lost if decision power) we think architect are the only ones to establish connections between needs, places, forms, materials and concepts which we materialize in projects.











Cellars in Picón



The chance offered to us by the project and the client to work on a virgin inland Iberian landscape —using and activating the topographic, visual, perceptiveand sensorial qualities that we perceived and received on our first visit— sufficed as stimuli for the project's commencement and its concept.




Because we were dealing with a totally new vineyard and cellar complex, we did not ask ourselves how we could design a project with a weak impact on thelandscape because in this case, everything would be proposed afresh, with a new artificial landscape, a new building, and a new directionality. Everything thatwas already there —the rocky ground, the gentle slope, the exquisite forest of evergreen oaks, the small natural lake, the different layers of landscape— wouldbe interrelated, activated and enhanced in a different way, which would be new for us.
On the other hand, the nature of the brief required an industrialised response, optimised for its envisaged use and its budget. The decision to design an 80 x17 m unit along the vineyard’s natural east-west orientation, inserted on a slope overlooking the landscape, arose naturally, a response in unison to almost allthe programmatic and usage requirements, as well as to the conversations and feelings that we had on the site. This unit, inserted into the hillside, generatestwo types of spaces longitudinally: inserted (production area) and above-ground (social area).
The project’s spatial theme emerges from the relationship between these two types of spaces.



One of the project's main issues arises in terms of the nature of the industrial metal envelope and its response to the landscape. The ‘pleated metal skin’, whichconstituted the main theme of the building in terms of the construction solution and also in terms of our research into its materiality, scale and final perception,arose from the work we have been doing in the studio in recent years on the spatial potential of pleated forms and other perceptive variables; almost a dramaticcross-over of the work that circulates around our studio.




So the pleated skin gives the façade not only its mechanical stiffness, but also a response to the light, movement and changing reflections of the colours andthe nuances in the landscape, whose reality is magnified in terms of the initial goals of our project.



3、防水Pladur WA表面(T = 15毫米)打磨,表面用Valentine缎面塑胶漆涂抹。
9、防水Pladur WA (T = 15毫米)石膏板拱腹,打磨,表面用Valentine缎面塑胶漆涂抹
12、防水胶布Rhenofol CG T = 1.5毫米
13、屋面防水用Coperfil RK64或相似的夹芯板,T =6厘米。条形连接。

1 Facade structure. Reinforced beam 12cm thick, variable width.
Cleaned, sanded, prepared, with rustproof undercoat and
Valentine M-005 or white synthetic metal enamel.
2 Folded, perforated Larson aluminium finish sheeting 4mm
in champagne metal.
3 Water resistant Pladur WA sheet (t=15mm) prepared, sanded,
painted in Valentine satin plastic paint.
4 LCH1 stile shape in Larson extruded aluminium.
5 LCH2 attachment angle in Larson aluminium 3mm.
6 LC3 hanging piece for composite facade panel.
7 Concertina facade in pleated Larson aluminium sheeting.
Dimensions 1200x2250mm. t=4mm. Attached to auxiliary aluminium
structure with recessed stainless steel bolts.
8 Light void with perforations as per DF design for strips of Larson
aluminium sheeting (t=4mm). Dimensions 1200x2250mm.
9 Water resistant Pladur WA plasterboard soffit t=15mm, prepared,
sanded, painted in Valentine satin plastic paint.
10 Matt stainless steel structural strips.Dimensions 160x80x9mm.
11 Strip for angle formation.
12 Waterproof PVC sheeting Rhenofol CG t=1.5mm
13 Waterproof roofing in Coperfil RK64 or similar sandwich panel.











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