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纽约世贸中心大厦/ SOM第1张图片

在911悲剧的十三年后的11月3日,新的世贸大厦正式启用,并迎来了第一家入驻公司。《纽约时报》的员工Conde Nast一边走进大厅直奔电梯间以开始他繁忙的一天,一边说道,“我要用最普通的方式来开始这一伟大的、特殊时刻”。
      为了庆祝工程的完工,著名的建筑摄影师Iwan Baan和James Ewing在空中航拍了世贸大厦,展现出了其所有的荣耀。下面就让我们来欣赏一下这些美丽的图片吧。

The first tenant has moved into the One World Trade Center, making Monday, November 3, the official opening of the (arguably) tallest building in the Western hemisphere 13 years after the tragedy of 9/11. The “extraordinary moment was passed in the most ordinary of ways,” described the New York Times, as employees of Conde Nast entered into the white marble lobby (taken from the same quarry that produced marble for the original twin towers) and headed straight to the elevators to start their work day.
To celebrate its completion, renowned architectural photographers Iwan Baan and James Ewing took it to the sky to capture the One World Trade Center in all its glory. The images, after the break.

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Over the years the 104-story, 1776-foot tall skyscraper designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) has been the center of a number of public squabbles. The latest, a debate over whether or not the $3.9 billion structure’s 408-foot spire should count towards its overall, patriotic 1776-foot height.

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