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千米摩天大厦的幻想——时代广场3015 by Hana R. Alberts第1张图片

来自专筑编辑李单仕郎,vigo的报道。建筑杂志eVolo每年都会举办一场摩天大厦设计大赛,每一届的获奖作品都向我们展示了什么是真正的想象力。今年也不例外,Blake Freitas, Grace Chen, 和Alexi Kararavokiris凭借他们的设计作品“时代广场3015”获得了该赛事的优秀奖。“时代广场3015”展示了一座5687英尺高的摩天巨塔,它把支持一个城市社区的所有部分都容纳在这个密集的垂直空间里。“我们要把曼哈顿区域发展到一个新的水平高度。”他们的设计作品包含了(但不限于):1.公寓;;3.自然景观;4.办公区;5.农场;6.博物馆;7.剧院;8.学校;9.运动场;10.建筑顶部瞭望台上还建有的一个城中城。

Architecture magazine eVolo holds an annual skyscraper-design competition, and the winning renderings are always truly fantastical. This year is no exception. An honorable mention went to Blake Freitas, Grace Chen, and Alexi Kararavokiris for their vision of Times Squared 3015, a 5,687-foot-tall tower that packs everything needed to sustain an urban community into one dense vertical space. "Driving the concept of Manhattanization to new heights," their design includes (but is not limited to): 1) apartments; 2) shopping malls; 3) natural landscapes, from a beach to a forest to mountains; 4) offices; 5) farms; 6) museums; 7) theaters; 8) schools; 9) sports fields; and 10) an observation deck on top that has "a city within a city."


Vertical farming, beach, mountain range, stadium, redwood forest, housing, and offices—destinations that are normally farther apart, are now stacked vertically. Each one of these destination zones consists of an individualized block or module, much like the different districts in a horizontal city. Open space is carved out of the south-facing side of the module for maximum solar exposure, regulating the destination environments within. This creates a series of L-shaped 'living' clusters—the city fabric—that surround and integrate with the natural environment.

千米摩天大厦的幻想——时代广场3015 by Hana R. Alberts第2张图片


Located above and below the residential/destination modules are a series of retail-themed entertainment modules or "sky malls" that draw upon the vitality of Times Square and extend the same excitement and energy vertically throughout the tower. Finally, using the idea of the skyscraper as makeshiftobservation deck, an enclosed city in the sky resides at the very top of the tower, providing dizzying views of the city within a city.





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