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墨西哥Casa Ald别墅/ spAce第1张图片

Casa Ald in Mexico City


Casa Ald新别墅已经建成,位于墨西哥城,由spAce建筑事务所进行设计,结合了现代性和舒适性之间的平衡。

Casa Ald, a new house in Mexico City designed by architects spAce, that combines a balance between modernity and cosiness, has been completed.

墨西哥Casa Ald别墅/ spAce第2张图片

墨西哥Casa Ald别墅/ spAce第3张图片


The development, built on a site of just over 1,000 square metres, consists of two main volumes: a prism which has another rectangular wooden prism embedded into it. Like all of spAce’s projects, the design followed sustainable guidelines.

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墨西哥Casa Ald别墅/ spAce第5张图片


From the start, the purpose of the project was to create a house with a balance of modernity and cosiness. This method allowed for the use of very few materials, achieving a quick reading of the volumes.

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完整的概念设计由spAce事务所提供,它从事设计、施工和房地产咨询,由Juan Carlos Baumgartner创立,LUA提供照明设计,Bruno Vadillo是总承建商。

The house was designed with recycled content low in VOC levels, LED-based lighting, and wood from certified forests.
Full concept design was provided by design, construction and property consultancy spAce, founded by Juan Carlos Baumgartner, with LUA providing the lighting design and the general contractor being Bruno Vadillo.

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The first prism consists of a black metal structure that ends on an exposed concrete staple. The two fronts are made of glass, helping to create a transparency to the interior area and also providing a sense of nature to the house.

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The second prism is a cantilevered wooden cube, which generates a terrace underneath it. The design of this project included a swimming pool covered with black Venetian glass tiles. These tiles allow for the swimming pool to be turned into a ‘water mirror’ which has the ability to reflect the house.

墨西哥Casa Ald别墅/ spAce第9张图片

该别墅有四间卧室,还包括通高的客厅和开放式厨房。在生活区,现代压铸玻璃球吊灯悬挂在天花板上。这个项目将艺术融入建筑,使所选得艺术品成为设计的一部分,而不是仅仅用作装饰物品。遵循这个原则,Juan Carlos Baumgartner委托制作一幅2 x6m的超现实主义绘画,画的是1978年的保时捷,被放在通高空间。Baumgartner还设计了壁饰,既用作泳池的视觉终点,也用作别墅入口的的玄关。

This four bedroom house also includes a double-height living room and an open plan kitchen. In the living area, a modern cast glass sphere chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
This project integrated art into architecture so that selected works became a part of the design instead of functioning as mere decorative items. With this principle in mind, Juan Carlos Baumgartner commissioned a hyper-realistic 2x6m painting of a 1978 Porsche to be placed in a double height space. Baumgartner also designed a mural that works both as the visual end of the swimming pool as well as the vestibule of the house entrance.

墨西哥Casa Ald别墅/ spAce第10张图片


项目图片由spAce Architects提供

By using few but carefully selected materials, the house offers delightful areas that have met the client’s expectations.
Casa Ald in Mexico City images / information from spAce Architects

墨西哥Casa Ald别墅/ spAce第11张图片

建筑设计: spAce
项目位置: 墨西哥

Design: spAce
Location: Mexico City, Mexico





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