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高架桥下空间原来可以这么用/ Buro Koray Duman第1张图片

Buro Koray Duman finds uses for neglected space under elevated New York highway


高架桥下空间原来可以这么用 Buro Koray Duman事务所给连接纽约市布鲁克林区和皇后区的主要高速公路高架桥下的废弃空间提出了一个概念性的改造方案,改造后的桥下空间增添了流动餐车和运动场的设计。


Food trucks and a sports facility are included in these conceptual schemes by Buro Koray Duman for a derelict space under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, a major elevated highway in New York.
Titled Under the BQE, the schemes are focused on a forlorn parcel that sits under a stretch of the highway, known as the BQE, which passes through the Brooklyn neighbourhood of Sunset Park.

高架桥下空间原来可以这么用/ Buro Koray Duman第2张图片
Buro Koray Duman事务所对BQE桥下空间的首次改造提议为构建整个场地成为一个食品中心/Buro Koray Duman's first proposal for the BQE envisions the site as a food epicentre



Buro Koray Duman事务所,一个总部位于纽约的公司,提出了两种方案旨在改造BQE桥下的黑暗空间,使其变成工业城的门户空间。


The site is near Industry City, a massive, old industrial complex that is now occupied by designers, artists and other creative professionals. Many events during the annual New York Design Week are hosted at the waterfront complex.
The highway separates Industry City from the rest of the neighbourhood.
Buro Koray Duman, a New York-based firm, has proposed two schemes that aim to transform a darkened space under the BQE into a "gateway for Industry City".
The site, which is punctuated with large cross beams that support the elevated roadway, is approximately 55 feet wide (17 meters). The highway above measures 90 feet wide (27 metres).

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起伏的屋顶将同时具有吸音,人工照明以及为流动餐车提供遮蔽休息区的功能/The addition of an undulating roof would provide sound absorption, artificial lighting and shelter for trucks




The firm's first proposal envisions the site as a food epicentre, where "folded landscapes and roofscapes define commercial kitchens and parking for food trucks". The kitchens would supply food for the movable trucks, which would then travel to other areas of the city.
"Once trucks leave for the city, the parking areas will turn into a park during day," the firm said. The kitchens will provide food for the neighbourhood, thus giving the space a "dual program".
The undulating roof would provide sound absorption, artificial lighting and shelter for trucks. "The axial nature of the circulation in the ground plane is emphasised by linear hardscape and landscape elements," the firm added.

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第二个方案提出在高架公路下建造体育竞技场/The second proposal calls for a sports arena under the highway



The second proposal calls for creating sports programming under the highway, which would "work well with the noise" that is generated by vehicles passing overhead.
The design includes the creation of fields for basketball, volleyball and other sports, along with areas for exercise classes. During the winter, the open-air sports centre would be enclosed within an inflatable structure "squeezed under the highway".

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设计提出创建包括篮球,排球等其它体育活动/The design includes the creation of fields for basketball, volleyball and other sports

该方案是建筑师最新提出的一系列计划,用来激活高架路、铁路轨道和其他交通线路下方的未被利用的空间。类似的提案包括James Corner 菲尔德景观设计事务所设计的Underline park公园,在迈阿密高架铁轨下部空间建造公园,另一个项目在多伦多Gardiner高架公路下部空间,创建户外的表演场所以及供人们锻炼的人行道和自行车道。

Buro Koray Duman的提议来源于 the Design Trust for Public Space这个非营利性的公共组织在2013年的提案,联合城市的交通部门,旨在恢复桥梁、高速公路和其他高架交通系统下部被忽视的公共空间的活力。

The schemes are the latest in a series of plans by architects to activate under-utilised spaces beneath elevated roads, rail tracks and other transportation lines. Related proposals include the Underline park by James Corner Field Operations, which would stretch below elevated rail tracks in Miami, and Project: Under Gardiner in Toronto, which calls for creating outdoor performance spaces and a pedestrian and cycle trail under a raised urban highway.
Buro Koray Duman's proposals stemmed from an initiative started in 2013 by the Design Trust for Public Space, a nonprofit group, and the city’s transportation department that aimed to revitalise neglected public spaces under bridges, highways and other elevated transportation systems and structures.

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方案对延伸着的高架公路下部空间内未被利用的土地进行设计改造,该土地穿过布鲁克林区/The schemes are proposed for a parcel of land that sits under a stretch of the BQE, which passes through Brooklyn


在参观工业城的过程中,Buro Koray Duman,事先知道报告的内容,开始思考关于怎样激活高架公路下部邻近地区的空间。

“受到Design Trust这个组织的出版物的启发,我们的工作室看到了BQE下部空间改造的可能性,因为它经过工业城门前,”该公司表示。 “BQE系统将复杂的工业城综合体与其邻近的空间分割开来。”

The initiative resulted in a report, Under the Elevated; Reclaiming Space, Connecting Communities, published in March 2015.
During visits to Industry City, Buro Koray Duman, which was aware of the report, starting thinking about how to activate nearby areas under the highway.
"Inspired by Design Trust's publication, our studio saw a potential to look under the BQE as it passes in front of Industry City," the firm said. "The BQE cuts the Industry City complex off from the rest of the neighbourhood."

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该场地邻近工业城,曾经厚重的老工业综合设施,现在被设计师、艺术家以及其他创意专业人士所占据/The site is next to Industry City, an old industrial complex that is now occupied by creative professionals


“有长度700英里的高架基础设施 - 高速公路或地铁线 - 在纽约市,和大多数的底层空间一样,下部空间未被利用,”该公司表示。


The firm conducted research last fall, which informed the resulting designs.
"There are 700 miles of elevated infrastructure – highway or subway lines – in New York City, and a majority of the ground-floor spaces underneath are under-utilised," the firm said.
"The proposals aim to start a conversation in New York City about potentials of the vast vacant areas underneath these existing infrastructures."

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场地剖面图/site section

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食品中心方案提议的概念分解图/Food proposal exploded diagram

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食品中心方案提议的概念分解图/Food proposal exploded diagram

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体育场方案提议的概念分解图/sports proposal exploded diagram

高架桥下空间原来可以这么用/ Buro Koray Duman第12张图片
体育场方案提议的概念分解图/sports proposal exploded diagram





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