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Peter Barber为伦敦住房计划建造“舒适”的砖拱结构第1张图片

Peter Barber creates "cosy" brick arches for London housing scheme


建筑师Peter Barber最近完成了伦敦Stratford的一排连栋房屋,房屋的外观是砖砌墙,凹进去的拱门和阳台成为连续墙上的断点。



伦敦的建筑师Peter Barber受邀对这块场地进行建筑设计,目的是最大化家庭居住房屋的数量。

Peter Barber Architects has completed a row of terraced houses in London's Stratford, featuring a monolithic brick facade punctuated by recessed arches and balconies.
Worland Gardens is a group of three-storey townhouses situated on a previously vacant lot owned by the London Borough of Newham.
The local council designated the site for shared-ownership properties – buildings that are part-owned by the council, part-owned by residents, making it easier for renters to get on the property ladder.
It asked London-based Peter Barber Architects to develop a proposal to maximise the amount of family-sized homes on the site.

Peter Barber为伦敦住房计划建造“舒适”的砖拱结构第2张图片






Barber wanted to complete the existing street by filling in the entire available space using forms and materials that are sympathetic to the late-Victorian properties.
The new townhouses continue the line of the existing buildings but introduce another storey to make the most of the available space. The position of windows and terraces that break up the facade also reference the existing elevation.
"The scale is a little different, because we added a storey, but we also included notched inset terraces that refer to the height of the other buildings," said Barber, whose previous work in London includes a housing and shopping complex featuring turrets and cantilevered terraces, and the refurbishment of a housing scheme with a mixed material palette.
Entrances to each of the residences are contained within recessed arches, which provide intimate semi-public spaces where the owners can relax and socialise with neighbours.
"We're interested in the space at the front of the houses becoming a social space, rather than people just using the rear gardens," Barber added. "The arches have a depth to them which we hope will make residents want to sit out when the sun is on that side of the house."

Peter Barber为伦敦住房计划建造“舒适”的砖拱结构第3张图片





Peter Barber在伦敦东部的住宅建筑方案里包含了“舒适”的拱门入口。

The arches are also intended to reference historic buildings where similar forms are used to distinguish entrances. A larger arch towards one end of the development leads to a small square providing off-street parking.
"There's something about the entrance of a building which is to be celebrated and we're very familiar with that in a pre-modern context,' suggested Barber. "It's celebratory and there's something quite cosy about it."
A pale brick used to clad the entire building connects it with its more traditional neighbours, whilst also ensuring a sense of mass and solidity that helps the new addition feel robust and connected with the ground.
The monolithic brick construction focuses attention on the simple forms and shadows generated by the inset sections. The varying tones and textures of the brickwork adds a complexity and rustic feel to the exterior.
Peter Barber includes "cosy" arched entrances at east-London housing scheme

Peter Barber为伦敦住房计划建造“舒适”的砖拱结构第4张图片




Morley von Sternberg摄影

According to Barber, working with Newham council ensured that the project represents a "public-spirited urban response", which aims to make a positive contribution to the street, rather than the more common developer-led approach of creating as much private space as possible.
"I think it's great that local authorities are getting involved again in creating housing on land that they own," the architect claimed.
"They have a complex remit – they need to demonstrate that they're doing things economically and viably and are using public money wisely, but they also have a remit that extends to the public good, which most developers don’t have."
Photography is by Morley von Sternberg.

Peter Barber为伦敦住房计划建造“舒适”的砖拱结构第5张图片
Site plan/场地平面图

Peter Barber为伦敦住房计划建造“舒适”的砖拱结构第6张图片
Ground floor plan/底层平面图

Peter Barber为伦敦住房计划建造“舒适”的砖拱结构第7张图片
First floor plan/二层平面图

Peter Barber为伦敦住房计划建造“舒适”的砖拱结构第8张图片
Second floor plan/三层平面图

Peter Barber为伦敦住房计划建造“舒适”的砖拱结构第9张图片
Roof plan/顶层平面图

委托人:London Borough of Newham
管理:Wilde Carter Clack
承包商:Neilcott Construction
声学:24 Acoustics

Project credits:
Client: London Borough of Newham
Engineering: Wilde Carter Clack
Contractor: Neilcott Construction
M&E: Con-serv
Acoustics: 24 Acoustics





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