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剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第1张图片

Adding timber-clad halls to 1960s campus at University of Cambridge/6a Architects


伦敦的6a Architects 建筑师工作室在剑桥大学丘吉尔学院修建了学生走廊,来表达对20世纪60年代生动别致的野兽派艺术的校园建筑的敬意。

London studio 6a Architects designed these student halls at the University of Cambridge's Churchill College to pay homage to the "picturesque Brutalism" of the original 1960s campus architecture.

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第2张图片

Cowan Court位于大学校园内,拥有68间学生宿舍,在1960年建立,为了纪念英国首相Sir Winston Churchill。

Cowan Court is a 68-room student residence situated on the college's campus, which was founded in 1960 as a memorial to former British prime minister Sir Winston Churchill.

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第3张图片

此设计工作伴随着国际竞赛,是在第一批列入现存遗产的校园内建立的新住宿楼,今年初,6a Architects 和牛津大学竞争此项目,在经过层层筛选后,6a Architects获得这个项目。

Following an international competition, the task of designing the first new accommodation block at the now heritage-listed campus was awarded to 6a Architects – which was also shortlisted for a project at rival school University of Oxford earlier this year.

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第4张图片

建筑师受20世纪60年代早期英国Sheppard Robson公司设计的大学校园内建筑的砖砌墙体,木材和玻璃的外立面的影响。他们所设计的校园部分被事务所称为“英国野兽艺术派最具特色的部分之一”。


The architects were influenced by the layered brick, timber and glass facades of the existing college buildings, which were designed by British firm Sheppard Robson in the early 1960s. They form part of a campus described by the studio as "one of the finest examples of English Brutalism in the UK".
The studio chose to develop a contemporary interpretation of the original accommodation, following a similar aesthetic, using the same square footprint and creating a central courtyard.

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第5张图片



"Sustainability, accessibility, landscape and a new approach to communal and private space transform the raw sensuality of the brick and board-marked concrete courts of the original college into an innovative, contemporary, low-energy timber building," said the architects.
Three jettying levels clad in untreated reclaimed oak boards evoke the tone of the brickwork cladding the existing buildings, which are divided into clearly defined layers by concrete bands.

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第6张图片

Cowan Court的外立面全部在基础部分弯曲向内并直通向顶部,因此形成了柱上的微曲线类似回声的形式,或是传统柱形物稍微弯曲的形式。


The facades of Cowan Court all curve inwards at the base and straighten towards the top, resulting in a form that echoes the entasis, or gently bowed form, of a classical column.
The surfaces are interrupted by triple-glazed windows framed in pale oak. This are misaligned and appear to spiral up and around the building's corners.

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第7张图片



Deep window seats integrated into the highly insulated walls recall the appearance and function of the distinctive bay windows that project from the facades of the original courts.
The building's entrance leads to a cloister that extends around the perimeter of the courtyard, providing sheltered access to the accommodation and communal spaces on this level.

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第8张图片

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剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第10张图片


6a Architects最近为Juergen Teller 完成了一个混凝土工作室。其中摄影师Juergen Teller创作了一个有关无装饰的驴的自画像。此事务所还完成了伦敦的一个围绕大树的房子的扩建。

摄影:Johan Dehlin

The landscaped space at the centre of the courtyard is planted with birch trees to create an informal garden for meeting or studying.
6a Architects also recently completed a concrete studio for Juergen Teller, inside which the photographer posed naked on a donkey for a self portrait. The studio's other projects include an extension to a house in London that curves around a tree.
Photography is by Johan Dehlin.

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剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第14张图片

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第15张图片

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第16张图片

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第17张图片

剑桥大学校园内增添了木制走廊/6a Architects第18张图片





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