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Utopia Arkitekter提出一个将斯德哥尔摩公共公园笼罩在玻璃之中的方案
Utopia Arkitekter Proposes Public Park in Stockholm Shrouded in Glass


Utopia Arkitekter想要在斯德哥尔摩展开一个讨论:我们应该如何管理和提升我们的公共空间?在牛津字典中对于公共这一词汇的定义是:“开放的或者是一片区域或者一个国家的人们共享的地方。”

然而,随着商业主义的持续发展,Utopia Arkitekter对于室内“公共”空间的应用产生了一个疑问。

作为建筑评论家的Rowan Moore在《我们为什么而建造》中写道“身份,欲望以及刺激感变成了你不得不花钱去买的事物,例如购买衣服,各种各样精打细算的餐馆食物,在滑雪坡道上骑行或者登上哈里发塔。”


在像斯德哥尔摩这样的城市之中,光线不足以及温度低于10摄氏度的天气占了一年中的6个月,在室内公共空间周围建立的商业圈边界意味着减少了人们走出家门参加社交的机会。Utopia Arkitekter的方案是如何应对这一难题的呢?一个室内的公园。

Utopia Arkitekter wants to start a discussion in Stockholm: how do we manage and develop our public spaces? The definition of the word public, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is something “open to or shared by all the people of an area or country.”
However, as commercialism continues to rise, Utopia Arkitekter has a problem with our new applications of indoor “public” spaces.
As architecture critic Rowan Moore writes in Why We Build, “Identity, desire and stimulation become things you have to buy, as clothes, restaurant meals of calculated diversity, and rides on the ski slope or up the Burj Khalifa.”
The problem is that as our inner cities adopt more commercial indoor public spaces such as shopping malls, cafés or restaurants, the “public” is no longer represented by “all the people of an area,” simply due to economic restrictions.
In a city like Stockholm, where darkness and temperatures below 10 degrees celsius prevail for 6 months of the year, the economic boundaries set up around indoor public spaces mean reduced opportunities for people to socialize outside of the home. Utopia Arkitekter’s proposal in response to this conundrum? An indoor park.

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter

斯德哥尔摩已经有一个合适的计划,作为“grön promenadstad”的演变——直译过来就是,一个绿色的步行城市。

这座首都城市是为每一个人打造的。Utopia Arkitekter将这句话作为一种指示,这座城市正在找寻更多的方式来帮助公共空间以非商业的模式存在。




Stockholm already has a plan in place for evolving as a “grön promenadstad”—roughly translated, a green pedestrian city.
A capital city for everyone. Utopia Arkitekter sees this as an indicator that the city is searching for more ways to engage the public in a non-commercial manner.
Their proposed indoor park would be a 23-meter-tall construction, reaching the height of the eaves on surrounding buildings, spanned over an area of 1,500 square meters.
It would be supported by a slender timber construction, and clad in glass vaults to achieve maximum transparency and maintain a rapport with the external context.
This, along with the building’s large passages and entrances linked to existing pathways, would be the primary methods of integration, given that the building’s form itself—6 organic morphing vaults—has little correspondence with the existing architecture in the area.

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter

他们选择Sankt Eriksplan作为他们的基地,这是一个小地方,尽管周围被绿地覆盖,但是这里并不是一个非常活跃的公共空间,可能是由于对周围草坪有一个高度上的限制。


在这片区域的东边是一个现存的室外公园,叫做 Vasaparken,当地人很喜欢去那里,尤其是喜欢一家人共同去那个公园。

从Sankt Eriksplan步行5分钟就能达到有剧场,博物馆以及餐馆的地方,还有一系列文化活动在该区域共同举行。

Utopia Arkitekter希望他们的方案中具有透明度的建筑将会比现有存在于隐藏的仓库或者隐蔽的咖啡馆中的城市活动更能形成具有吸引力的空间,吸引更多路过的行人。

Their chosen site, Sankt Eriksplan, is a small place that, despite being covered in grass, is not a very active public space, possibly due to a high curb surrounding the lawn.
However it has a large degree of potential, being in a densely populated area and just across the street from an underground metro station, as well as a bus stop.
On its east side is an existing outdoor park, Vasaparken, that is currently attracting locals, especially families.
With a theater, galleries, museums and restaurants within a 5-minute walk from Sankt Eriksplan, there is also a range of cultural activity converging in the area.
Utopia Arkitekter are hoping that the transparency of their proposed building will make it a more inviting space for passers by, than existing urban activities that may be tucked away in restored warehouses or hidden cafés.

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter



Utopia Arkitekter表示可以对于地铁站和Sankt Eriksplan地下车库所释放的多余的热量进行再利用,通过这些热量为公园在寒冷的月份提供温暖,同样对于具体方法的解释没有做过多的阐述。


The vaulted glass construction will also be “climate smart,” with highly energy efficient heating and cooling systems.
How exactly the materials are sustainable is unspecified, although there is mention of resistance and recyclability.
Utopia Arkitekter present the possibility of reusing excess heat emitted from the underground station and garage beneath Sankt Eriksplan to warm the park in colder months, again with little in the way of detailed explanation.
This use of buzz words without providing detail might be concerning, however the fact that the firm is working in partnership with The Swedish Federation of Glazing Contractors and the Swedish Wood Building Council, experts in their respective fields, might go some way to address that concern.

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter


Sankt Eriksplan提出的室内公园是建立在非商业和对所有人开放的思想上的,但是Utopia Arkitekter同样也有计划考虑“社会企业”,这样可以涵盖整个公园运营的成本,例如出租戏剧,艺术,室外电影,音乐表演等演出空间或者其他任何人提出的想法。


Indoor gardens have also proven to be very successful public places, such as Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, although rarely are these achieved in a manner that is free from commerce.
Sankt Eriksplan’s proposed indoor park is built upon the idea of being non-commercial and open to all, but Utopia Arkitekter also have plans in mind for “social enterprises” that could cover running management costs, such as renting out performance spaces for theater, art, outdoor cinema, musical performances or whatever else people come up with.
Their goal to kick-start the conversation surrounding all-inclusive public areas, with their proposed solution being an elegant yet welcoming space, small yet bold, contemporary yet undoubtedly Nordic, is an engaging introduction to this important discussion.

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter

作为一个建筑方案,Utopia Arkitekter提出的设想是令人激动的,并且如果能够实现,肯定具有使他们设计的建筑成为地区标志的潜力,并且也能体现其社会价值。


如果这个理想化的愿望能够实现,并且Utopia Arkitekter成功创造了他们的室内公园,毋庸置疑这一具有潜力的场所将会加强我们共享所有的公共空间。

As a proposal, Utopia Arkitekter’s building is exciting and, if realized, could certainly have the potential to become an icon of the area and the social values they stand for.
However, much of the concept's success will hinge on its further development into a concrete plan, hopefully addressing what constitutes “climate smart,” and defining ways in which materials can be recycled and clear examples of how the building uses waste heat.
If this idealized vision can become a reality and Utopia Arkitekter succeed in creating their indoor public park, there is no doubt in its potential to drive discussion and strengthen our shared-by-all public spaces.

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter

Courtesy of Utopia Arkitekter





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