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Dorte Mandrup建筑事务所——宜家Hubhult会议中心
IKEA Hubhult Meeting Center
Dorte Mandrup Architects


Dorte Mandrup建筑事务所设计的宜家会议中心唤起了对功能、效率和创新的认知,并通过创造性的工作空间和设计方式鼓励人们相互协作。马尔默的宜家会议中心被评为斯堪的纳维亚(半岛)(欧洲)最具可持续性的办公大楼,Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter通过设计令人振奋和有吸引力的架构,巧妙地解决了项目中的技术问题。

Dorte Mandrup's meeting center for IKEA is evocative of the functionality, efficiency and innovation that the home furnishing giant represents, and encourages encounter and collaboration through an inventive approach to workspace design. IKEA Hubhult in Malmö has been named the most sustainable office building in Scandinavia, and Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter have adeptly resolved these technical requirements with an uplifting and engaging architecture.

宜家会议中心/IKEA Hubhult, Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. Photo © Adam Mørk


From its overall geometry to its technical details, every aspect of Hubhult's design is intended to optimize energy efficiency and enhance sustainability, earning it BREEAM Outstanding certification. Furthermore, the building has recently been awarded the Green Good Design award, a public program promoting sustainability in individuals, companies, organizations and institutions. A key part of Hubhult's sustainability strategy is its emphasis on the health of the 1,100 employees it hosts, with lighting, shading, acoustics and thermal conditions optimized for user comfort.

宜家会议中心/IKEA Hubhult, Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. Photo © Adam Mørk

大楼由三部分组成: 一个带太阳能电池板的停车场,以及两个方形体量的相互交融的办公室和会议区。最大空间的锯齿形屋顶和波纹铝包层清楚地表明了宜家家具生产和分销战略中心的工厂原型,尽管这里是通过会议来促进设计的生产。

The building consists of three volumes; a parking house with a solar panel facade, and the office and meeting areas which are housed within two square volumes interconnecting diagonally. The sawtooth roof and corrugated aluminum cladding of the largest volume makes clear reference to the factory typology central to IKEA's furniture production and distribution strategy, although here it facilitates the production of design through the meeting of people.

宜家会议中心/IKEA Hubhult, Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. Photo © Adam Mørk

锯齿形屋顶的几何结构在立面上延续,固定的铝制顶篷可以遮挡窗户,并使建筑物的形式在方向上有微妙的变化。这些强烈的几何形状为建筑赋予了活泼的个性特征,与第二个体量规矩的方形形式形成鲜明的对比,悬挂在连续的玻璃幕墙上并以开放式庭院为中心。Dorte Mandrup在宜家产品的设计逻辑中清楚地贯彻了启发、效率、简单性和可用性,这是Hubhult的主要关注点。可持续发展是以成本价值、品质与功能结合在一起的,这种形式是令人期待的,而且是宜家品牌的体现。

The geometry of the sawtooth roof is continued onto the facade, where fixed aluminum canopies shelter the windows and animate the building's form with subtle variations in their orientation. These strong geometric shapes create a playful character, sitting in contrast with the second volume which is more restrained with a solid rectangular form suspended over a continuous glass facade and centered around an open courtyard. Dorte Mandrup have clearly found inspiration in the design logic of IKEA's products, with efficiency, simplicity and usability as Hubhult's primary concerns. Sustainability is consolidated with cost value, and quality with functionality, resulting in a form which is aspirational yet clearly defined by strict parameters - a manifestation of the IKEA brand.

宜家会议中心/IKEA Hubhult, Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. Photo © Adam Mørk


The internal spaces are also evocative of the IKEA aesthetic, with textural plywood surfaces, wood wool ceilings and an ensemble of IKEA's most iconic pieces furnishing the interiors. The building's arrangement logic is defined by an ambition for interaction and collaboration between its users, with large light wells and generous staircases connecting multiple floors and designed to embrace encounters.

宜家会议中心轴测图/IKEA Hubhult, Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter Axonometric © Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter


A more enclosed ground floor of meeting rooms and a foyer gives way to the open plan and flexible upper floors, connected by staggered atriums with animated staircases. These workspaces are designed to allow a variety of configurations and work arrangements, encouraging collaboration and activity based working. At the base of the main atrium is a large stepped seating structure, facilitating the assembly central to the building's program.

宜家会议中心/IKEA Hubhult, Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. Photo © Adam Mørk

Dorte Mandrup建筑事务所使用可辨认的宜家美学与简单而低成本的材料结合在一起,尽管拥有令人印象深刻的环保认证,仍给人营造一种简单、迷人和熟悉的感觉。Hubhult在技术方面没有限制建筑想要表达的东西,而是通过效率、可用性和设计愿景之间的对话来有所加强。由此而来的建筑物为可持续办公楼建立了新的基准,重新设计了工作空间,进一步塑造公司的理想形象。

Dorte Mandrup's use of a recognizable IKEA aesthetic combined with seemingly simple and low-tech materials results in an architecture that that feels simple, inviting and familiar despite its impressive environmental credentials. Hubhult's technical aspects have not overwhelmed its architectural ambitions, but rather been enhanced by a reciprocal dialogue between efficiency, usability and design aspiration. The resulting building sets a new benchmark for sustainable office buildings, reimagines the design of workspaces and presents an aspirational image of the company it houses.

宜家会议中心/IKEA Hubhult, Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. Photo © Adam Mørk

宜家会议中心场地平面图/IKEA Hubhult, Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. Site Plan © Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter

建筑设计:Dorte Mandrup建筑事务所
摄影:Adam Mørk

Site: Malmö, Sweden
Design: Dorte Mandrup Architects
Nature: Commercial
Photo © Adam Mørk
By Benjamin Wells





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