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加拿大魁北克Cogeco 露天剧场
Amphithéatre Cogeco / Atelier Paul Laurendeau


来自建筑事务所的描述:该项目是一个开放型的建筑竞赛,是为加拿大魁北克省Trois-Rivières市设计一座10000座的室外露天剧场。本次竞赛的要求颇具挑战性,希望建筑师能够设计一座堪比悉尼歌剧院的国际性地标建筑。基地上原来建有Tripap造纸厂,它于2000年停止营业,后来Trois-Rivières市政府想要将这块废弃的工业场地重新用于建造Trois-Rivières-sur-le-Saint-Laurent项目。场地位于Saint-Lawrence 和Saint-Maurice河的交界处,让人们具有滨水的休闲感。这块区域与Harborfront公园、中心街道、Saint-Lawrence 河以及Saint-Quentin 小岛紧密相连,堪称是一块风水宝地。

Text description provided by the architects. The project is the result of an open and anonymous architectural competition to design a new 10,000 seat outdoor summer amphitheater for the city of Trois-Rivières, Quebec. The competition challenged architects to propose a landmark design of an international scope, comparable to the Sydney Opera House fronting the water. After the closing of the Tripap paper mill in 2000 located on a site between the historic downtown and the waterfront, the City of Trois-Rivières cleared the abandoned industrial site to make way for a new urban redevelopment project called Trois-Rivières-sur-le-Saint-Laurent. The site, at the junction of the Saint-Lawrence and Saint-Maurice Rivers, was to give the population regained access to the waterfront. The quality of the location, in connection with the Harborfront Park, the downtown streets, the Saint-Lawrence River and Saint-Quentin Island, called for a grand gesture.

© Adrien Williams

© Adrien Williams

底层平面图/Ground Floor Plan

© Marc Gibert


Several planned infrastructures (promenades, boardwalks, public spaces, cultural facilities) are to serve as an anchor at the crossroads of one of the most important waterways in North America and the Saint-Maurice River. The project’s centrepiece is a new outdoor 10,000 seat summer amphitheatre. The City demonstrated the will to make the redevelopment project an example of how a community can redeploy itself around a project combining living environment, working, leisure and culture. For the realization of the amphitheatre, the municipality chose to proceed by way of an architectural competition to obtain a building of international scope. The competition was seen by the City as a unique opportunity to select a quality building by challenging architects to submit innovative solutions.

© Adrien Williams

© Adrien Williams


It was also an opportunity to examine, with experts convened by jury, concrete architectural solutions that aim at making the future amphitheater a unifying project that will consolidate and mark the development of Trois-Rivières. The challenge was to create a landmark with an initial 34 M$ budget. In order to achieve this, the architectural part exploited a fundamental core element of the program: a roof that protects the public from the rain. Intended in the program as a low element, limited to the fixed seating area, it was raised at the level of the fly tower to embrace it and extended beyond its initial limits to form an 80 x 90-meter rectangle on the horizon. To make it appear as thin as possible, the sides taper to terminate with a bent 6.4 mm thick galvanized steel plate. At its central area, the roof is 6 meters thick, housing catwalks that give access to technical galleries for stage equipment and lighting. Located in an open site, the amphitheater has no single front façade.

© Marc Gibert

纵截面/Longitudinal Section

© Marc Gibert

© Adrien Williams

在这座建筑中,建筑师结合帕拉迪奥(Palladio)圆顶别墅的构思理念,运用了对称的几何原则。8根直径850毫米、高26米的细长钢柱支撑着开放屋顶,让使用者具有宽阔的景观视野。建筑中红色和黑色分别代表了不同的功能区域。面向des Draveurs大道的飞行塔将人们因导致剧场空间,其通体覆盖着三种不同色相的红色铝板。在屋顶的底部,建筑师运用了亮红色。到了夜晚,钢柱下方的嵌入式投影仪投射出的光线让屋顶底板看上去光彩照人。这座剧场的性质是文化场所,经营时间是每年5月至9月。它将以高质量的现场表演吸引大量的观众,甚至还有诸如交响乐团或爵士音乐节等万众瞩目的音乐盛典。而到了冬季,室外场所便停止使用,人们可以在接纳量为700人的室内空间进行参展、公共会议以及冬日聚会等活动。

Symmetry was used as a geometric strategy to address its context, in the principle of Palladio’s Villa Rotonda. Eight slender steel columns, 850 mm in diameter, 26 meters high, give the roof a stately while open appearance, with crossing views on the Saint-Maurice River through the auditorium. Red and black express its function. The fly tower, an expansive space facing des Draveurs Avenue leading to the amphitheater, is clad with aluminum vertical panel painted in three tones of red. The roof soffit, in the last minute decision, was painted a bright red. At night, it turns into a glowing inverted curtain, lit by recessed projectors at the base of the silver painted columns. The amphitheater is being used as a cultural summer venue operating from May to September. It has the capability to present high capacity live shows that attract large audiences as well as more intimate presentations like to local symphonic orchestra or the jazz festival. During the winter months, a monumental thermal door closes the stage opening. Interior spaces can thus host exhibits, public meetings and a winter programming for a capacity of 700.

© Adrien Williams

© Adrien Williams

© Adrien Williams

© Adrien Williams

© Adrien Williams

环境规划/Context Plan

场地平面图/Site Plan

二层平面图/Second Level Plan

屋顶平面图/Rooftop Plan

北立面/North Elevation

西立面/West Elevation

南立面/South Elevation

横截面/Cross Section

城市规划/City Plan

© Adrien Williams

建筑设计:Atelier Paul Laurendeau
地点:加拿大 魁北克
面积:12500.0 m2
摄影:Adrien Williams, Marc Gibert
制造商:Benjamin Moore, KLH Massivholz GmbH, Soprema
执行建筑师:Paul Laurendeau | François Beauchesne | architectes en consortium (Boris Morin-Defoy, Renée-Claude Langlois, Erwan Le Diraison, Gabriel Ostiguy, Claude de Passillé, Robert Mailhot, étienne Paradis, Maxime Gervais, Joannie Desrochers, Nathalie Lord)
建筑剧场设计顾问:Guy Simard
客户顾问:Trizart Alliance
声学设计:Octave acoustique Inc.
照明设计:éclairage Public
结构工程:Stantec (formerly Dessau) Pluritec
机电工程:Stantec (formerly Dessau)
平面设计:Bureau Principal
客户:City of Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada
编码:Technorm Inc.

Architects: Atelier Paul Laurendeau
Location: 100 Avenue des Draveurs, Trois-Rivières, QC G9A 5H3, Canada
Area: 12500.0 m2
Project Year: 2016
Photographs: Adrien Williams, Marc Gibert
Manufacturers: Benjamin Moore, KLH Massivholz GmbH, Soprema
Executive Architects: Paul Laurendeau | François Beauchesne | architectes en consortium (Boris Morin-Defoy, Renée-Claude Langlois, Erwan Le Diraison, Gabriel Ostiguy, Claude de Passillé, Robert Mailhot, étienne Paradis, Maxime Gervais, Joannie Desrochers, Nathalie Lord)
Theater Consultant for the Architect: Guy Simard
Theater Consultant for the Client: Trizart Alliance
Acoustics: Octave acoustique Inc.
Lighting Design: éclairage Public
Structural Engineering: Stantec (formerly Dessau) Pluritec
Electro-Mechanical Engineering: Stantec (formerly Dessau)
Graphic Design and Signage: Bureau Principal
Client: City of Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada
Code: Technorm Inc.





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