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Architects of Air creates "sense of wonder" with inflatable architecture maze


Daedalum迷宫由19个蛋形气球相互连接组成,由半透明材料制成,是Air建筑事务所创始人Alan Parkinson最近设计的充气建筑。


The Daedalum maze, which consists of 19 interconnected egg-shaped domes made from translucent material, is the latest piece of inflatable architecture designed by Alan Parkinson, founder of Architects of Air.
Named after Daedalus – the architect of the Labyrinth of Minos in Greek mythology – the blow-up maze was created to let people experience the "phenomenon of light".


6月21日至23日,Air建筑事务所在伦敦皇家阿尔伯特码头(Royal Albert Dock)搭起了这座充气建筑,是格林威治+港区国际艺术节的一部分。


Architects of Air installed the inflatable structure at the Royal Albert Dock, in London, from 21 to 23 June as part of the Greenwich + Docklands International Festival.
"I design the structures to create a particular encounter with the phenomenon of light," Parkinson told Dezeen. "I devise an architecture to encourage a sense of wonder."



Alan Parkinson解释说:“Daedalum迷宫为人们提供神秘的室内灯光体验。”


The latest maze in a succession of inflatable mazes designed by Architects of Air, Daedalum is constructed from a  variety of different coloured pieces of translucent material to create varied light-filled spaces.
"Daedalum aims to be the most mysterious of our luminaria in terms of the journey that visitors would take inside," Alan Parkinson explained.
"The key influences are the structures that preceded Daedalum – each new structure we build gives indicators for what we do with the next. I do have a fondness for Islamic architecture, geometric solids – structures that lend themselves to be interpreted pneumatically."




Visitors enter the maze through an air lock, after taking their shoes off, before exploring the interconnecting series of domes and tunnels.
Along with the numerous smaller domes, the far end of the maze, which is 47 metres long and 31 meters wide, opens up with two larger structures.


“Meko the Tree”和“Main Dome”是迷宫中最开放的空间,由Alan Parkinson的儿子设计。

“Meko the Tree”的意思是“在交叉的迷宫中冒险”,这里看起来就像一堆悬浮在游客头顶的交叉气泡高。

Designed by Alan Parkinson's son, Meko the Tree and the Main Dome are the most open spaces within the maze.
Described as "an adventurous assembly of intersecting volumes", The Tree appears like a stack of intersecting bubbles above visitors' heads.


“Main Dome”的顶部有着由600块织物制成的图案。

色彩的灵感来源是天空随不同时间的颜色变化,而圆顶的灵感来自罗马的万神殿和Gustave Doré在但丁天堂的天使画。

The Main Dome is topped with a pattern made of 600 pieces of fabric.
Designed to create various colours inside as the sun moves across the sky, the dome was inspired by both Rome's Pantheon and Gustave Doré drawing of angels in Dante's paradise.


Alan Parkinson认为,建造临时充气结构在应对纯理论项目所没有的实际问题的同时,也让他得以思考建筑的本质。


Alan Parkinson believes that building temporary inflatable structures allows him to explore what architecture aims to be, while still having to deal with practical issues that purely theoretical projects do not.
"It is transient and aspires to be utopian in a way that permanent architecture, with its feet on the ground is often not allowed to be," he explained.
"That said, in practical terms, we have to engage with the parameters that actual architecture engages with – wind-loading, drainage, temperature control and wheelchair accessibility."



去年,建筑师Thomas Randall-Page和Benedetta Rogers在伦敦东部运河上建造了一艘充气黄色剧院驳船,而威尼斯建筑双年展的北欧馆则装有充气舱,该充气舱能根据环境条件的变化进行扩建和收缩。


Numerous designers around the world are exploring the potential of inflatable architecture.
Last year architects Thomas Randall-Page and Benedetta Rogers created an inflatable yellow theatre barge on an east London canal, while the Nordic Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale contained air-filled pods that expanded and contracted based on changing environmental conditions.
Photography is courtesy of Architects of Air.




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