建筑师: Jose Cabral Dias + Luis Miguel Correia
作者:Luís Miguel Correia,何塞•卡布拉尔
合作伙伴:Daniel Gameiro, Luís Spranger Carvalho, Nuno Ferreira Barbosa, Joao Foja, Patrícia Miguel, Vanda Correia
墙体、业主的房子( Freixo先生)和澡堂;多功能运动场(由刮板混凝土制成)和足球场(没有草)都在之前就存在了。
我们的项目使得圣克鲁斯广场成为了该市和Associação Académica de Coimbra俱乐部旧日记忆的实体表现。老澡堂建筑(建筑A),是该地遗产的象征,十分值得保留。费尔南多•塔沃拉曾说,“真正重要只是我们与生活的关系”。而我们考虑到了其公共用途,在那开了酒吧。
在外部空间,木制隧道是各楼层之间一个象征性的通道;该项目连接了花园(Sereia花园)和城市;建造初期,生物学家发现了许多罕见的助产蟾 。
平面设计图 Plan
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特别鸣谢翻译一组10号 张晓丽 提供的翻译,译稿版权归译者所有,转载请注出明处。
Architects: Jose Cabral Dias + Luis Miguel Correia
Location: Coimbra, Portugal
Authors: José Cabral Dias, Luis Miguel Correia
Collaborators: Daniel Gameiro, Luis Spranger Carvalho, Nuno Ferreira Barbosa, Joao Foja, Patricia Miguel, Vanda Correia
Project Year: 2008
Photographs: Courtesy of JCD+LMC, FG+SG
The proposition here presented not only integrates the ordinary, but it also aims to go beyond vulgarity. Budget limitations as well as the expected intensive use have led the project to be extremely straightforward and essential in its principles, but this fact didn’t compromise the exploration of the plastic volume capacity, the global composition nor the spatial diversity.
The walls, the keeper’s house (Mr Freixo) and the bathhouse; the multi-sports field (made of screed stroked) and the football field (without grass) are the pre-existing elements.
Our project recognizes the Campo de Santa Cruz as physical expression of significant collective memories of both the city and the club Associacao Académica de Coimbra. The older bathhouse building (building A), is a symbol of that heritage, which is ought to be kept: as Fernando Távora used to say, “all that really matters is our relationship with life”. And in that place we locate the bar, given to its public usage.
The new building (B) organizes the entrance space; it gives the previous construction not only scale but also a deeper spacial meaning, and it structures itself and the exterior spaces: according to the functional programme, Mr. Freixo’s new house is organized facing the football field, due to his effort and dedication towards the club and the athletes.
In the exterior space, the wood tunnel is intended to be a symbolic passageway between the floors; the project establishes a connection between the garden (Jardim da Sereia) and the city; and by the time the constructions started, biologists found a population of rare midwife toad -. as both architecture and sport must be in complete harmony with the concept of ecology, two wet places have been built, to North and South of building B, as well as a ditch around the football field. At the end of the process, our goals have been accomplished: architecture achieved its purposes and the frogs multiplied themselves. |