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2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第1张图片

Vietnam Pavilion – Milan Expo 2015


来自事务所的描述。由于世界经济的发展,人们开始变得富裕并且生活水平逐渐提高。另一方面,即使经济增长,社会发展,大多数人还处于战争和贫困当中。为了养活地球上70 亿人口,当今世界的人类沉迷于科技和城市生活,而与自然渐行渐远,也进一步导致社会的认知障碍。现代人面对各种各样的问题。深陷互联网世界严重影响了人类的精神世界。

From the architect. Due to the economy development in the world, people are becoming rich and the standard of living is improving. On the other hand the majority of the population is also suffering from wars and poverty and it is seen increasing with the economic and social development of the society. There is a major motive to feed seven billion people in our planet, in the current world human beings have been falling in the trap of technology, city life and technology have made human beings disconnected from nature which has further lead to the mental disorders of society. In particular there are many problems modern man is facing. People are deeply sunken to the Internet community which is threating their human spirit.

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第2张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

我们希望通过 2015 年以"滋养地球,生命的能源"为口号的米兰世博会越南馆帮助生活在城市中的人们找回生活的力量。不仅要为他们的身体提供食物,还要为他们提供一个积极和谐的精神世界,这和食物同样重要。建筑周边的植物调节着人们的生活环境,洗涤着人们的心灵和精神。越南的城市包括河内和胡志明市都缺少城市绿地,在经济发展的同时绿化面积减少人均不到1平方米。针对目前的状况,我们提出了一个建议,通过整合建筑设计从而在建筑顶部也种上植物。

Our message through Vietnam Pavilion for the Milano Expo 2015 with the motto “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” is to bring back the power of living for urban peoples by not only providing food for their body but also providing them positive and harmonic feeding for their minds which is an important human daily need as a food. Plants on buildings harmonize the living environment which positively affect human mind. Vietnamese cities, including Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City lose green areas which are decreasing to less than one square meter per citizen beside the economic development. As a counter proposal to the current situation, we want to share an approach to plant trees even on top of buildings by integrating it in the building design.

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第3张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第4张图片
Ground Floor Plan/首层平面

越南馆基地面积只有 887平米,进行建筑后退后剩余不到 400 平米。然而展馆通过四十六颗树营造了一片森林,将场馆空间隐藏在郁郁葱葱的树下。我们的目标是让树木重新出现在城市景观中,从而分享自然和与自然和谐相处的重要性。树木不仅为人们提供的视觉和情感上的影响,还能遮挡太阳辐射。此外,树和水池结合能带来阵阵清风,通过创造一个舒适的周边环境达到建筑节能的作用。

Vietnam pavilion site was only 887sqm and after deducting set back from the site it was left to less than 400sqm, however the pavilion is realized as a forest with forty six trees above the building with an intension of the environmental conditions below the trees. Our proposal is to bring back the trees to the cityscape in order to share the importance of nature and regenerate living in harmony with nature. Not only do the trees provide the visual and emotional impact to the human beings but also drop the shadows on the building in order to block the solar radiation. In addition, the trees further create a refreshing breeze along with the pool, to enable energy-saving operation of the building while providing a comfortable place in the surrounding area.

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第5张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri


Bamboo is another construction material of this pavilion, bamboo has a very rich and strong relationship with the Vietnamese culture and life scene. The pavilion columns are cladded by bamboo which gives a texture to regain peace in the minds of the people and a symbol of tactile natural material in space. Twenty Vietnamese bamboo craftsmen who are educated through bamboo building projects installed the bamboo parts which show the Vietnamese spirit of manufacture.

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第6张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第7张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第8张图片


Due to the low construction and design budget for this pavilion, 2.08MUSD, the design costs were made voluntary. The exhibition is opened temporarily only six months therefore it is not feasible to invest a lot of money and energy in the building process. The pavilion had been realized as a building which has obtained many fruitful achievements by bamboo rapid re-production, trees planted in pots and reusable structure. We propose concept called “Building for trees” for future cities which give joy of the living to people.

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第9张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第10张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第11张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第12张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第13张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第14张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第15张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第16张图片
© PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第17张图片

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第18张图片
First Floor /Plan一层平面

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第19张图片
Roof Floor Plan/顶层平面

2015年米兰世博越南馆 / Vo Trong Nghia Architects第20张图片
Site Plan/总平面图

建筑设计: Vo Trong Nghia Architects
项目位置: 意大利米兰
主建筑师: Vo Trong Nghia
建筑助理: Takashi Niwa
设计团队: Marek Obtulovic, Nguyen Viet Hung, Nguyen Ba Tuong, Raffaello Rosselli, Dau Nhat Quang, Hoang Quoc Bao
项目面积: 571.0 平方米
项目时间: 2015
摄影: PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri
工程与管理: Proger Spa, BMS Progetti
动态建模: Systematica Srl
防火安全: Zomraude Chantal Chalouhi
总承包商: Proger Spa
竹材供应: Vo Trong Nghia Architects
委托人: VEFAC (Vietnam Exhibition and Fair Center) – representative of Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism
场地面积: 887 平方米
造价: 2,080,000美元

Architects: Vo Trong Nghia Architects
Location: Via Giorgio Stephenson, 107, 20157 Milano, Italy
Architect In Charge: Vo Trong Nghia
Associate Architect: Takashi Niwa
Design Team: Marek Obtulovic, Nguyen Viet Hung, Nguyen Ba Tuong, Raffaello Rosselli, Dau Nhat Quang, Hoang Quoc Bao
Area: 571.0 sqm
Year: 2015
Photographs: PHOTOGRAPHERS4EXPO – Saverio Lombardi Vallauri
Engineering And Management: Proger Spa, BMS Progetti
Dynamic Modeling Of Internal Mobility: Systematica Srl
Fire Safety: Zomraude Chantal Chalouhi
Main Contractor: Proger Spa
Bamboo Contractor: Vo Trong Nghia Architects
Client: VEFAC (Vietnam Exhibition and Fair Center) – representative of Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism
Site Area: 887 m2
Construction Cost: 2,080,000USD





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