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缓解哥本哈根城市内涝的景观规划/ SLA Architects+Saunders Architecture第1张图片

Masterplan by SLA and Saunders Aims to Alleviate Flooding in Copenhagen


规划与景观设计公司SLA事务所与Saunders建筑事务所赢得了针对哥本哈根市中心Hans Tavsens公园和周边区域重新设计的竞赛。竞赛任务是建筑师需提供一份公园和周边街道景观的改造方案,并有利于水文、生物和社会生态系统。获奖方案名叫“纳莱罗布的灵魂”,它通过建立一套与公园匹配的排水系统,重新设计适合公园的径流方向,使其能在洪涝季节起到蓄水泄洪的作用,同时还能净化水源。

Planning and Landscape firm SLA Architects with Saunders Architecture have won an international competition to redesign Hans Tavsens Park and its surrounding area in the central Copenhagen borough ofNørrebro. The competition tasked architects with envisioning a park and streetscape that would benefit the hydrological, biological and social ecosystems of the neighborhood.  The winning proposal, titled The Soul of Nørrebro, tackles the challenge by creating a system of drainage areas and an adaptable park designed to redirect runoff and contain and purify water during flood conditions.

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Hans Tavsens Park Flood Conditions. Tavsens公园防洪 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit


为了缓解这一现象,项目将花费1亿4千万丹麦克朗(2千万美元)将Hans Tavsens公园改造成一个巨型蓄水池,届时将能在同一时间容纳一万八千立方米的雨水。雨水在经过自然过滤后,将顺着Korsgade街旁的植被排水系统缓慢流入Peblinge湖。同时,这条路径将为街道提供一个全新的微环境,并成为城市景观的一部分。

Located on relatively flat land and along the water, Nørrebro is particularly susceptible to the effects of heavy rain. During particularly torrential rains, referred to as cloudbursts, flooding of major roads and basements is common. Excess water runs directly into Peblinge Lake, one of Copenhagen’s three distinct rectangular shaped lakes, pulling with it dirt or debris from the street.
To mitigate these issues, the 140 million DKK (20 million US Dollars) proposed design will use Hans Tavsens Park to act as a rainwater catchment basin capable to holding up to 18,000 cubic meters of water at a time. The rainwater will then be naturally filtered as it is slowly led into Peblinge Lake through planted drainage paths located along Korsgade, an existing street. The irrigation paths will provide a new identity and microclimate to the street, becoming a visible part of the cityscape.

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Hans Tavsens Park Plan. Tavsens公园平面图 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit


The new park will feature courts and fields for a variety of sports that will serve as retention areas during flooding, a fountain, playground and pathways to the adjacent cemetery. As it travels toward the lake, the drainage basin will also pass by Blågaards School, where it will provide irrigation for gardens and playspaces tended to by school classes. Along Korsgade, the drainage ways will serve as a barrier between the road and sidewalk, emptying into a final biotope along the lake edge.

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Blågaards School. Blågaards学校 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

“我们的解决方案建立在为城市创造更多自然空间的基础上,它不仅解决了暴雨期间城市内涝的问题,同时还创造了一系列连续的城市空间,为社区提供自然的体验,为整个哥本哈根提供新的机遇” SLA的合伙人以及该设计的负责人Stig L. Andersson说到。


“Our solution is based on creating a robust city nature that both solves the specific problem of handling torrential rain to avoid flooding, while at the same time creating a new and coherent series of urban spaces that offer stronger social community, greener and more natural experiences and new, creative opportunities for all Copenhageners,” says Stig L. Andersson, partner and design director of SLA.
Construction is set to begin in 2019, with an expected completion date in 2022.

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Korsgade Sunny Conditions. Korsgade街道阳光充足的情况 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Hans Tavsens Park Sunny Conditions. Hans Tavsens公园阳光充足的情况 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Korsgade Flood Conditions. Korsgade街道暴雨的情况 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Project Plan. 项目平面图 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Blågaards School Plan. Blagaards学校平面图 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Korsgade Plan. Korsgade街道平面图 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Diagram: Site Context. 图解:场地 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Diagram: Climate Adaption Though City Nature. 图解:城市自然气候 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Diagram: Links. 图解:交通路线 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Diagram: Differences For All. 图解:差异 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit

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Diagram: Schools As Drivers For City Nature. 图解:学校作为城市自然的驱动 Image © SLA / Beauty and the Bit





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