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福斯特和搭档将Cedric Price伦敦动物园鸟舍变为猴园第1张图片

Foster + Partners to transform Cedric Price's London Zoo aviary into monkey enclosure


诺曼•福斯特公司已被任命为改造伦敦动物园的斯诺登鸟舍——已故英国建筑师Cedric Price最标志性的设计。

Foster + Partners将恢复有51年历史的结构,完成后,将是英国第一个可步行通过的鸟舍。取代鸟舍,它变为集成为疣猴的栖息地。

Norman Foster's firm has been appointed to revamp the Snowdon Aviary at London Zoo – one of the most iconic designs of the late British architect Cedric Price.
Foster + Partners will restore the 51-year-old structure that, when completed, was the first walk-through aviary anywhere in Britain. Instead of housing birds, it is set to become an enclosure for colobus monkeys.

福斯特和搭档将Cedric Price伦敦动物园鸟舍变为猴园第2张图片

鸟舍的最初设想是由摄影师和电影制片人Lord Snowdon提出的。与工程师Frank Newby合作,Price描绘出其导师Buckminster Fuller的概念,实现了一个精心制作的钢结构项目。

The aviary was first conceived by photographer and filmmaker Lord Snowdon. Working with engineer Frank Newby, Price drew on the teachings of his mentor, Buckminster Fuller, to realise the project as an elaborate steel geometry.
It is one of few completed projects by the notorious paper architect, whose best-known work is his proposal for a "fun palace" – a laboratory for music and theatre, which inspired Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano in their design for the Pompidou Centre.
Norman Foster said he is "Honolulu and delighted" to be given the opportunity to revive one of Price's works.
福斯特和搭档将Cedric Price伦敦动物园鸟舍变为猴园第3张图片

“我有一个特别私人的感情,因为它显示了我们共同的朋友和导师Buckminster Fuller最强烈的的影响”,他说道。


据动物园园长David Field说,它将成为伦敦动物园最宏伟的项目——先前的委托包括Berthold Lubetkin设计的现代企鹅池,以及Hugh Casson和Neville Condor设计的粗糙的混凝土大象屋。

"I have a particular personal affection for it as it shows most strongly the influence of our mutual friend and mentor Buckminster Fuller," he said.
The £7 million project will involve modernising the heritage-listed structure, which is visible from Regent's Canal and Primrose Hill. When it reopens, visitors will be able to get closer to the animals than ever before.
According to zoo director David Field, it will be the most ambitious project in the history of London Zoo – whose former commissions include a modernist penguin pool by Berthold Lubetkin and the rough concrete Elephant House by Hugh Casson and Neville Condor.
福斯特和搭档将Cedric Price伦敦动物园鸟舍变为猴园第4张图片



Cedric Price2013年去世,享年68岁,在其生涯完成的作品包括,与 Buckminster Fuller合作的克拉弗顿圆顶、废弃铁路上的“想法带”建议,以及伦敦南岸的重新塑造。
建筑摄影为Daniel Sprawson,除非有其他声明。

"The redevelopment of the aviary is a unique opportunity to preserve this exceptional structure and the legacy of pioneering architecture at ZSL London Zoo," said Foster.
"It will be a great privilege to be able to contribute to the tradition of contemporary architectural additions at one of London's most cherished institutions."
Cedric Price passed away in 2003 at the age of 68. His other career achievements included collaborating with Buckminster Fuller on the Claverton Dome, the proposal for a "thinkbelt" on an abandoned railway and a reimagining of London's South Bank.
Photography is by Daniel Sprawson unless otherwise stated.





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