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from bullets to bottles: shanghai godolphin turns military bunker into wine museum



shanghai godolphin is a china-based wine lifestyle consulting and design firm. just a 1.5 hour drive outside shanghai, nestled within the chenshan mountain botanical gardens, the studio has turned an old military bunker into a unique industrial style winery — creating the a home for the international wine and spirits museum.

沿展示着地堡原貌的烛光走廊看去/looking down the candlelit gallery that demonstrates the original formwork of the bunker

这座位于辰山上的独立军事掩体最初由(曾任中华民国总统的)蒋介石建造,已有80余年的历史。在战争的期间,这座军事掩体作为保管国宝的地方,同时用以存放炮和高射机枪。军事掩体被安置在这里,主要是考虑到洞穴内部的淡水湖, 之前英国人将其开采,并用采得石头建造了著名的上海外滩。

the free standing bunker was originally built by chan kai shek, an ex-leader of the republic of china, inside the chenshan mountain cave over 80 years ago. used to store national treasures for safe keeping during war time, the site also functioned as a hold for artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns. the bunker was strategically placed there due to the cave‘s internal fresh water lake, previously quarried out by the british who then used the stone to build the famous shanghai bund.

从主入口门缝中看到的葡萄酒博物馆/peeking into the wine museum through the primary entry door

“首先冲击到我的是陈旧的且潮湿的空气以及混凝土墙上回荡的我们的脚步声”。 上海哥德芬董事总经理,尹立学描述她第一次来到这里时的情景,“当每段地堡被老旧的应急灯照亮,我们可以觉察到这个军事掩体已经荒废了很长一段时间,它已经独自存在在这里很久了。”

‘my senses were first met by the musty smell of stale damp air and the reverberations of our steps and voices off of the concrete walls’, explains yin lixue, managing director of shaghai godolphin, of her first time visiting the location. ‘as each section of the bunker was lit one at a time by the old emergency lights above, we could see it had been abandoned for some time and lived several lives of its own.’

博物馆里陈列着大量的葡萄酒和文物/a vast collection of wine objects and artefacts are displayed throughout the museum


the international wine and spirits museum mixes raw military functionality with the luxurious experienciality one would expect of such an institution. unfinished cement brick walls are offset with undulating installations made using repurposed wine crates. taking the form of seemingly organic insertions, the crates visually symbolise the location’s gradual transition from one function to another.

酒箱构成了标准混凝土地堡的拱,以此改变葡萄酒零售区的空间体验/wine boxes manipulate the standard concrete bunker arch to transform the wine retail experience


overhead, chandeliers illuminate the long, arching hallways of the bunker, in many cases creating an illusion of almost endless corridors. this effect is especially prevalent in the main storage passageway, where multiple rows of repurposed wine crate again add to the illusion of limitless space and staggering quantity. the effect is both disconcerting and captivating, and encourages visitors to explore further the depths the museum has to offer.

参观者可以购买在定制零售货架上展示的葡萄酒瓶/visitors can purchase bottles of wine that are displayed on the custom retail racks


a private cellar area, entered via a set of heavy metal doors, is home to an intimate wine tasting room. here, a centralized marble table lends itself to an almost gothic atmosphere as candles are suspended overhead on a floating glass shelf and high backed wooden chairs line the room. wooden wall panels add a softness to the atmosphere of the space, but the white stone walls that peek out from between remind guests of the solidity of the structure, and reinforces the overall sense of both exclusivity and familiarity.  

空间被葡萄酒展览包围,看起来似乎有无穷无尽的酒类收藏/the wine pavilions encase what seems like a nearly infinite collection of alcohol

进入私人地窖的通道是由一系列沉重的门分隔/entry into the private cellar is layered by a series of heavy doors

私人酒窖里有一条长长的大理石桌,用以分享葡萄酒/a long marble table in the private cellar is used to share and celebrate wine

天花板上的镜子在酒的展示上,给参观者以错觉/a mirror in the ceiling plays with visitors’ perception of this wine display





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