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vincent callebaut proposes spiral-shaped eco-resort for the Philippines


比利时建筑师文森特•卡勒博在菲律宾设计了一个生态度假村,是对过度捕捞,大众旅游和塑料废物和有毒产品形式污染威胁当前国家环境的回应,提议“零排放,零废物和零贫穷”。“旅游已经成为国际上最重要的行业,”卡莱布说。 “因此,促进可持续发展具有巨大的潜力。 自20世纪80年代初以来,生态旅游一直在探索如何调和社会经济发展与保护环境的关系。

Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut has designed an eco-resort in the philippines, which promises ‘zero-emissions, zero-waste, and zero-poverty’. The design is a response to the current environmental state of the country, which is under threat from over-fishing, mass tourism, and pollution in the form of plastic waste and toxic products. ‘Tourism has become the most important industry at the international level,’ says callebaut. ‘Its potential to contribute to sustainable development is therefore substantial and can be reinvented. Since the early 1980s, ecotourism has been exploring ways to reconcile the socio-economic development of our societies with the protection of the environment.’

all images courtesy of vincent callebaut architectures


Vincent Vallebaut’s ‘nautilus eco-resort’ seeks to to unite the knowledge of the scientific community with the willingness of eco-tourists to help revitalize and protect the delicate environment. The structures themselves are based on biomimicry, with forms inspired by the shapes and structures of various ecosystems. The project would be completely built from reused or recycled materials, and would be entirely self sufficient in terms of both energy and food. Crowdfunding would be used to ensure the site’s conservation, while directly supporting local economic development in the form of jobs and income. Volunteer ecotourists would help clean the washed-up plastic waste from beaches.

生态度假村承诺“零排放,零废物和零贫穷”/The eco-resort promises ‘zero-emissions, zero-waste, and zero-poverty’


The eco-resort’s two main architectural entities — a series of shell-shaped hotels and rotating apartment towers — are organized in a spiral around a central island, which hosts the nautical center and the scientific research laboratories. The façades and roofs combine plant walls and photovoltaic cells to increase the buildings’ thermal inertia, optimize natural cooling, and generate electricity. Rainwater is re-used, while gray water is biologically recycled in waste stabilization ponds bordering the gardens.

海洋蜗牛形式的12家小型博物馆酒店似乎像是从水中涌出/12 small museum-hotels in the form of a sea snails seem to emerge out of the water

在东部,12个不同高度的小型螺旋塔公寓以不同角度旋转以便追随太阳的照射。 12个公寓分布在三个分支机构中,162间公寓在一天内旋转360度,能够提供景观全景。与此同时,在西部观看12个小型博物馆酒店又似乎是以海螺的形式从水中涌出。 一系列小型展馆,邀请生态旅游者到此休息放松,可以在码头划船。最后,湖中心的“折纸山”包含科研中心和航海娱乐基地。

To the east, 12 small spiral towers of varying heights contain apartments that rotate to follow the course of the sun. Distributed in three branches, the 162 apartments rotate 360 degrees in one day to offer sweeping views across the landscape. Meanwhile, to the west, 12 small museum-hotels in the form of a sea snails seem to emerge out of the water. A series of small pavilions, which invite ecotourists to rest and relax, punctuate the quays. Finally, an ‘origami mountain’ at the center of the lagoon contains the scientific research center and the nautical recreation base.

可持续建筑高低不一/The sustainable structures vary in height

一组小型展馆邀请生态旅游者沿着水边休息放松/A set of small pavilions invite ecotourists to rest and relax along the water

该项目将完全由再利用或回收材料制成/The project would be completely built from reused or recycled materials

该计划在能源和食物方面将完全是自给自足的/The scheme would be entirely self sufficient in terms of both energy and food

“折纸山”位于湖的中心/An ‘origami mountain’ is positioned at the center of the lagoon

该结构包含科研中心和航海娱乐基地/The structure contains a scientific research center and a nautical recreation base

CLT结构包含一个运动池和一个海水休闲游泳池/The CLT structure contains a sports pool and a seawater leisure pool

12座塔楼公寓旋转以追随太阳的轨迹/12 towers house apartments that rotate to follow the path of the sun





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