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Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第1张图片

Booom City / Vilaplana&Vilaplana estudio


Booom City艺术装置结合了地中海风格的城市纪念碑和传统的建筑技术,再加上现代新技术,形成独特的城市体验,并且只需要运用智能手机和APP Augmented Reality便能够充分感受。该装置重构了许多场景,例如消失的电影院、SPA、舞厅,这些功能都能让市民以虚拟的方式再次享受到。

Booom City is a playful technological installation combining the Mediterranean popular stakes [Hogueras](ephemeral urban monument burned in the summer equinox night) built with traditional construction techniques with the use of new technologies to offer an expanded experience of the city through the use of an Augmented Reality App and the Smartphone. The installation reconstructs fragments of disappeared cinemas, spas, and ballrooms to be enjoyed again by the citizens, who can rediscover and interact with those places in a virtual way.

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第2张图片
© Miguel ángel Cabrera

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第3张图片
应用程序内部概念图/Concept App Interior


西班牙阿利坎特是一个以旅游业为发展基础的地中海城市。为了让游客与市民能够享受到更加周到的服务设施,当地政府在20世纪建造了大量的娱乐设施。然而为了满足不断变化的市场需求,那些建筑与基础设施在建造后又被拆除。社会的不断更新也对当地的小型基础设施、开放活动以及商业表演造成了一定影响。Booom City艺术装置于1917年至2017年间作为娱乐设施出现在城市街头,成为当地市民的最大游乐场所。人们常常在那里度过酷暑夏季,然而现在这些装置却也面临着拆除。

Summer boooms
Alicante is a Mediterranean city with an economy based on tourism. To accomplish a broad leisure offering to visitors and citizens, a large number of entertainment facilities have succeeded in the 20th century. In an attempt to adapt to the market demands, hundreds of buildings and infrastructures have been built and demolished regardless their heritage values. This constant renewal of also affects to small-scale installations, open-air activities, and commercial performances. Booom City presents a collection of the recreational facilities that appeared in the city between 1917 and 2017 and became the biggest summer attractions in Alicante. Each one of them was once the "boom in the summer" but suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第4张图片
© Miguel ángel Cabrera

Booom city艺术装置的建构并没有过于遵循历史原则,它是单纯的当代娱乐设施。该装置位于阿利坎特剧院一侧,以剧院后台的形式呈现出来。5个木制面板是该装置的结构主体,按照不同的主题排列,在上世纪的夏季夜晚为城市人民带来城市建筑的模型组合。该装置的轮廓简约,它不仅仅是单纯的城市雕塑作品,甚至更具半虚拟半现实的城市景观效应,同时,这也不是传统的典型雕塑,因为游客们会在其中大肆玩耍。

Booom city rebuilds those structures without looking for nostalgia; it is designed for interactive and contemporary fun. The installation is located next to the Teatro Principal of Alicante and takes the form of the backstage of a theatre. Each of the five wooden panels shaping the structure compiles, catalogued by themes, an anthology of the urban constructions living up summer nights during the last century. As a result, the stake takes the form of a condensed skyline, shifting from a mere sculpture to a walkthrough interactive urban landscape, half physical-half virtual. It does not have the typical "ninots" (human-like sculptures) that use to inhabit this kind of constructions because the visitors running through the monument play their role.

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第5张图片

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第6张图片
© Miguel ángel Cabrera


结合了移动应用程序的纪念碑装置能够产生更多的互动。人们可以通过智能手机来探索其中的奥妙。如果游客发现了其中的隐藏场景,他们甚至可以置身其中,并在这些虚拟空间中愉快地玩耍。而移动应用程序同样让使用者能够在梦想场景中定位,甚至还能拍照留念。在现代网络系统中,曾经的传统和消失的记忆仍然能够合二为一,Booom City艺术装置甚至已经风靡欧美各大城市。

An augmented reality attraction
The stake monument is designed together with a mobile application that allows for different interactions. The physical stake is the support of a parallel technological reality that can be explored with the Smartphone. Once the visitors discover the disappeared attraction structures, they can photograph themselves integrated into many different scenes and take with them a virtual souvenir of those spaces. The mobile application also allows the user to virtually locate the stake in the desired location and to shoot it with the mobile phone. Popular tradition and the memory of the disappeared heritage disseminates in social networks. As a result, Booom City has been located, as a virtual monument, in a large number of cities in Europe and America.

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第7张图片
APP使用/App in use

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第8张图片
© Miguel ángel Cabrera

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第9张图片



An ecological scene
Conceived with an ecological concern, the monument is entirely built with wooden panels, to avoid the toxic combustion of the EPS, the main material used in these constructions today. The stake stands for a compromise between leisure and ozone which shows in its own physiognomy.

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第10张图片
Courtesy of V&V

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第11张图片
© Miguel ángel Cabrera

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第12张图片

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第13张图片
应用可视化/App Visualization

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第14张图片

Booom City艺术装置:带你重回那个夏夜第15张图片
现场使用/Live Use

建筑设计:Vilaplana&Vilaplana estudio
主创建筑师:Amelia Vilaplana, Paula Vilaplana
面积:36.0 m2
摄影:Miguel ángel Cabrera
装置设计:Vilaplana&Vilaplana estudio
数字设计:Vilaplana&Vilaplana + PlugandYeah
建造商:Taller Paco Granja Paco Granja, Ricardo Granja, Javier Granja
经销商:Hoguera Plaza Ruperto Chapí
赞助商:Coca Cola, Ayuntamiento de Alicante

Architects: Vilaplana&Vilaplana estudio
Location: Alicante, Spain
Author Architects: Amelia Vilaplana, Paula Vilaplana
Area: 36.0 m2
Project Year: 2017
Photographs: Miguel ángel Cabrera
Design of the Monument: Vilaplana&Vilaplana estudio
Digital Design: Vilaplana&Vilaplana + PlugandYeah
Construction: Taller Paco Granja Paco Granja, Ricardo Granja, Javier Granja
Promoter: Hoguera Plaza Ruperto Chapí
Sponsors: Sponsors: Coca Cola, Ayuntamiento de Alicante





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艺术 (560 articles)

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